Chapter 8

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April 8, 2045, 3:35 pm

Eventually, they were above Jack's office. Carol dropped down first. The two villains were in cages. With Frenzy, she could step out whenever she could. Carol wasn't focused on them at the moment. She wanted to look for the queen's heart. Carol checked under his desk and found a hidden box that wasn't very decorated. Carol was dragged from under the table to see Frenzy.

" Thank you for this gift, Carol. " Said Frenzy.

Carol was flung into Jack's door. Frenzy picked up the box and opened it. Frenzy's smile dropped.


Frenzy threw the box down and was about to fly at Carol, but Emma went in front of her.

" If you want her, you'll have to go through me! " Said, Emma.

Frenzy smiled. " Alright. "

Frenzy blasted Emma, but she stood still. Frenzy got upset and flew into Emma, and the two flew into the air. Carol got up and looked at the box, however it was too damaged.

" What happened to the heart? " Said, Carl.

" Someone took it. I have a terrible feeling about who took it. " Said, Carol

In the doorway was Jack. Instead of being angry at them, he seemed to have a smirk on him.

" Jack, this is probably the worst thing you have done to yourself. How could you take the queen's power? " Said, Carol.

Jack looked down, then let out a long laugh. His mouth opened wide, and a large specter split Jack in half. The ghost kept laughing and went into Julia. Julia screamed as she quickly became normal. The sounds of bones breaking and fixing themselves could be heard with Julia's screams. A large explosion broke the cage and set herself free. Julia looked at herself and smiled.

" I'm human... I'm human aga- "

Julia suddenly stood stiff and stared straight. She then floated a few feet off the ground, then went out the large window in a couple of seconds. Carol went to look down to see where Julia went, but then the sky became as dark as night. Carol looked up to see a large red hole coming from the sky. Suddenly, anything not anchored to the ground flew into the air. Carol and her team were trapped on the ceiling for a few minutes until they dropped from the ceiling. Carol got up to see the queen standing in the street. The queen had a very extravagant dress, that was dark purple. She had a crown with large, crescent-shaped horns from the sides that sit in front of her dark purple hair. In the middle of the crown was a bright red jewel that was cut to look like a diamond. She had armor, with the same colored jewel that also was diamond-shaped. the armor was black and had spiked shoulder guards. In her left hand was a large staff with a red jewel on top with a crown of crescent-shaped horns surrounding it. She kneeled on the ground and stood up. E.H.S.C Soldiers surrounded the queen, guns ready to shoot.

What are they doing? Didn't anyone warn them of the power of the queen?

They fired at the queen. Smoke filled the small area with the queen. When the smoke cleared, the queen had a red force field. She raised her right hand at the army and made them aim at the office.

" EVERYONE, RUN!!! " Said, Carol.

Everyone got out of the room before it got destroyed by missiles and explosives.

" What now, Caroline? " Said, Steve.

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