Chapter 9

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April 9, 2045, 4:30

Caroline was ready to set her plan into action. They all traveled to the queen's old castle, where she seemed to be waiting. The queen sat on a stone throne, with nothing   Carol walked up to the queen.

" My mistress... Please, don't do this. We know what you will do. " Said, Carol.

" Caroline Cornwallis Cornelious. Do you take me as a fool? I know you are here to strip me of my power. " Said the Queen.

The queen stood in front of Carol. She pointed her staff at Carol, but before anything could happen, Emma slammed into the queen. The queen's staff dropped onto the floor. Carol picked it up and something inside her mind was speaking to her.

Grab the jewel, and you will have all of her powers. You can protect the world your way.

Yeah right...

Carol threw the staff to Stella. Stella looked hard at the staff.

" Stella, go! " Carol said, into a microphone.

Stella ran out of the castle. Emma was thrown at Carol, who was able to save herself. Emma and Carol now stood side by side. Emma shot a beam of energy at the queen, who also shot a similar beam of energy. However, it seemed the Queen had a more powerful blast as Emma seemed to be struggling to keep it back.

" Carol! What do I do? " Emma said.

Carol threw a small canister at the Queen, which expanded and trapped the queen inside.

" that should slow her down. I'll keep her busy, you protect the truck. " Said Carol.

" Alright, don't hurt yourself. " Emma flew off after the truck. 

The queen broke out of the canister, and lifted Carol into the air.

" You really are trying your hardest. I pitty you. But, sadly, you have to die. " Said The queen.

The queen had Carol by the throat. Anything she did could kill or damadge Carol. Carol let out a simple sentence.

" You forget one person. Frenzy. "

A flash of green light slammed into the queen, dropping Carol. Carol had to find a way to save herself. She put herself into a shield and readied for a crash landing. Carol was saved by Emma before she hit the ground.

" Emma? What are you doing? " Asked Carol.

" We can't let our star player down. Come on, we have a job to do. " Said Emma.

A large explosion erupted from the sky. The queen was nowhere to be seen, but frenzy was a chared mess. Emma grabbed what was left of frenzy and all of them went back to base. They had a small funeral for Frenzy and Jack . After the funeral Emma talked to Carol.

"So... why did you put such an extravegent party for Jack. I mean, he was sort of... well.. " Emma said.

" A Jackass? Yeah, he was. But he was some one special. He showed me a path that I didn't know I could go on. If It weren't for Jack, I would probably be rotting in jail forever. " Said carol.

" Hey, I should probably tell you. There was no snake... I set off the bombs. I wanted powers so bad, I hurt others in the process. "

" I know. You really think I belived that story? I saw the footage and knew it was faked. " Carol said, stern.

" You won't kick me out, will you? " Asked Emma.

" No. We need someone who can punch hard and blast harder. Mega blaster is who we need. "

" You... called me by my hero name. You do have a good side! "

" Don't rub it in. No one else will be calling you that. " Said Carol, but Emma was alreafy gone.


Carol chuckled and sat next to Jack's tombstone.

" I don't know what I'm going to do with her. "

Carol dropped her smile. then became serious again.

The queen isn't gone, I know it. Nobody just dissapeares after a fight. We need to get Emma ready befor the Queen shows up again.

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