Ian Somerhalder "Damon" Imagine

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"Stephen , NO!" The small brunette screams. The tears are evident in her eyes and I watch her intently. Very..VERY impressed.

"Andddd cut." The guy in the director seat says and the blond guy whose characters name is Stephen and the brunette girl both rise from the floor and dust themselves off ,talking.

I raise my eyebrow. It's crazy how she can just turn that type of emotion on an off.

"It's called channeling."

I turn and see him. The one I've been anxious to meet since the day I found out we'd be coming here. I finally see his amazingly mesmerizing eyes from my dreams up close. I mentally shake myself because this is MY make or break it moment. An If I screw this up ima be pissed.

"Huh?" I ask.

He chuckles as I remind myself to slap myself later.

"The way she can turn that emotion on and off..it's called channeling." I nod at him as I look back to the brunette whose smiling a drinking her coffee. Its hard to even remember that she was just screaming and crying in desperate sadness.

"She really good at it." I say looking back at him and he nods.

"Yeah she is but I mean playing the character she has to play she has to be able to so that. Elena , her character, is a really...." His eyebrows furrow as he looks up searching for the right word.

"Compassionate?" I chip in. He looks at me the side of his mouth turning up into the half smile I've fallen in love with every Thursday at 9/8c for the past 3yrs.

"Yeah. Exactly. You have to be really good to do that."

I nod to show my agreement. "I think I could do that." I say honestly looking at the floor before meeting his gaze.

A mixture of surprise and amusement are shown on his face before he suppresses it to speak.

"Oh really."

I nod. "I've been granted to come here with only 9 others out of a hundred and something kids that go to my camp." I shrug. "Not to sound arrogant but I think a little 'channeling' would be kinda simple to me." I say emphasizing the word 'channeling'.

He smirks and nods. He takes my wrist in his hand and pulls me onto the set. My eyes grow wide as I look at him but he's looking forward towards the director... I gulp before I try snatching my arm away. I dreamed of having a "Damon" moment with Ian but this...not my favorite side of Damon Salvator.

"What are u doing?" I whisper shout to him when he turns to look at me, his hand still around my wrist.

He smiles. "I want to see if u can really channel ur emotions." He smile turns into a smirk and I roll my eyes as my feet follow behind him.

Great. I asked for Damon and I got him. Smh.

I'm thinking of how I should listen to people when they say be careful what you wish for as I'm handed a thick stack of papers. I look at them and read

•'The Vampire Diaries' Season 6 Ep. 3•

I look up at Ian and he smiles at me.

"We're acting out scene 10 and they're gonna record us." He gestures to the camera people.

"We're what.?!" I say an octave below yelling.

"You said it'd be easy to channel, right." He gets in my face. "Prove it."

He thinks I can't do it. Smh, he wants to doubt me? He wants to under-estimate my talent.?! He doesn't even know me!

"Fine!" I'll show him.

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