Chapter 2

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Katniss' POV:

Right now I am at home getting ready for the sleepover, I have already packed my stuff so I just need to get changed.

I get changed into a pair of light blue denim jeans, a black and white sweater jumper and dark blue vans. I then go into my bathroom and curl my hair so it looks wavy. Next is my makeup, I apply a light coat of foundation and mascara. I have never been a massive fan of my makeup and I don't plan to be. I then put on my nerd glasses. 

I then play on my phone until Peeta gets here. Today at school he offered me that he would pick me up because I have no idea how to get to Finnick's place from here.

After playing on my phone for about 20 minutes I hear the honk of Peeta's car so I grab my bag and run down stairs.

"Hey Peeta." 

"Hey Kat, you ready?"

"Yep" I say popping the 'P.'

The rest of the car ride is silent apart from the radio playing softly, it isn't really an awkward silence, it is more of a comforting silence.

When we get to Finnick's we walk into everyone talking and laughing.

Finnick is the first one to see us, "Hey Peeta, Hey KitKat."

"Hey" we both say in unison.

After awhile of talking and laughing until we can't breathe we decide to watch tv while eating pizza. We end up watching Dance Moms. It is my favourite show, I'm obsessed. (A/N I am obsessed with Dance Moms. It is actually ridiculous.)

My favourite solo that I have seen is Maddie's when she does Cry. Annie and Clove agreed with me.

After watching Dance Moms we decided to watch Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, which is my absolute favourite Harry Potter movie. The last movie we watched was Back to the Future which I also love.

After we finish watcing the movies Finnick yells, "Lets Play Truth or Dare."

Oh no this won't be good.


Sorry that this isn't very good I have major writers block and I have been really sick. Sorry!!

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