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June 23rd, 2034. 5:26 p.m.

My first memory of the Espionage And Hero Service Center. (Or E.H.S.C) was when I was still in prison. Jack Stallion, or The Head as we called him in the organization, came to my cell. He had dark hair, that always reminded me of a bush, dark grey, almost black, tight pants that always squeaked when he moved, and he always wore a jacket with the organization's symbol, that almost as noticeable as the sun. Back then, you don't see him often unless you were in big trouble, or you worked for him. I was only 16 at the time when I was in Juvenile hall.

" Are you Carol? " he asked.

" Why would I tell you? " I responded back.

" I heard you blew up a school..."

" Not on purpose..."

" Well, of course not. What kid would? You made a powerful super serum, creating a lot of teen superheroes... and boy are they strong. "

" You want me to create more? "

" Not... exactly. I need you in our new science wing. Some of our heroes are coming back with strange problems, and are easily trapped by magnets. "

" I would help... If I could leave... "

And just as I said that my cage was opened. Jack had a smug look on his face... boy do I hate that look nowadays...

" What do you say? " He said, in his smart guy voice.

" Well... I guess I did say I would if you let me out. "

The head let out his hand, and I took it. We left in quite a hurry.

" Isn't this Illegal? " I asked.

" Not anymore... I paid for your bail... "

" I figured that much... I mean spying and superheroes. "

He gave me his smug smile and said...

" Caroline Cornwallis Cornilious... the laws have changed... you have so much to learn. "

And after that, he taught me everything he knew... he felt like a second father... and I grew to enjoy my job. I am now in charge of science and research development, and I'm happy to help... but maybe we'll be in the field one day.

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