Chapter 6

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Jack set his superstars after them, first. The large number of them started to slow the two down. Frenzy started sparking, but then stopped. She stood up and held her hands up in the air. " Julia, surrender! " Said Frenzy. Julia was on the ground already, so she just decided to stop fighting. Julia stood up and raised her arms up.

" See this, Carol. This is how we stop crime! " Said Jack, so confidently.

Carol rolled her eyes, then she saw Frenzy lean close to Julia.

" Computer, get me in that conversation... " Whispered Carol.

" Once we get inside, we'll steal his box. " Whispered Frenzy, to Julia.

Julia looked as if Frenzy just decided to blow up the world.

" no... if it's the box you're thinking of, then we shouldn't touch it. The queen's sole should never be messed with. " Said Julia, quietly.

" But think of the power... the queen's power could make me something much more... interesting. "

Carol jumped in the air and pinned Frenzy to the ground. She made her staff from a small, tin, box and aimed it at her head.

" What did you hear with those fancy gadgets? " Said Frenzy.

" I heard enough. I have a special place for you... " Said, Carol.

Then Steve interrupted Carol.

" Back off, Carol... she just surrendered. " Steve said.

He was right... maybe this is a little harsh.

Carol got off of Frenzy, flipped her staff, and sent it off to her side like a medieval castle guard. Carol walked over to Jack, about to tell him about what she heard.

" Save it... " Said, Jack. " You are fired. "

Caroline got upset but understood why.

" Fine... " Said Carol, and she sat on a pillar.

" Carol, do you have a home? " Said, Stella.

" No... the E.H.S.C was my only home. This is my home now. " Caroline walked over to a rusted throne and sat in it.

" Great... " Said Jack, as if Carol decided to sleep in the sewers. " Come on, we got a bunch of villains to deliver. "

Emma and Stella stayed behind, but Jack was too busy with everyone else to notice. A few hours passed and they were still there. Carol was playing with her glasses (or so it seemed). Emma was getting tense.

" What's stopping us from getting over there, lifting the roof of the building, and getting them out of there? " Said, Emma.

" Well, first of all, we have security stopping you from doing that... " Said, Stella. " And secondly, Carol HAS a plan... whether It looks like it or not... "

Stella was leaning on a nearby pole, looking very bored. Carol stopped messing with the glasses and stood up.

" People, I have a plan. " Said, Carol.

Carol slid her hand on the side piece of her glasses. A holographic map was being shown on the wall in front of Carol. Three red dots were set outside of a large building.

" This is a map of the E.H.S.C. We'll be breaking in. I have been simulating all of your abilities and know just what to do. " Said, Carol. " Emma, you'll go first and destroy the shields. I'll disable the doors. Stella, you're with Emma. Once we're inside, we'll go straight to Jack's personal prison, which holds the Queen's sole... which is where he is also holding Frenzy and Red rou- Julia. Emma, press the side of your mask, twice. It will show you directions on how to get there from here. Julia, you'll have to ride on her. "

" And how will you get there? " Said Stella " I don't see you with a vehicle. "

Carol just smiled and held her hands out. A swarm of liquid-like material made Carol an entire motorcycle uniform, including a helmet. It was all black, with highlights of blue everywhere (like her regular suit). The helmet had a blue bird clip on the forehead of it. Carol held out her staff, then she jumped, and made her stick into a motorbike with the same color scheme, except the blue parts, actually light up. The bike looked like it was from the future. The back wheel looked like it hovered in place, while the front had two wheels close together. There was really no front since it merged with the rest of the body, but it did have a holographic screen. The headlights seemed to be hidden by the two front wheels.

" try and catch up. " Said Carol, for the first time in a long time actually being... snarky.

Carol mover herself towards the door, and made a large booster on the back of the bike. She revved up the engine and was gone with a blast. Emma was amazed, and Stella was stunned.

" Did... DID YOU KNOW SHE HAD THAT?!? " Said, Emma.

" uh... no. " Said Stella, holding onto Emma. " Well, go on, we have a job to do. "

And they were soon gone as well.

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