Your not alone

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(Yes I did draw the picture above. This is more of an au than one shot.)

"Ahsoka, I know what it feels like to want to leave the order."

"I know."

Those 2 words crushed Anakin Skywalker's hopes to dust. He had failed her. A master had failed his apprentice. And the guilt was eating him alive.

"Well...if you leave then I'm coming with you." Ahsoka turned around to face her now former master.

"Anakin, you can't-"

"I can and I will. Believe me Snips, I have wanted to leave for years, and I have good reason to. I haven't been completely honest with you." The Jedi fiddled with a lock of his sandy brown hair.

"Master you don't have to tell me. I know."

"I'm sorry I betrayed the code but- wait what? What do you mean you know?" The older man was very confused but all the young Togruta did was walk down the steps. Just then Obi Wan Kenobi stood at the entrance to the temple and smiled a sad, mournful smile.

"Well, after so many years, Ill be sad to see you both go." Sensing the anguish seeping through the force around him, Anakin gave his master one last hug.

"Anakin what are you doing?"

"Hugging you because I don't know when I'll see you again?"

The sarcastic Jedi master rolled his eyes and said with a level sass:

"I'm coming with you, not staying."

Anakin looked up at his father figure, the man who devoted his life to the teachings of the Jedi order and had raised him. He knew how hard it would have been for Obi Wan, so hugged him again.

"Hehehheheheheh Young Skywalker. Reckless you are. Reckless you always will be."

Skywalker turned to face Master Yoda and was even more confused.

"Wish the best to you I do. Enjoy your life, and on becoming a father congratulations."

A look of blank horror crossed the Jedi Knight's face but then shock and also surprise. Without uttering another word, he raced down the steps of the temple, jumped on a speeder and and got home as fast as he could, leaving the Jedi master and former master on the steps of the Jedi temple, watching the sun set on an era.

(I cried writing this. This is what I wanted. I know in the Clone Wars Padme wasn't pregnant during season 5 but it would have been really funny if Anakin just ran home, terrified.)

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