Chapter 9

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Katniss' POV:

Right now I'm kind of crapping myself. Today is the day, my date with Peeta. All I can is I'm fucking screwed. Whenever I try to talk to a guy I fail, sometimes I wish I could just leave the face of the earth I get that embarrassed.

But thankfully I have the school day to get through first. The whole day I'll probably be extremely distracted and will just think about what is going to happen on the date with Peeta.

Right now I'm sitting outside of school under one of the many oak trees, waiting for all of my friends. They always seem to take their time, but every now and again I like to be early. Especially for school.

One by one they all come to school. But Peeta was the first. I remember what he did. As soon as we saw me his face seemed to light up, he jogged up to me, sat on the floor and kissed me on the cheek. I'm sure I went bright red and looked like a smashed raspberry but oh fucking well. He kissed me on the cheek and that's all that matters.

Right now I'm in second period, Maths. I know a lot of people who suck at maths but I seem to be one of the lucky ones, I've always been good at maths. Right now we are learning Trigonometry and it is super easy.

Once the bell rings I pack up my stuff and go to leave but the teacher stops both Peeta and I.

"Katniss, Peeta can I see you both for a second please?"

"Sure, what's up."

"Well Peeta it seems like your downfall at the moment is maths and sadly if you don't lift your grades you won't be able to pass. So I was hoping if Katniss would accept, she could tutor you."

"Oh no no no it's fine, she doesn't need to do that."

"Of course I do, Peeta I'm not going to let you fail and not pass this year because of one stupid subject. And plus I want to help you."

"Well great it's settled then, I'll see you both tomorrow."

"Thanks Katniss you really didn't have to."

"Well I can't let you fail now can I?"

"Well no, I guess not."

I turn to him and give him a slight smile before lightly pressing my lips to his cheek. Now who's turn is it to blush? I walk off leaving him standing there speechless.

The rest of the day was hell. I'm not going to lie, I absolutely hate school. It's a hell hole. One time my teacher asked me why I was late to school and I responded with,

"I tried to find hell, I could find it at first, but now I'm here."

I got two weeks of detention but me and luckily the rest of the class found it quite amusing.

It's finally the end of the day. I have bucket loads of homework but that can wait. First I have to go on my date with Peeta.

And let me tell you, I'm beyond excited.

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