Chapter 5

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Katniss' POV:

I'm on my way to meet Peeta at the park and to be honest I'm really nervous.

We have never hung out just by ourselves before. What if he hates me?

I slowly walk to the park secretly wishing Annie came with me, my hands start to clam up and I come close to absolutely freaking out. 

I quickly pull myself together and just walk to the park.

When I get there I see a familiar blone boy sitting on the swing, I walk up to the swing next to it and hop on. 

"Hey Peeta."

"Jesus, oh my god, you scared the crap out of me."

"Sorry." I try to control my laughter but it doesn't seem to be working.

After I stop laughing I look at Peeta, you can see he is trying not to laugh but it doesn't work and he soon bursts out into his own fit of laughter.

Once Peeta has finished laughing he takes my hand and leads me over to a small patch of grass under a tree.

All I want to do is hold Peeta's hand forever.

He spreads warmth all over me, it's like heaven.

We sit down and look at each other untilI I notice a medium size bruise on his jaw.

"Oh my god, Peeta what happened to you?''

I'm starting to freak out, what is going on? What if it is something really bad?

"I just fell Katniss don't worry," 

I can tell straight away he is lying.

"Peeta don't lie to me, I can see straight through you."

He looks at me with tears in his eyes,"mymumbeatsme."

He mumbled it and I have no clue what he just said.


"My mum beats me Katniss ok, she has ever sinced I was young, I'm used to it."

"Oh my gosh Peeta you shouldn't be alright with this it isn't normal, why does she do that?"

"She has ever since I was little, she wanted a girl and obviously she didn't get one so she takes it all out on me. Katniss I grew up with it for years I thought it was normal, but then I started to notice that it wasn't. All I ever wanted was a mum who loved me and I never got that." 

We both have tears streaming down our faces at this point.

"Peeta that's awful, no one should ever have to live like that."

I dive on to him and take him in my arms, he buries his head in the crook of my neck and just cries.

I seriously don't mind that he is crying, I love that Peeta has a sensitive side to himself.

Once he finishes crying he lifts his head and looks at me, "Thankyou Katniss."

"You can come to me whenever you need to Peeta, just know that."

"Please don't tell anyone, no one else needs to know, promise me?"

"I promise."

And just as he leans in to kiss me I hear Finnick's stupid voice.

"Come on Bread Boy we have football pracitce."

Peeta groans and I mumble some curse words.

"Seeya Katniss, I'll text you later, okay?"

"Okay" I say softly.

He kisses me on the cheek and leaves.

I really hate Finnick sometimes.

Peeta's POV:

"Fuck you Finnick, couldn't you just have waited until I kissed her?"

"I'm sorry but that's just not me."

I just laugh and roll my eyes as he drives us to football practice.

If only I could have kissed her.


Sorry that I haven't uploaded in forver and sorry if this chapter was really bad!

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