Jacob Latimore Imagine

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You standing off stage left and at the end of Jacob's performance he runs off waving at the adoring, screaming crowd, giving them a smile that even from where you are leaves you breathless. Your palms start to sweat as he walks over to you and the other girls who also have VIP passes. Your there with your little brother whose only 6 but a REALLY big fan of Jake. Heck, he's the reason your even a fan in the first place. You watched one video and like MB says...From the first looked he had u hooked.! Your bro squeezed your hand and you smiled down at him. Jacob started down the line of VIP-ers and you moveed your lil bro to stand in front of you. When Jacob got to you guys he looked at you for a long time. you didnt realize you were both staring at eachother til you brother squeezed your hand. You looked down at him and Jake followed ur gaze seening ur lil bro for the first time. Jake squatted down to his level.
Jake: Wassup lil dude! *holds his hand our for him to shake*
YLB(your lil brother): *shakes his hand and smiles really big* Hi Jacob!
Jake:*chuckles* whats ur name lil man.?
YLB: I'm Daniel and I'm 6.!
Jake looks at him with an amused look. He smiles and plays along.
Jake:*suprised face* Ur 6! whoa! Thats so cool! So your a big fan of mine Daniel?
Daniel:*nods eagerly and smiles* Yes! I wish you were my friend thatd be so cool! I made you something too! YN can i have it to show it to Jacob? *he looks up at me and i nod grabbing the picture our of my tote, he shows it to jacob*
Jacob smiles at Daniel and looks at the picture that Daniel drew of them holding hands on a stage with mics in from of him. The stick figures weren't so distinctive but you could tell Jacob was the REALLY tall one. They were labeled by someone clearly older naming them as well.
Daniel: YN,my sister, helped me a little cause i didnt know how to spell it and we were rushing so we wouldnt be late here.
Jake:*looks up at you a smirks alittle* Well thank you YN for helping my new friend daniel. *he smiles and u do too.he looks at Daniel whose smiles so big ur suprised his mouth could stretch so long* Is YN a fan too?
Daniel rolls his eyes.
Daniel: Yes she talks about you all the time and sings your songs more than i do and she kisses her posters of you every-
You cut off Daniel by putting you hand over his mouth and Jacob smiles and ries to hold back his chuckles. Nervously smiling in embarassment you look at Daniel whose looking at you and give him a warning look.
YN: OHHHHHKayyyyy Daniel i think Jacob need to go visit other fans now. You've had a long turn.
Jacob stands upright and looks down at daniel who is now pouting after you remove your hand.
Jacob: Your sister is right little man. But I had an amazing time making you my friend.  *Daniel kinda smiles but the sadness was evident* Look, *he bent back down to Daniels size* If your sister *glances at you and back to him* wouldnt mind being my date at the shows after party tonight. I can come over a hour early than i need to when i pick her up to hang out with you. How does that sound?
Daniels eyes like up!
Jacob looks up at you.
Jake:What do you say Beautiful?
You cant hide ur blushing as you look away and look back down at him.
YN: whens the party start?
YN: Be at my house at 6:45.
He smiled and you smirked shaking ur head and guiding Daniel by his head out the door. You looked back at Jake and he was smiling after you. As you walked out of the building the sun hit ur face and you smiled looking down as Daniel held your hand.
YN: Come on Daniel. Ive got a date with your new friend.

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