Chapter 2

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April 7, 2045, 4:05 PM.

Carol and her small team teleport in the middle of a big mess. Two people were covered in the debris but, strangely, there was a pile of heavy riot gear that had no one in it.

" Nuclear, get the people out of the debris. " Carol ordered.

Jill rescued the trapped victims, and one of the trapped victims, who wore similar-looking riot gear, walked over to Carol.

"Carol... Is that you? " Said the victim.

" Do I know you? " Questioned Carol. Then Carol looked at the riot gear. On the front plate, it read " E.H.S.C Premiere espionage"

Jack and his special names.

" Are you alright, spy? " Carol asked.

" My... my name is Julia. " She said, removing her helmet.

Julia had cat ears replaced by her regular ears, her skin seemed shimmering and scale-like, her hair looked like a tiger's print, and then Carol noticed her legs and arms. Julia's legs looked broken as if they were arched backward. ... but she seemed to move just fine... Her feet seemed much larger than Carol's... and then Carol felt Julia's claws. Carol got Julia off of herself... Carol looked afraid and was going through many scenarios on what could have happened to Julia. The world seemed to freeze for Carol to think.

Could this be because of my creation? Is she forever cursed to be a freak of nature? It must have been the creation part of the serum, like Blue Blazer. I made a creature... no... a monster... it's all because of me...

" Carol... I'm sorry if my looks scared me... I would have thought you would fix me so I can go back to my job. "

Carol swallowed her tears and spoke up.

" I'll see what I can. What happened to the other victim, was she with you? " Carol asked, pointing to the body in Nuclear's hands.

" She was here before us, she was trying to stop the snake before we rushed it. The bomb detonated and we were all sent flying. That damn snake escaped before I could get the shot. " Julia said.

" You said there was another soldier... what happened to them? " Stella asked.

" I'm not too sure... everything went black after the blast hit. "

While they kept getting answers, a strange gooey liquid came out of the empty armor. The goo attached to Jill and started to invade Jill's body. Eventually, Jill was completely covered in green goo that she was trying to get off. In doing so, Jill dropped the unconscious body, waking her up. She had golden straight hair and big blue eyes. She had big muscles and glowing veins, that stopped glowing once she stopped rubbing her head.

" Ow... What was that for? " Said the young lady.

" Stella, Julia... go help Jill... I'll handle her. " Carol said.

Carol helped the lady up.

" We didn't get much information from the- Julia. Do you know much happened here? "

" Um... sorta... it's kinda fuzzy at the moment. I was sitting at my computer when I saw something slithering around the canister, so I ran over to it. Then I saw the bomb and the giant snake. I tried to disarm the bomb, while I called the Superhero and Superspy organization. I think I cut the wrong wire or something, and the bomb went off. I know that sounds crazy, but I should be dead, right? "

" What's your name, Lady?"

" Emma, Emma Earhart. What's yours? "

" Caroline... Call me Carol. Come with me, I need to scan you at my lab. "

Emma let out a very giggly gasp then yelled.


"What in the world? What was that sudden burst of happiness? Perhaps your brain was smashed. Let's go. "

So they teleported to a big science center. It's a big white room, which looks empty. Jill finally stopped trying to peel off the goop, and Julia stopped trying to help.

" Hey, Carol, Where are we? " Emma asked.

" This is my scanning room and training arena. I'll be in a small sitting area and we'll see what's happened to you. "

Carol left and went upstairs to a small dugout on the side of the wall, above the test subjects. Carol first researched each person. Emma was a security guard and was set there by Jack. Julia was sent by Jack to destroy the serum with someone known as Krystal.

Krystal must have been the person who disappeared, leaving only her armor.

Carol scanned each one of them, with one large scanner. Emma's abilities were first to appear. She now has similar abilities to Jill, but much more powerful. The nuclear blast could destroy... anything! Her strength has almost reached inhuman levels... she could lift over 1000 tons. She could run about 200 miles per hour. She also noticed her bones were hollow like a bird would. If enough energy was in her system, she could be able to fly. She also had bullet-proof skin and unbreakable bones. Now Julia was stranger than Carol thought. She can change the color of her skin and hair, camouflaging her, and could appear invisible. Julia also can jump about 70 feet from the ground. She also has impenetrable skin and invincible bones, so wrong one move wouldn't kill her. Her claws are almost like metal and could cut anything. Then, with the final scan, Carol found where Krystal went. Jill was infected by Krystal, who was turned into goo. Jill and Krystal's brains were combined, making it hard for them to distinguishing themselves from each other. Her powers are still the same, but now she can fly like Emma. Carol sat back and realized the possibilities with this new group.

" We have more heroes... we need to put them into the program... " Carol said to Stella.

" What do we do with Jill? And Julia just wants to be normal again... "

" Fine... we'll find a way to fix them for the moment, but Emma will go through the program. "

Carol picked up a microphone and spoke about their unique abilities and new traits. Julia sat down and looked at herself. Emma was overjoyed and was flying in circles around the room. And Jill... well... she just stood there... staring at Carol. Julia stood up and spoke first.

" You can change me back... right? " Julia said.

" Well... not at the moment... It could take a few days just to discover a cure... even my machines aren't THAT fast. " Carol explained.

Carol set the microphone down and spoke with Stella.

"We need to fix Jill and Julia... But we need to put them somewhere. Report to the others... I'll be making more restorations to the sleeping quarters. I'll be escorting them there personally. "

Stella ran off to tell the team what they were going to do. Carol stepped into the arena and set them off toward their new rooms... but first, Carol had to get Emma down.


Emma tried to aim herself down but smashed into the ground instead. Carol made a shield to keep the debris from hitting her. Emma got herself out of the hole.

" I'm sorry... I'll pay whatever it takes to fix it. " Emma said.

" No need. All I need is my glasses. " Carol said to Emma.

Carol grabbed a pair of sunglasses and a pair of gloves. She double-pressed on the sides of the glasses, lighting up the lenses and some decoration on the suit. She looked as if she was manipulating the metal... and she was. In a matter of minutes, the crater was no longer a crater.

They all left, but Emma was still stunned. Carol placed her hand on her glasses, and used a holographic map to look for a place to add some rooms for the new "experiments". She made them just in time for them just to see it.

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