Chapter 7

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April 8, 2045, 3:30 pm

Jack, and his small team, set the two villains right next to his desk... in his office. Once they were in place, they were called to go. Jack sat back in his chair and lifted his feet onto his desk.

" I did good! " He said. very charismatically. 

Jack, suddenly, heard something outside. It sounded like... electricity? He opened the window behind him to see one of HIS heroes trying to break in. Jack went to his desk and pulled down a microphone from the ceiling.

" ONE OF CAROLINE'S GIRLS IS TRYING TO BREAK IN! STOP HER! " He screamed... which sent back a lot of feedback. " My apologies. She's breaking through our barriers, so be careful. "

Meanwhile, Emma is prying open the electric barriers that surround the building. She was being electrocuted, but it didn't seem to harm her. Suddenly, she was surrounded by everyone.

" Surrender now, Emmajhin Earhart. " Said Blue blazer.

Suddenly, Stella took down all of the spies while she was invisible. She then tied the heroes down. Blazer was all that was left.

" Blazer... What are those on your costume? You look like a racer! " Stella said, pointing out that his costume had a lot of sponsors on his costume.

Blazer turned around and saw everyone on the ground. Blazer blasted a part of the ground behind him. It left a small crater, but nothing else. Emma finished opening the gate and stepped inside. Blazer turned around to see the electrical field open. Blazer was about to follow when Carol blasted by and shocked him. Blazer fell into his crater and was knocked out cold.


Carol stared at the door's controls. Emma went in the way and started pressing buttons.

" Emma, what are you doing?  " Said, Carol

" I'm hacking! Soon, we'll be in there in no time! " Said Emma, so happy with herself.

Carol sighed and put a USB on the side of the control panel. In a matter of seconds, the doors were open. Emma was surprised.

" You'd get used to it. Turns out the easiest solutions are the best solutions. " Said, Stella.

They walked in and were immediately stopped by Carol's team. Steve had a big smile on his face.

" I've been waiting to outsmart you! " Steve said, with a large gun in both of his hands. It was kinda like an adorably small gattling gun.

Wensly had a suit of power armor that had a bunch of small generators powering it. It was mostly all silver, except for the blue wires all over the suit. Bella had a much bigger suit and seemed to be powered by large batteries. It was dark brown and had gold highlights. Carl had... a normal staff. Really, he had not much else. Carl really didn't want to be there, in fact, once the battle began, he left in the middle of everything. Carol destroyed the two suits, and then Emma destroys Steve's gun in an instance. They just stopped fighting.

" Please, listen... we have to help Jack. He's about to make the biggest mistake of his life! " Said, Carol.

Carl appeared behind Carol and gave Carol the keys to his office.

" You want in? I know how to get in without him knowing. " Said, Carl.

" I'm guessing you were helping me? "

" Um... yeah... " Said Carl, feeling embarrassed yet joyed to hear Carol congratulate him.

" Well, go on, lead the way.  " Said, Carol

And off they went... into the vents.

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