TK Imagine

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Your walking into your algebra2 class, its your second day at your new school. Your only a freshman but your mega smart so your in an all junior class. You walk in an the desk that sat beside yours that was empty yesterday is now filled by the missing student from yesterday, You sit down just as soon as the bell rang. All the girls that were swarming around him found their seats and you sat there wondering who he was to have them leeching.

The teacher strolls in the door mistakenly slamming behind her. She smiled at all of us. The beginning of the year joy still evident in her energy.

(Teacher) Mrs.Chambers: Good Morning Class.

We all mumbled our good mornings. the boy next to me though, made his loud and clear.

Boy:Wassup Mrs.Chambers.!? You look beautiful on this sunny morning.

You heard some of the people snicker and he smiled waiting for her response. I watched her and she looked amused and used to this guys antics.

Mrs. Chambers: Good Morning T- *he shot her a look and she changed the name she was about to say* TK. I'm glad you cared to join us after your eventful summer.

TK: Yeah. Tourin' is no oke Mrs.C.

Mrs. Chambers: I bet. Anywho. *She turns off the lights and she turns on the projecter.* We have alot of notes today. You guys wont have homework if you copy these and dont get to noisy.

I was still looking at TK. He toured? I'd never heard of him before. He caught me staring and looked me up and down winking at me. I straight faced him and rolled my eyes. His "Im-the-ishh" act was getting annoying real freakin fast. I started copying the notes and soon there was a note on my desk. I looked up confused and seen TK looking at me, he nodded towards the note and then started copying the projector. I sighed and opened it.

Hey shawty, why the attitude? Did I do sumthin wrong?

I rolled my eyes and replied,

Shawty isnt my name, and there isnt any attitudes over here.

I gave it to him. he read it and replied. I opened it again slightly irritated.

Sorry. Whats your name? And if you dont have an attitude..why did you roll ur eyes at me?

i replied.

I rolled my eyes cause your whole 'i-do-tours-and-im-so-cool' attitude is alredy tiring and we've been in class for only 20 minutes. And my names YN. Dont write back. I care for my education and need to be writing the notes thats actually gonna matter in life.

I rolled my eyes and sent it back to him. As he was reading it Mrs. Chambers came over and took it from him. Reading she smiled in my direction and gave him the letter back.

Mrs. Chambers:(to TK) Maybe you should follow her lead.

 Hes too dark to blush but it was obvious he was. He nodded and he kept quiet the rest of class. The bell rand and i was putting my books in my bag.


YN:What TK?

TK:Look, I'm sorry i came off so arrogant to you. I'm not that guy i swear. *I rolled my eyes but he continued* I'm really not. I like how you stand your ground and i know i've only know you for *looks at the clock* about 52 minutes..but i...i uh..*he looked nervous, i noted the cuteness but didnt let my face show it* will you try talking to girlfriend boyfriend crap.

I was taken back by this i mean like he said, we've only spent 52 minutes together in a room and only talked on a piece of freakin paper for like 5 minutes.

YN:Why should i give you the chance?

TK:*he thought for a moment* I'm worth the risk. I promise.

I smirked slightly and pulled my bag onto my shoulder.

YN:*walks slowly past him and stops when i get to the door* And I'm worth the chase. I promise.

He smiles as i walk out the classroom.

This is gonna be an interesting school year.

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