Chapter 5

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Carol set up radio antennas and monitors to create a map of the city to see if they can find Frenzy and Julia. Emma was board.

" Can't we just fly around the city? I mean, it would be faster. " Emma groaned.

" That is not a good plan. If she is underneath something, or in a building, you wouldn't be able to find them. " Carol said.

Emma groaned again.

" Look, I hate doing this too, but it's the smartest plan. I'll groan and cry, but I'll still get the job done. " Carol said.

Then she got a beep from the machine. There were two red dots in a castle... more like under it since it's mostly rubble. They didn't look like they were doing anything, they seemed to be just sitting there. There were also 5 other dots... also not doing anything.

" That's strange... " Carol said. Emma looked at it and seemed to understand it.

" Yep... those are people. "... I mean, she knew it a little. " Let's blast them! " Emma said.

" Hold on... they don't seem to be doing anything. I can send a drone over to investigate... " Carol then looked over at Emma

Or send in someone confident enough to go in blind.

" Emma... " Carol began.

Emma turned to her, and jumped up, and made a dramatic pose.

" Please, call me Mega Blaster! " Emma said, triumphantly.

" Mega blaster..." Carol groaned " I need you to get in that castle, but please do not interact with Frenzy and Julia. "

Carol places a micro-camera on the " Mega blaster's " suit.

" You have a GPS, so you shouldn't have a problem getting there. Good luck. " But Emma was already gone. Carol put on her sunglasses and turned on the camera from the roof. Emma arrived almost immediately. Carol then notices someone move in the background. It wasn't any of the two villains... she backed up the video and zoomed in... Her leopard hair gave her away, Stella was there. Carol put her hand on the side of her glasses and called Stella.

" Stella, do you mind telling me why you are at the old queen's castle? " Carol asked, stern.

" May I ask you another, why is Emma here? " Stella called back.

" Because I needed a drone, and she was eager to go. " Carol said. Carol stopped talking to Stella, and kept watching Emma. Emma walked up to the throne and sat down on it. Emma looked at the buttons, and Carol spoke through Emma's ears.

" WAIT!!! " Carol said before Emma could push a button. Carol scanned the button controls and found that there was a sequence to spin the chair around. If Emma would press anything other than the pattern, Emma could get hurt... or not. Emma could take all of the pain, but it could draw attention. Best to just follow the circuit pattern. Carol told Emma the pattern...

" Press buttons 2,3, and 6 in that order, then hold 4 and 5 together. After that, you press the middle button and 1 and 7 all at once. " Carol ordered Emma.

The chair spun around and they saw a large room with red rock walls and a rock bridge over a lava pool underneath. There were cages attached to the ceiling with no one in them. The cages looked like bird cages surrounded by spikes being suspended by rusty chains. Across the bridge were Frenzy and Julia around a table and a big map.

" Emma, what are you doing here? " Julia said.

" Um... I'm spying on you? " Emma said as if she wasn't sure of this.

Carol cut the broadcast and made the machine turn into micro bits, that formed into a small tin box. It was already too late, as Frenzy was already behind Carol.

" Not as smart as you thought, were you Caroline? " Frenzy said.

Frenzy grabbed Carol by the neck and flew straight up. Carol was able to stay on for a long time, but... breathing was starting to become difficult, which should have been obvious. She couldn't poke or shock her. The eyes were definitely out of the question as well as the nose, because of the mask. (Specifically designed not to be broken by anything.) The mouth was the only option. Carol had to get Frenzy to speak now, as the air was beginning to thin.

" Frenzy... please let me go... " Carol said, with a dying voice.

" Ha! You'll just get in mah- "

Now was her chance. With a simple flick of a tin box, and a large reaching staff, she was able to stun the inside of Frenzy's mouth. She still held on, but not quite as tight. Carol got out of her grip and fell straight down. The transforming matter had only enough to make a small car... so she made a tiny jet. It was just enough to escape Frenzy. She went to the castle, and found ALL of Carol's scientists.

" Carol... You're late. " Steve said.

" Late for what? Why am I late? What are you EVEN DOING HERE!?! " Carol questioned Steve.

" It was my idea, Carol. " Stella said. " We needed some action, so we decided to go here. "

Before Carol could argue, Mega Blaster crashed through the throne and was now in front of them.

" Hi! I don't think we've personally met! " Emma said, at Stella's feet. Julia jumped from the wreckage and looked at the group.

" Red Rouge! Once again, you come to face me! Your efforts are meaningless. " Emma said.

" STOP CALLING ME THAT!!! " Julia said.

" Red Rouge " threw a large piece of rubble at Emma and it just disintegrated once it hit her. Emma looked back at the group of other spies.

" Okay, guys... what's the plan? " Emma said.

" We should probably go back to the base. I can make the cure there. " Carol started.

But just as Carol was ready to leave, Jack and his "Superstars " burst open the door.

" FEAR NOT, FOR WE ARE HERE TO SAVE THE DAY!!! " Jack said, trying to sound heroic.

" Aw... he's so much better at the superhero voice," Emma said, disappointed.

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