Chapter 4

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Bianca's POV

I was prepared to go into Talos. It's my fault we have to make a life or death situation. "Percy, tell Nico I'm sorry." However Percy instead grabbed my hand and I couldn't resist. I kissed him while they were alive, one of us isn't going to make it out alive. My heart was beating fast after he pulled away. I then prepared to go in but something hit the back of my head and I blacked out. NO! Then I saw a figure standing in front of me, really I have to be dreaming? "Who are you?" The man just chuckled and said "I am Hades, your father." My eyes widened and he smiled "my daughter, you are the pride of me, you make me proud, thank you. I'm sorry about your mother a- " I interrupted "What about my mother?" Hades sighed and looked at her, "you look so much like her, her name was Maria Di Angelo, currently she is dead." No, it can't be... "who killed her?" Hades' expression became from sadness to anger, "Zeus killed her, trying to kill you and Nico, I - I wasn't fast enough to make a force field around her." I shook my head "when am I going to wake up and how long has passed?" Hades looked up "Your friend, the one you kissed, ran into Talos a minute ago and right now you should be waking up in a few seconds. Also, I approve of your relationship with Percy, kind, loyal, humble, and modest. That is a man I approve of for my daughters. I want the best for you day-" his form flickered and she was jolted back into reality. She looked around and saw Talos moving forwards toward Thalia. Then the thing exploded, all I had time to think was PERCY before the light temporarily blinded me. When I came around, I looked around and saw Grover also awake. "Grover, go get Thalia and Zoe, I'll look for Percy." Grover nodded and ran off somewhere. I ran into the pile of bronze and looked everywhere, even for the littlest bit of him. However soon Grover and the others came over, "Thalia took the north part of the junk, Grover took the bottom part, Zoe took the middle top. I will get the middle bottom, LOOK FOR PERCY." I quickly ran to my spot and looked everywhere "Percy! " I yelled "PERCY" my voice cracked "PERCY" this time my voice actually cracked and everyone now knows how desperate I am. We searched for hours until the sun rose. I walked to the middle and yelled "We can look in the sunrise come on guys!" Soon someone touched my shoulder, I looked behind me and saw Zoe there. She shook her head and then I fell to my knees. Then I fell to my side and started screaming and sobbing as I rolled up into a ball. His last wish was a promise to watch over Nico and Reyna. I won't let him down, even if the hunt offers me to join, I refuse. I started sobbing for minutes until I couldn't sob anymore. I murmured "Percy, why did you leave me...Percy, why?" I stared into the shadows of my body, "I love you Percy, the love of my life."


Thalia and Grover found a truck and they both drove. I looked over to Bianca who was in the bed of the truck. She looked horrible, her eyes were red and puffy. She kept murmuring to herself to where I cannot hear. I was going to ask her to join the hunt however I just feel like it's unfair. Her love of her life died. I misunderstood some men, Perseus is one of them, he is probably the only good man in the world, and he's gone. I walked over to Bianca and sat beside her. "If you are going to ask me to join the hunt, I won't join the hunt. I made a promise." Zoe looked at her "I did not come here for that. But I know how their heartbreak is. Let me tell you a story. I was one of the Hesperides, I met a man, Hercules, he flattered me and used that to his advantage. I gave him the sword known as Ananklusmos or Riptide. He left me after he defeated Ladon. Artemis found me and offered me a chance for a new family. I accepted." Bianca looked at her and said "all men are bad, you are right, but that's not going to make me join the hunt." I looked at her, "I did not offer thee a place in the hunt, i am offering comfort." Bianca looked at me then sobbed into my shoulder. I patted her back and whispered encouraging words, she soon fell asleep and I put her in a comfy position then I dozed off myself. I was in a cavern looking around. I saw that it was a jail. I looked into the cells and saw multiple demigods in each of the cells, I even saw a hunter which made my blood boil. I looked at each one, at least 20 demigods and 4 hunters. I realized that this must be the traitor's jail because they won't be able to catch this many without an attack at camp half blood, so all of these guys were captured or joined Kronos' side but betrayed him. I soon saw a group of monsters all walking to a new cell. I zoomed in to see the new prisoner and my eyes widened. It was Percy, he was in horrible condition, his shirt was tattered, he was bleeding everywhere, she saw a chunk of metal in the side of his stomach. No part of his body was spared in the explosion. I wanted to yell out at him but I couldn't. The monsters threw him into one side of the jailing. I looked to the left and right jails, the left wall had all the captured demigods, while the right side had all that joined the titans but betrayed them. Percy was thrown into the left side and then I zoomed into him. He was so pale, so lifeless, but I saw him breathing, I sighed in relief until I heard walking. "Zoe, Zoe, wake up." Zoe lurched up head butting Bianca ''Ow! Sorry!" I looked at her, and decided not to tell her my dream, bad right? Yup. "Come on Zoe, we are at Hoover Dam," Zoe could tell she had improved since last time. She looked better than yesterday, however I'm not going to mention his name because she might burst out crying. We walked into Hoover Dam. "Alright, let's go to the dam snack bar." Thalia smirked, "the dam snack bar? I would love a dam French fry" Grover smiled and said "I would love to get down the dam elevator." That sealed the deal, we went down the elevator. Then we heard chattering to the side of our elevator. Skeletons in there, Sparti. I widened my eyes ''Guys, when we get off, run in different directions, the Sparti are here." They nodded and as soon as the elevator door opened, Thalia and Grover ran to the right while Bianca and Zoe ran to the left. We ran past security and the lights beeped. Dang those smart mortals. "Hey! Get back here whoever you are!" We ran as fast as we could until I bumped into, or like shoved, a red headed girl. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR?" She yelled and looked at our weapons, her eyes widened "How did you get that past security? Are you guys even old enough to carry weapons? Why are you here? Who's your parent? Don't kill me please! Shouldn't you be using- SKELETONS RUN!" I turned around and sure enough there were 2 of them. I sprinted down the halls, Bianca and the red headed girl close behind. I sprinted into the elevator at the same time Thalia and Grover did too, they were also assaulted by skeletons. They all ran into the elevator and closed it, going up! I sighed in relief. "Who are you guys?" I rolled my eyes, the red headed nightmare again. "Oh my name is Zoe, she is Bianca, Thalia, and Grover. You know about Greek Mythology, well it's real that's how you saw those skeletons they were Sparti trying to kill us. However you are mortal so you can see through the mist." The door opened and I was the first one out. "Goodbye" I turned to Thalia. "Pray to your father to ask for transport, we need a transport look!" She pointed o a group of skeletons on the horizon destroying the car. I grimaced, sorry about that. Soon I felt like I was floating in the sky, I looked behind me and saw stone hands holding onto me and Bianca with the other angel stone thing was holding onto Grover and Thalia. I sighed in relief "it worked." She looked around and saw both Thalia's and Bianca's eyes shut close. I smiled, Bianca no doubt was scared of heights, but Thalia however, it was ironic if she was scared of heights. They went to Mount Tamalpais.

—————hours earlier———-

Percy POV

I was brought to Mt. Othrys and I widened my eyes. They are going to make me carry the sky. I sighed in defeat. "Young hero, you know you can take the sky to help Arty here" I looked over at the goddess and then I agreed, he tied chains around Artemis to avoid escape and tied her to his leg so if she disappeared he would be brought with her to slaughter everyone there. He explained this and Percy went over and held the sky. The pain was unbelievably painful. I wasn't even at full strength, I was tortured, beaten, and lots of other stuff. My muscles started to pop and then I held the sky for 4 hours hoping Artemis could go ahead but soon Atlas picked her up and gave the sky back to her while I collapsed to the ground. Lace came over and smirked at me then brought out a whip and brought me out of there to back to the cell room. Well that was eventful.

———-the garden of Hesperides—

Bianca POV

With the last stretch they reached the Garden of the Hesperides. I looked around and I saw Ladon, a hundred headed dragon guarding a tree with the golden apple. "The golden apple, Zeus' wedding gift to Hera." Then 4 figures appeared out of thin air, the remaining Hesperides. "Hello sisters," Zoe said coldly. "We do not see a sister, just 1 hunter, 2 half bloods, and a satyr." Then I decided to say "We need to pass, so let us pass or hide behind Ladon like cowards, no wonder Zoe left, all you do is hide behind Ladon. Leave or fight us yourselves." The Hesperides sneered and disappeared. "Let's go guys." We stumbled up the mountain, the other staring at me. "We're here guys, good luck." They walked to the top of the mountain and saw Artemis struggling under the weight of the sky. "My Lady!" Zoe ran to her side and tried to destroy the chains. "How nice of you to come back, traitorous daughter." Zoe glared at him then looked at the others. Soon Lace appeared, "TRAITOR TO OLYMPUS" Thaila yelled. Lace just looked at her before pulling his sword out. I pulled out my bow and looked at Thaila and an unspoken agreement came between them. Beat the little goblin first. We charged at Lace, knowing full well that if we attacked Atlas, he had full right to attack us. Thaila, Grover, and Zoe seemed to take him, she turned over to Artemis and ran over. "Give me the sky Artemis." Artemis replies in a strained voice "it will kill you" I just glared at her and said "I can't fight Atlas, only you can." Then I toon the sky and instantly felt like I was carrying the whole world, which basically is saying, I am. I saw through blurry eyes that Artemis was bringing Atlas over, Zoe was currently giving arrow support. Soon Artemis was tripped by Atlas, he raised his spear "The first blood of a new war" then he struck. The last possible second Artemis twisted her stance and used the leverage to make Atlas slide over to me, I lost grip of the sky and it came crashing down on his back. "That's what you get for killing Percy idiot." Then I walked away. Artemis flashed us all to Olympus and now we are in the council. Artemis then told the good deeds we have done and the battle. Then she came to a part of the story "I saw Perseus" there was instantly an uproar but surprisingly I was the loudest "SHUT UP" the entire council sat in their thrones all silent. Artemis continued "he was in chains and...well he was there like 14 hours ago" my eyes widened, he's alive "however he was possible beaten, tortured, he was so deathly pale that I would have thought he died however he carried the sky in my place for 4 hours then during those 4 hours I tried to escape however I couldn't do anything. Then after that I was out back under the sky and Perseus went back to wherever he went." The entire council was silent until Zoe broke the silence, "I had a dream of Perseus" Zoe then described the dream and my heart was full again, he's alive. "Council Dismissed" Zeus then left. The group was flashed to Camp Half Blood, I sighed as to how I was going to explain to Nico and Reyna about this information. I met them the second I walked in the dinner area. I sighed as I told them the story leaving out the parts of kissing Percy and all of that, but she did include the promise Percy asked me about. At the end Nico and Reyna were fuming until I told them how Percy was alive but he is being kept prisoner with 20 other demigods and 4 hunters. "Alright guys, good night, meetings tomorrow morning. We all went to sleep and I secretly brought Nico and Reyna to the Poseidon cabin because who cares? Then it was morning in a few seconds. "Percy is alive, we must save him and free the other demigods." Chiron frowned at me though "do you know where to look?" I looked at the ground, "the Labyrinth."

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