Chapter 1

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April 7, 2045, 3:50 PM.

In the organization building, Carol is training some heroes. She brings out a few villains in the training area. There are three heroes at the moment. Blue blazer, a young, dark-haired, girl who can change her shape. Red herring, a big guy who has no hair but a big red beard. and Nuclear fusion, a shy young girl who wears green, (even her hair is green) who always tried her best. Each one was hit with Carol's old experiment explosion. These three were given to Carol to experiment with, The Head has about five more that he trains himself. Everyone, but Blue Blazer, has the same abilities. They both have super strength and super speed. They have energy blasts as well, but they aren't very powerful. The best they can do is push things. They all were able to beat up the hologram villains, then Caroline came down and clapped for them.

" Well done! A lot faster than last time. Red and Blazer, good stance. Nuclear, good punch, but work on your aim. A little higher next time, ok? Alright, that's it for today... The Head will be using this room much sooner than expected, but we will be back here tomorrow "

Nuclear raised her hand.

" Jean... you're not in class... You can speak when you want to. " Carol said, trying to sound sweet but coming out more sarcastic.

" When are we going to actually save the world? " Nuclear asked sweetly

Carol let out a sigh and said " I don't know... The Head hasn't given us a go just yet... I just hope one day you will see the world again and enjoy it."

So they followed Carol out of the training station, and they saw Jack and his heroes come in front of them. Jack smirked at Carol.

" Hey, Carol! How's your team going?"

"It's... going. They're getting better. "

" Great! Can I have them now? "

" No, not yet... "

" Remember Caroline, You carry them until they know the basics of their powers, then I make them into SUPERSTARS!!! So... "

Red and Blue stepped in front of Carol.

" We would gladly take on the challenge to be heroes. " Said red.

" No, not just heroes..." Carol interrupted him before he could repeat himself.

" That's great... I'll be keeping Nuclear fusion. We will be more heroic than your party. " Carol said.

" Your party of two? Not much of a party if you ask me... SEEYA, CAROLINE!!! "

Jack left, and so did his "Superstars"

Carol just let out a sigh and walked down the very long hallway. She found a small cutout in a part of the building and pulled on it. The cut-out opened like a door, and they saw a large study center. There is a supercomputer on the back wall that has 7 screens, each one doing different things. 3 of them are looking at the city in different ways. 2 are viewing the building. The last 2 screens are looking at a strange serum that looks like it could change itself. There is a table connected to the supercomputer with a bunch of science equipment and some experimental weapons. There is a glass case, which is empty, and Carol puts her staff inside the case, which is in the middle of the table. Carol works with a few other scientists that almost always do as she says. Steve Stevenson always thinks he's in charge, and usually, buts heads with Carol. Steve has no hair but has a dark brown beard that barely reached his chin. He always stood up straight and had large muscles that he would always use to try and intimidate Carol with... it never works. Steve wears a brown shirt, with a bullet sleeve... and no, he never carries a gun. Steve is a watcher, (he used to be a planer, but after an incident where they were captured and taken prisoner, he was demoted), who looks at the security cameras... and always the first to say something whenever Carol enters.

" Caroline, where have you been? "

" Where do you think I've been? Where is everyone else? " Carol answered.

Steve looked like he knew where they were, and was crossing his arms.

" I told them to look for you. "


" Don't worry, Carol... we didn't. " Said Carl, another scientist who usually helps with Carol's experiments.

Carl is kind to Carol, but he's usually quite shy and usually stays out of Carol's way. Carl also has black, straight, hair, and wears a similar dark outfit that Carol wears... complete with blue highlights. Behind Carl was Bella, who worked with machines. Bella had dark blonde and is usually in a tail so it doesn't catch on anything. Bella wears a dark blue work vest, which comically says " Praise the E.H.S.C ". Wensley appeared behind Bella, who also worked with machines but she's more into fixing them. Wensley has blond, straight, hair, but it doesn't matter as much, as she fixes the smaller damages. Wensley wears lighter colors than her friend, Yellow, red, and white. Stella came from one of the teleporter doors that were on the side walls. Stella has Red, orange, and tiger print dyed hair. Stella mostly wears red, with some dark purple. Stella is usually a big trouble maker and isn't really good at much of anything other than fight, so she's usually there for backup.

" So, He took Tazer and Blazer, huh? " Stella said, sitting on a power box.

" Yes, sadly... I just hope we can keep Jill. " Carol said.

" Why are we so worried about the head taking the heroes? It doesn't seem like it's that big of a deal." Wensley said, trying to reassure Carol.

" It's not that simple, Wensley. After he defeated the Queen, he's been acting more and more strange... he's been opening doors that don't lead to anywhere, he's been climbing in his own vents, and he's been spotted using his so-called 'superstars' to rampage the city... I was watching a speech from him the other day, and he said he missed the queen. Something is wrong with Jack... and we need to get to the bottom of this. " Carol said.

Jack made a speech the other day, almost revealing the organization. Carol had to interrupt the broadcast before he could reveal his secret organization. After he blurted out everything, he told THE WORLD that...

" I, Jack Stallion, will miss our queen dearly. But do not worry, my team will protect our world and continue where the queen left off. " This was broadcasted 4 years after the final fight with the queen, so it was weird that NOW he planned to find a way to put something together to replace the queen.

" You're paranoid, Carol. Face it, he just made a weird comment, just like all his other comments. " Bella said, behind the supercomputer.

There were many weird things Jack has said in his speeches, like once he said he would "rain fire on the villains " or " I will not stop until every villain is put in a gr- " He would have said grave unless Carol didn't stop him. He has said many terrible and mid-boggling things, some are about the organization, while others are more stand-up comedy skits.

" Maybe... but we must be sure. " Carol said, once more.

Suddenly, they heard a big boom from the supercomputer.

" That wasn't you, was it, Bella? " Steve asked.

" Steve, check the cameras. " Carol said, calmly

Steve went over to the supercomputer and turned the cameras to the backside of the city and sees smoke coming from there. Carol leaned in closer to the screen.

" Follow the smoke, Steve... " Carol said, trying to stay calm.

Steve zoomed into the smoke and switched cameras. He then zoomed out to see a Nuclear power station on fire. Carol got up straight and put her hand on her lip.

" Caroline... that's... " Bella said.

" That's my power station... it's powered by the blaster serum... we need to get over there now! Wensley, Bella... Power up the teleporters. Lilly, Stella... We may need you with me. " Carol interrupted and ordered.

Bella and Wensley powered the teleporters, that opened from the sides of the walls. There were two on each side of the wall. Carol, Lilly, and Stella stood up in the teleporters and were teleported to the nuclear power station.

Spies and HeroesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora