Chapter 10

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Katniss' POV:

I give myself one more look in the mirror, finally deciding I'm happy with the way I look. Peeta should be here any second. I'm so excited, he's just so perfect of me. I've been looking forward to this all week.

"Katniss someone's at the door."

"Thank you Prim, I'll be right down."

I grab my clutch before walking down the stairs and opening the door. As soon as I do a smile appears on my face and on his, kind of like a mirror.

"Hey Katniss, you look very beautiful."

"Thank you Peeta."

I can already feel my cheeks becoming hot. Damn it Katniss already, calm down he's being nice, it's just a complement. He hands me the flowers he was just holding and I kiss his cheek, thanking him before putting them in a vase by the door.

"Should we go?"


He grabs my hand before leading me to the car, of course he opens the car door for me like the gentlemen he is, I thank him before he shuts the door and hops into the car himself.

It takes us about fifteen minutes to get there, I'm not really sure where we are but Peeta seems to know, obviously. Gosh Katniss your so stupid sometimes. But to make things worse I face palm.

"You alright there Katniss?"

He looks at me and chuckles,

"Yeah I'm fine, just thought of something dumb."

"Okay, shall we go."

"We shall."

We both hop out of the car and he opens the trunk and grabs out a woven picnic basket.

"I thought we could have a picnic."

"Peeta that sounds lovely. Where exactly are we?"

"We are at the meadow, I come here all the time just to clear my head, or to get away from my mother. No one knows about it, it's my secret place. But I hope for it to become our special place."

"I would love that very much Peeta, it's so beautiful."

We crawl under the fence and Peeta begins to drag me further into the meadow which also appears to be near a forrest. The grass is comes up to our knees and is slightly swaying in the warm breeze, many beautiful flowers surround us and I can't help but to look in complete and utter ore.

"I can't believe how beautiful this is Peeta, it's amazing."

"I know, it's my favourite place in the world you know? Just for me. Well for you as well now."

I smile before we place down the picnic blanket on the floor. We place the food down and we eat. All of the food is absolutely delicious, I don't understand how Peeta does it. The whole night we laugh, talk and just enjoy each other's company.

When it gets darker we lay down and look at the starts, trying to make shapes and different objects. We can't help but to laugh and what each other says. By the end of them night my stomach hurts from the amount of laughing.

I don't know how Peeta does this to me, but whenever I'm around him, he creates this feeling inside of me, I can't seem to put my finger on what feeling though. The other feeling that I'm completely sure of is happiness, the happiness that I feel when I'm around him is amazing and I love it. I just can't seem to get enough of it.

On the way home we have a couple conversations before it falls into a comfortable silence. I do something I never would have had the confidence to do before. I grab his hand. Yes it is a small gesture but to us it means a lot. I joined our now linked hands and place it on my lap, we turn to each other before he gives me a slight smile and turns back to the road.

When we get to my place I don't want to say goodbye, but I know I have to. I'll probably see him tomorrow anyway. He hops out of the car and so do I. He walks me to my door before grabbing my hands and turning to face me.

"I had a really good time tonight Katniss."

''Me too Peeta, I really did. It was amazing."

"Well I was just wondering if you would like to um go out on another."

He looks at me with nervous eyes and scratches the back of his head.

"Of course I would Peeta."

"Oh and one last thing, I-I was just, um I was just wondering if you would like to me my girlfriend? I mean you don't have to be I was just aski-"

I cut him off before he can continue,

"Of course I would, I would love to be your girlfriend Peeta."

And with that, we seal it with a kiss.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2015 ⏰

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