Chapter 10

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Bianca POV

No. No no no. He's going to be made a god, I looked down at the ground, tears threatening to burst out. Then I heard his answer "No." I looked up at him and the council all looked at each other like they might have just misheard him. "You... decline our generous offer?" Zeus asked, deathly calm. Percy didn't even stiffen up, "I do have a wish though, and swear on the River Styx and Olympus if you are going to do it." The gods looked at each other and Dionysus cried out "So you don't trust us?" Perch shook his head, "it's always good to get a solemn oath, I learned that the hard way." The gods nodded and Zeus spoke up, "We swear on the River Styx and Olympus that we will do your wish if it's in our power." Thunder boomed and Olympus shook for a second. Percy then said "I wish for you to claim all your children of all the gods." Ethan looked up and smiled at Percy, "also I want you to claim all your demigod children by the time they turn 13. That shouldn't be hard right? Well I also wish that Hades and Hestia are given their thrones in the Olympus council and be treated with respect as much as the other Olympians. We need a unified family to survive another war. I also wish that every single one of the gods' kids would be given a cabin, so they may all feel home. And my last wish is..." the Olympian council grew silent and Ethan and I were smiling at Percy. Sweet, modest, selfless, handsome and cute Percy, Bianca thought internally and she did an internal breath. Percy looked deep into thought and then he said "I wish for all the traitors, gods or demigods, to be given a second chance if they are willing to take it. They had a reason to fight against Olympus. So we need to give them a chance, no more words about 'traitor god or demigod'. They should all be given a second chance. That is my wish." Poseidon then spoke up, "Son, this is to-" Percy raised his hand "I hold to your oath, it is in your power." Zeus gridded in annoyance before pointing towards 2 empty spots beside the other 12 thrones. One of them rose up on the goddesses side and it was red, flames falling around it and it had a calm in it. The other throne was completely black, it has skulls as the hand rests. Heats ran up to Percy and hugged him and Hades came up and smiled gratefully at him. Soon Percy came back to me and kissed me. "It's finally over Bi, it's finally over." I nodded at him before kissing him again. "It's over" I confirmed and grabbed Percy's hand and led him to the dance floor. Once again Percy put an arm on my waist and I put one on his shoulder. We held hands in the middle and started dancing. "Just like the dance we did when we were 11," Percy said. Bi then smiled at him, "You are now 16 and I'm 15, soon to be 16. Percy smiled at me and grabbed my waist and pulled me in and he kissed me. I put my arms around his neck and put a hand on his hair and kissed him back. We were in a make out session until Percy grabbed my hand and we vapor traveled to his cabin. I was happier than I have ever been. Percy smiled at me and said "Come, there's a secret tunnel in this cabin." Percy led me to the bathroom and touched the corner tile, it then began to shift until there's a hole in it. He smiled at me while I was moth agape at it. How did he find it? "Never mind Seaweed Brain, Judd keeps being awesome." Percy smiled at me and offered his hand which I took. "Come on Angel, let's see what's in here. He pulled me in and the door closed over our heads. Percy pressed a button on the wall and the lights started to turn on. I gasped at the beauty of the place, it was a square room. A king sized bed was plopped in the middle back, in the middle was a rug, a beautiful circular rug that had the reef implanted as images on it. The walls are a mix of sea blue and sea green colors, adding a nice touch to the wall. On the right side, there are dressers and a table. On the left side it held a bulletin board. On it she saw many pictures of random people. I got jealous, "Who are they?" He looked over to where my finger was pointing and said, "Ah, those are the people who were in the Battle of the Labyrinth and The Battle of Manhattan, both fallen and alive." He said sadly as he pointed over to a picture of Thalia and Luke, under each of the pictures there was a note that said the name, child of the mortal parent and immortal, the age of arriving at camp and the year, and also the birth date. I also saw that it was split into 2, the alive side having close to 70 pictures and the dead having 60 pictures. Each of the dead had the date of it that showed the date of their death and the year. I just realized how many campers had died. "How many died in the Battle of Manhattan?" Percy shook his head sadly and said "roughly 45 while the rest of the pictures were people on a mission or they went to school and died. "Oh." I said. I looked at Percy and he looked like he was in a lot of pain, his hands were slouched and so was his shoulders. He lost his aura of confidence for a second until it came back. "It's ok," he then kissed me and hopped onto the bed. I got in after him and snuggled against him, breathing against his chest. My head was lower than his head, and I was looking in the shadow of his body. He pulled my head upward and kissed me. I then put my hand on the back of his head and another arm around his neck. He moved his hands until it's around my waist. We then had a make out session for 20 minutes until finally Ingot tired and snuggled against Percy's chest for warmth. His arms went over my body and I felt protected. I soon fell asleep in his arms.

Third Person POV

Around 106 minor gods were given a second chance to enter their normal lives again which they took gratefully. All of them were aware of Percy's actions as their children, unless they were a virgin, were the first ones to get a cabin. All the minor gods who rejoined Olympus were overjoyed at a second chance. Also out of the 200 demigods, nearly all of them, except 30 crazy soldiers, rejoined Camp Half-Blood and helped create their cabins or they enjoyed having more siblings. There were barely any unclaimed demigods nowadays. All of the 'traitorous' demigods were treated with open arms. They openly apologized over and over and they each loved Percy's for giving them a second chance. Nicholas Raghav, Son of Apollo, and his crush, Casandra Karine, daughter of Demeter started dating. A new age has started, the Titan War has ended, and the new age of demigods have been born.

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