Chapter 9

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Percy POV

"Bianca!" I yelled. I glared at the demigod who stabbed her and I hit his head with the hilt of my sword so hard it dented his helmet. I looked over the monster lines and saw Kronos leading a group of around 40 demigods behind the monster lines. I scowled at them while they looked at the battle with amusement. I stood protectively over Bianca and yelled "No one touches her!" The monsters soon stopped fighting and I looked around. Luke was cut up and bleeding while Thalia was in the same state, they could still fight. I looked to my left and saw Nico and Reyna, back to back swords drawn. I looked ahead and the monsters surged forward. I started to destroy all of them who dared get close. They quickly surrounded me until I was in a sea of monsters. I gritted my teeth and looked down at Bianca. She was bleeding and her face was even pale. I soon started to defend her body, refusing to let her be dead. I stabbed the nearest hellhound and cut up the dracaena. I stood there defending her for a few minutes until I felt my left arm shudder and pain shot up it. I looked over at it and saw a deep cut in it. I screamed in fury and dropped Maelstrom and fought with Techno. I soon was getting overwhelmed and I looked down at Bianca again. I sighed and I transferred some water from the air to tend her wound. I soon closed my eyes and soon enough a water figure appeared. I summoned 3 more while defending them too. I quickly was shot by an arrow, cutting my cheek in the exact spot one of the rocks in Antaeus' coliseum. I gritted my teeth as blood fell from it. I stomped my foot onto the ground and an earthquake shook. I quickly turned around to the 4 water bodies and realized they were nurses. I quickly gave them life, draining my power and using a bit more energy, vapor traveled them away to the temporary infirmary inside and on the 42nd floor of the Empire State Building. I fell to my knees in exhaustion and heard Nico yell "SERVE ME." As a crack appeared and at least a hundred skeletons came out of the earth. They all stood at attention to Nico who yelled "Attack the monsters!" All the skeletons soon charged into battle. I slowly and shaking got back up just in time to get hit in the chest by a Cyclops club and fly over our Skelton lines and beside Scoot and Annabeth while they were knocked out. I squinted my eyes and saw Nico and Reyna standing side by side and attacking the enemy lines. I looked farther down and saw Thalia and Luke fighting off another group of monsters. We would get overwhelmed soon. I shakily got up and tried to at least pull out my shield but I couldn't even lift my left arm since it became unusable since the cut and I scowled. I soon charged in with newborn vigor, which I thought of what if Bianca dies? I started wading in the monster army, destroying them but the duo or trio with every swing. Soon after another hour of fighting the final monsters were defeated. I sighed, at least 800 monsters defeated in 4 hours. I looked at all the demigods beside Kronos. They all had swords and heavy battle armor. I looked around and saw like 6 skeletons still alive. Luke was knocked unconscious after taking a blow from a Laistrygonian in the head for her. Nico and Reyna are both still alive but they won't be much useful for a fight, they are both panting, breathing heavily. It's a miracle they're even conscious. So only me and Thalia would be good for a fight out of the 8 that arrived. I pulled out Techno, it was still perfectly fine but there was a thin layer of monster dust around it. I saw Kronos keep looking at it with confusion, no doubt thinking how did I even wield Stygian Iron. "Hello little heroes." I scowled at him "Every demigod here is a hero. They stood up for what's right and they have the guts to fight, and still give mercy to the enemy demigods even though the enemy demigods won't give them mercy. You are lucky we aren't cold-hearted like you Ol' Grandpa." Kronos scowled at him but then smirked "How do you even wield Stygian Iron?" I just looked at him before turning Techno back into a writing band. I pulled over to my necklace and rugged on it. Instantly there was a bow in my hand and the demigods started laughing. "What?" I practically yelled at them, I need to get my friends time to escape. One of them jerked his head back in laughter and fell backwards. However, when another demigod stepped forward, I could see his eyepatch, "Ethan Nakumara." I glared at him. He just said "You do know you suck with the bow right?" I just smirked at him and pulled on the bowstring. A normal looking arrow appeared but I knew it would explode like a grenade once in contact. I shot the arrow and Ethan's eyes widened but he was hit by the arrow and it exploded. His armor blocked most of the pieces but a few got in and he screamed in pain. Kronos grinned at him and turned towards me, dang I forgot he still looked like Lace, but his eyes were gold. I looked over to Thalia dm whispered, "I'm blowing up this tunnel, get everyone out of here." She nodded and ran away, carrying the others away. I looked at the demigods who got into battle stance. What was I thinking? I couldn't even have the power to destroy this tunnel. I concentrated on the cave collapsing, using my control over the ground as well as my earthshaker abilities, I screamed and the whole tunnel collapsed. I blew out of there by the amount of wind the tunnel made after collapsing and blasted into a brick wall, hitting my head. I was slowly going into unconsciousness but with the last of my energy, I teleported into the Plaza where Camp is staying for a while. I teleported right in and said "Hello." In a raspy voice then I fell to the floor. I woke up in bed and groaned. I felt like I was stabbed, I slowly opened my eyes and looked around. I was sleeping in a room, the bathroom was right ahead of me and I could see a bit around the corner that there was a couch there. I groaned and slowly got up but I was pulled back down. I looked to my right and saw Bianca, sleeping peacefully and her head in my chest. I looked at sleeping figure and then inspected her. The wounds she had were healed, thank goodness. I sighed in relief and looked around. 4pm. I've been sleeping for 6 hours. Not much but when you have a life or death situation, you usually sleep shorter than that. I slowly lifted Bianca's sleeping head and put her head on the pillow. I realized that her arms were around my neck so I moved it with care, removed her hand and got up. Bianca was muttering stuff like 'Percy' 'stupid brave man' I just smiled at her and kissed her cheek and left the room. I turned around the corner and saw Nico and Reyna sleeping peacefully on the couch, Reyna snuggled up to Nico's side and his legs and hers legs on the couch. I smiled at them and walked out of the room. I stretched and after a few seconds I walked through the hallway to the stairs. I opened the door and saw I was on the 5th floor, I slowly walked down the stairs and thought of the battle this morning. It started at 6:00 and ended at 10:00 something ish. The latest they would attack again is tonight. Also in 2 days I will turn 16. Yay. And on tommy birthday I would make a choice to end or save the world. The usual teenager stuff. I finally made it to the bottom to where I saw Will Solace treating a wounded person. I walked over to him and said "How many dead and how many wounded?" Will turned around and said "Oh! You're awake! That's good. However we have lost 18 campers and everyone else at least was wounded. 40 of them are out of battle shape." I nodded grimly at him and walked towards Grover, who I just now realized he's here. "Hey Grovers! What's up?" He looked up and said, "Thank goodness you're awake! You used up so much energy that the whole tunnel collapsed. Oh and by the way, I brought around 40 satyrs and 100 nymphs. The huntresses arrived an hour ago and set up camp in Central Park. We lost nearly all the bridges after you were knocked out. The enemy now holds the bridges which they are soon going to attack through the streets which would not be a deal for my liking." I nodded again at him and left towards the hunter camp. I got within 100 feet and shot an arrow into the sky, over the trees and into the hunter camp. There's a note in it to be in the lookout at sunrise and sunset because that's the best time for them to attack. I soon left and jumped onto a fire escape. I started climbing up until I was on top of the building. I saw an Apollo kid already up there, checking as a patrol. I walked over to him and sat down. "Beautiful day for another fight." The kid turned towards me and I realized he was Nicholas Raghav, who liked to instead be called Nick. He had a darker kind of a darker blue than normal Apollo kids do, he's around 5 foot 11". He also had brown hair instead of blonde. He just nodded and sighed "I'm on patrol duty, this war has not been easy on us." I nodded grimly, "am I doing a good job as commander?" I said and sighed. He looked at me and opened his mouth but I said "Answer honestly, I won't hold a grudge on you if you say something bad." He nodded and said "You're doing a great job, I don't know how but you're the best commander we got." I smiled at him, "Got a girlfriend?" His cheeks redeemed and he said "No, at least not yet but I got my eyes on someone." He said dreamily. I laughed and patted his arm, "Good luck man." He nodded and went back to patrolling. I smiled at him and sent a quick prayer to Aphrodite that he would be able to live happily with the person he got his eyes on. I saw a dove pass overhead and I smiled, she heard my wish. I prayed a quick thank you and got up. I was about to turn my back to Eileen. My sixth sense got the best of me and I heard a roar. I looked behind me and my eyes widened, the Lydian Drakon, fated to be killed by a child of Ares. I pulled out a horn and sounded the alarm. I quickly jumped down and smashed my feet onto its head, which went flat with my momentum, but soon he lifted me up with me on his back. I pulled pure Techno and stabbed downwards, the sword went in between chunks of its armor. I quickly tried to test my left hand again but still to the same effect, it's still unusable. I shifted the power into my blade as it started glowing. Soon I pulled out Techno and pulled out my spear. The drakon jerked sideways and I flew off of it. Dang it. I pulled out my spear, which I haven't named and charged at the drakon. I jumped over it and stabbed his left eye. I pushed forward with all my strength and sent my powers to the blade. It slowly got thighs until the blade exploded in the drakon stomach. I was blasted back by pure power as all the buildings around me were destroyed in a second. I looked at the drakon but he was gone. I smiled. I'm just a rule breaker. I started to get up but I was slammed in the head. "Prissy! That was my kill, stop stealing the fame!" I nodded at her and said "You destroyed it, I don't tell, you don't tell, it's a win-win?" She nodded while I walked up to my spear. It was still there thank goodness in a full piece too. It's like nothing scratched it. I grabbed it and turned it back into a ring and walked back to the Plaza. Destroying that drakon took a lot of energy from me. I passed into the plaza and walked toward the stairs. Someone then shouted "A drakon was defeated." He told the other demigods, they all cheered and I smiled. They need something to boost their morale. I walked over to them but before I could say anything another horn was sounded. I narrowed my eyes and pulled out Techno. I sprinted outside and I heard fighting already. I looked to my left and right but saw nothing. I looked over to the nearest fire escape and ran towards it, jumping and climbing it like the grace of a hunter. I made it to the top within a second and what I saw shocked me. A Titan in golden armor was currently leading an army across the East river. I saw the hunters getting into positions in the trees and I also saw some Apollo kids on the roof I'm on. I quickly ran towards the edge of the roof and jumped off, once my feet contacted the ground I rolled to stop the impact. I grunted and ran towards the Titan and it's armies. I looked around me but all I saw were dryads and a few nereids defending this part in the Central Park. I already knew we would lose but we had to hold off. I shouted to anyone who was hearing, "I got the Titan, whoever is hearing this you got the army. I then ran forward towards the Titan who just laughed. "Do you even know who you're facing?" I stared at him and I realized who he was, golden armor, fire surrounding him, and pure hatred which I thought but his eyes were the flames. I scowled "Hyperion, Titan of the East." He just nodded and I shot towards him. I swung my sword and he swung it downwards. Once our blades connected my right arm turned painful. I quickly rolled to the right and used the water to heal me. I then charged again but this time he simply just shot me with a blinding light. I quickly looked away but I saw the monster armies slowly moving across the bridge while arrows pelted them. I quickly used the river or my will and a pull in the gut completely doused Hyperion with water. I quickly attacked him and started to rely on my instincts. Every time he tries to shine, water is there to stop it. His eyes glowed red "Enough! Stop with the storm!" However I knew I was defeating him, my attacks kept getting faster and whenever I tire, water gives me the energy again. Hyperion now realized that he would have to fight with no powers. He started to attack me in a flurry of attacks which I barely blocked or dodged. I fell backwards as I tripped and rolled to the left when Hyperion bright down his blade. I then did something no one can expect someone to do in this situation. I threw my sword at him, taking him by surprise and pushing him on his back in the water. I quickly touched the gem on my ring and my spear appeared. I thrust it sideways and Hyperion blocked it with his spear. I knew I wasn't better than him in the spear, but maybe. I thrust my spear backwards and attempted to stab him, he made a wild swing to block my spear but instead I threw it, impaling his gut. His eyes widened as I pulled out my spear and stabbed him again, making him disappear from sight in golden dust. When I turned around I saw that we lost the battle here, I quickly yelled "FALL BACK!" I ran towards the building and jumped towards the top of it. After a few more impossible jumps I made it to the top and I realized that the main force of the army forced the demigods to the Empire State Building. My eyes widened in alarm and I ran towards the fighting. I didn't even have enough energy to spawn a single skeleton, not much water soldier. I quickly jumped around and started my way around tonight, looking for Bianca. I saw Luke and Thalia but they were losing a fight. I ran over to help them and got beside Luke in a fighting position. "Glad you can join us! What were you doing?" Luke said I quickly responded, "I was fighting with the Hunters and Apollo cabin, we lost the East river and the Park. We withdrew to avoid a slaughter, Good news though! Hyperion I'm dead." Like nodded but as quick as lightning I sprung in front of Luke. A spear soon sprouted out of my stomach. I ripped it out and knocked out the demigod in front of me. "Guys get out of here!" Like shook his head and still fought. Luke didn't see the spear coming towards him until the last second. He was stabbed in the heart. Thalia screamed and Luke said "I-I'm sorry, I lo-love you Thals." He then took his last breath before dying. I screamed and Thalia did it at the same time, electricity arched through her body as she pulled out her shield and spear and fought everyone. She screamed as a bolt, stronger than any bolt she possessed and blasted a 5 foot radius chunk around her. I quickly got up but doubled over in pain. I dogged up blood but slowly I raised my body. Thalia started to show no fear to everything that steps into her path. After an excruciating minute I stood up and raised my sword Techno. I looked to my side to see a spear sticking out of Thalia's back, her eyes wide. My heart fell, 2 people were dead, 2 I knew well. I screamed and charged straight into demigods. I didn't care now, I just knocked demigods right to left out. I didn't care if they got hurt unless they died. But I just mercilessly knocked about demigods and killed monsters. I soon saw Kronos, in a throne built for him, being carried by 4 cyclops. I soon saw Bianca, she was doing fine. I soon shuddered and sighed up more blood. I got up shakily and with my pale face, I walked over to Bianca after destroying 40 monsters. I choked it "L-Luke and Thalia, a-are dead." Her eyes widened and a tear fell down her face. I'm lucky to even be alive, how was I dealing with a spear being driven through my upper chest? I don't know, probably hatred for Lurk and Thalia dead. I soon heard Kronos yell "Yield! You have lost already." I then shouted hiding the pain in my voice as another shudder of pain went through me, "Go back to Tartarus and cry for your mommy!" His eyes flashed a dangerous glare and he laughed. "Atta-" a horn cut through his command. Another horn came and I looked at Bianca. She shook her head and grabbed my left arm hand. I could feel it healing just by the touch of Bianca. Soon the whole northern flank surged forward and I braced myself. But what I saw were the Party Ponies. One of them yelled "California for the win!" Another one ran forward and screamed "No way dude! Nevada is better!" The monsters all started to disintegrate at the paintball gun touch. There must be celestial bronze in those things. I then saw Chiron come forward. "Glad we can come, we aren't late are we?" I shook my head at his answer "Perfect timing as usual Chiron." He nodded. "I suggest you going back to sleep for now, so far we only delayed the timing." I nodded and grabbed Bianca's hand and led her through the Empire State Building but before he could go to the 56th floor which held mine, Bianca, Nico, and Reyna's toon someone stepped forward. It was Nico carrying an unconscious Reyna and her head was against his chest. "Don't worry she's just knocked out." I nodded but Will suddenly came and inspected me, "Perseus Jackson." I gulped "You need to get to the infirmary now, you were just driven through with a spear!" Bianca's eyes widened as she glared at me "You didn't tell me?" I just called and said "Didn't want you to wo-" will barge in and grab my ear and pull me to the infirmary. Bianca giggling behind me, her cute giggles. Will soon brought me into the elevator and we headed to the 20th floor. We got off ski after and he laid me on my bed. 5 hours later at 10:00 pm I was finally let out. I quickly spawned in a couple of water nurses and gave them the rider to heal the demigods. I walked over to the elevator and went to the 56th floor. After a minute, the elevator dinged and I walked out. I walked over to room 401, I thought about this battle today. No doubt people had died. I sighed and thought about Nick. I am really hoping he will be able to be with the one he loves. Wait. I sound like an Aphrodite kid. Never mind. I saw Bianca standing at the doorway, tapping her foot impatiently. I walked over to her and smiled, she smiled back and we walked into our room. I saw Nico sleeping on the couch with Reyna cuddled into his arms. I smiled and walked onto the bed. Bianca pulled me into the bed and she kissed me. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I wrapped my arms around her waist. After we both got breathless she later in the bed and I did too. She snuggled against me and I put an arm around her. She stood there cuddled into my arms before she got Enron closer than before. I soon kissed her on the lips again. She soon fell asleep in my arms and I whispered "I swear on the River Styx, Bianca, Nico, and Reyna would not die in this war." I heard thunder rumble and I smiled. I kissed her forehead and fell asleep with Bianca cuddled in my arms and I fell into a dream. I looked around the room and saw myself in the underworld. Ghosts and skeletons walked around, the River Styx flowing nearby. I walked through the entrances and into Hades' throne room. Once again the 2 gods are there but this time in another throne beside Persephone was another woman. She had brown hair and brown eyes and she is currently scolding Persephone about living in the underworld. I instantly knew her and kneeled and said "Lord Hades and Ladies Persephone and Demeter." They all looked at me and nodded their heads. Hades then started talking "When do you think is the best time to show my entrance?" I then said "Right when Kronos is near the Empire State Building. Once all the monsters surround the place you can come in behind them and they would be forced to turn their backs to the demigods, giving them a chance to breathe.''He nodded. "Goodbye." I woke up to Bianca's head on the crook of my neck. I slowly looked around and saw it was 10:00 am. I yawned and shook Bianca awake. "Hey Bi, it's time to wake up." I honestly thought I had the most perfect sleep I had ever had in my life. She awoke groggily but once I kissed her she jolted awake. I chucked as I walked into the bathroom. I just brushed my hair and did a quick shower before throwing on my Camp t-shirt and some pants. I walked out to see Bianca in the same clothing as me. I kissed her forehead and walked past the empty couch, the others must've woken already. I soon walked out of the room, hand in hand with Bianca as we walked around. We decided to go down the stairs again because why not? I opened the stairway door and said "After you m'lady." She just chuckled and we walked in. After a few minutes of comfortable silence we arrived at the bottom. I started to head over to the battlefield and serve as patrol with Bianca for the day. "No detours you 2" someone said from the command center. The rest just chucked while I grinned. I just picked up Bianca, bridal - style and jumped to the rooftops despite her protests. I just grinned at her "Wouldn't be fun without you Bi." She smiled and said "Same for you." I smiled and we sprinted from rooftop to rooftop. Very often we would stop on one and rest, cuddle next to each other and enjoy each other's warmth. I soon spotted an army of monsters, my eyes narrowed. "They're making one last attempt," Bianca nodded and pulled out her horn and sounded the alarm. Instinctively I pulled out Techno and Maelstrom and prepared for a dual wielding- wait my left arm is broken right? I looked at it and there wasn't even a scratch on it. I missed my left arm. I yelled to the assembled demigods, "Retreat to the Empire State Building! Quick!" The demigods rush over to the building. I was the first one there and I waited until everyone was there. I heard in my head you can show your blessing now. I nodded and pointed my sword at the nearest monster before kneeling and dropping the sword into the ground. "Serve me." Instantly hundreds of skeletons, maybe evans. Thousands climbed out of the earth. They all stood attention to me and I said, "Defend those doors in phalanx formation, don't let anyone pass without you dying." The skeletons nodded and got into formations and saw everyone look at me with shocked looks while Bianca had one of pure horror on her face. I felt bad and spoke up "While I was in the labyrinth, Hades gave me his blessing and now so am his champion. That's how I summonses dead, lead them and used Stygian iron." Everyone nodded in understanding and Bianca looked relieved. I walked over to her and hugged her and said, "I'll never leave you unless if you come with me alone with Nico and Reyna." Bianca nodded and Scott cleared his throat. "Um Percy... Kronos is leading the attack." He said then he gripped Annabeth's hand harder. He turned to her and kissed her. This time I cleared my throat, "monsters trying to take over the world dude." He pulled away blushing. We then heard a yell "Attack! The dead are I match for us!" The monster surged forward and started to engage with the skeleton legionaries from Rome. I quickly sprinted towards the front lines along with the others. I quickly grouped up with Bianca and we both started to shred their army to shreds. Nico and Reyna did the same in the left flank and Scott and Annabeth did the same on the right. Kronos just looked at us with amusement in his face before a crack appeared in the ground, instantly hundreds, maybe even thousands of skeletons came out of the ground. In mass numbers they quickly were in positions for war. Varying from holding bayonets, swords, Greek or Roman armor, they are prepared for war. Soon a black chariot came from the ground, having Hades, Persephone, and Demeter standing there. "Hello father, you are looking a bit weird." Kronos hurt scowled and said "I hope you're here to join my side?" Hades shook his head, "No, but soon you would be the one crying for mercy, ATTACKronos then snapped his fingers and a purple force field enveloped the Empire State Building, the magic borders collapsing. Hades' eyes widened and shot a ball of black energy into it but it held firm. The dead started clashing with the monsters and Kronos sneaked his way to the Throne room. I quickly ran in with Bianca, Nico and Reyna. The original 4. We quickly hopped into the elevator and waited in boredom, "so it's us 4 agin, to the beginning and to the end. We will stick together forever." The others nodded and I decided to kiss Bianca, this may be our last time together. Nico and Reyna just stood there awkwardly. "Sorry, I just had to do that before, you know." They nodded in understanding before Nico kissed Reyna. Her eyes widened but she kissed back, wrapping her arms around his neck while he wrapped his arm around her waist. They were in a serious make out session. I looked at Bianca and she was trying not to laugh. I kissed Bianca again but this time it showed all my emotions. I pulled back as the elevator dinged. Nico and Reyna instantly pulled away, blushing. They grabbed each other's hand and all 4 of us sprinted to the Throne Room, at his side was Ethan. "Lord Kronos, they are here." He turned around and smiled at us. "Here to see as I destroy the thrones of the gods?" I shook my head before pulling out Techno and Maelstrom. "I got Kronos, you guys get Ethan." They tried to interject but I charged Kronos. I saw him pull out his Scythe and Ethan pulled out his sword. Ethan quickly engaged with the 3. I attacked Kronos in a flurry amid attacks while he did the same to me. After a minute of sparring, none of us backed down. We kept exchanging blows until Kronos said "it's useless to even keep fighting Perseus." He quickly sped up his attacks and I did the same, soon our weapons became blurry as we attacked each other with incredible speed. I gritted my teeth "This isn't about me, this is about the people I care about. you killed many demigods. You killed Luke Castellan, Thalia Grace, Daedalus, many centaurs, many demigods and hunters. I am simply here to get revenge against them and all of the people you tricked into your side." I started to get tired as he kept up his attacks, I put a calm, stoic expression and attacked him again. Refusing to think I was weak and losing energy. I soon began to slow and Kronos noticed this, as he kicked me back toward my fathers throne. I could hear the thud of me hitting it. Nico and Reyna quickly charged Kronos and together they pushed him back. However he started to speed up his attacks and they faced the same timing as me, and slammed against the throne I was slammed against. Poseidon won't be happy. I then saw Ethan knockout Bianca and she fell to the floor, limp. He raised his sword but I quickly blocked it and yelled to him "Ethan! Is this what you wanted? Destruction? No, Kronos is all about destroying, not building." Ethan then yelled "There's no shrine to Nemesis!" I said then "Nemesis is the goddess of balance, there's no balance with the Titans ruling. Don't you understand? The gods have 2 enemies that threaten their position, BALANCE. This is your choice to make a difference in the world, trust me Ethan. The minor gods and goddesses do not deserve the treatment they received." Ethan stopped fighting and blinked. He then charged at Kronos and stabbed at his throat, breaking his sword. Kronos snarled "Treachery." Ethan looked at me and I ran up to him and grabbed his hands while Kronos flicked his wrist the ground below Ethan disappeared. I grabbed onto his hand and yelled at him, "Ethan! Come in! Don't die." Ethan widened his eyes but I puked him up. I saw Kronos is about to stab him but I blocked his strike. "Ethan! Get the others out of here!" Ethan nodded and ran over to the others and dragged them away. I sneered, as I realized that he bathed in the Styx. The most hidden parts are his armpits, Kronos then froze time as he stood there panting. "Behold the threat of Typhon." He waved his hands and I saw Typhon walking over to Olympus. I saw the Olympians doing their final efforts to kill him, the twin gods of archery were shooting at every opening in his armor they can get. Zeus threw his lightning bolt and it hit Typhon's deformed head. The blast lit up the world but once it cleared Typhon only stumbled before regaining his stance. We watched as Typhon stepped into the water. I saw Ethan in the corner of my eyes and mouthed 'go, please just protect the others' he just nodded and left. Once Typhon was waist deep in the water a horn was sounding, the call of the ocean. Instantly waves started to surround Typhon and Poseidon appeared in all his glory. "ATTACK MY BRETHREN!" Poseidon yelled and all the gods soon started to attack with renewed vigor. Soon shadows started to appear around a Typhoon and a huge hole appeared. "NO" Kronos yelled and stabbed through the mist screen. I said then "You lost." He only just sneered and attacked me. I quickly attacked him and we went into a blurring sword play. I quickly looked at his arms, he seems to leave his right arm higher than his left. The choice at that moment, the moment I turned 16, I chose to swing at the left armpit. My sword instantly went through as he screamed. A light suddenly blasted us and blinded us temporarily. There was on the ground Lace and a black ball of energy there. I turned to Ethan, "All hail Ethan Nakamura, demigod son of Nemesis, goddess of revenge and balance. All hail the hero who stood by us in the final stretch." Ethan looked pretty flusters and then he ran up to me and started crying in my shoulder. I patted his back and hugged him back, "Your mother would be proud Ethan." After a minute we woke up the others and I explained to them what happened and they all started to pat Ethan's back. Soon all the Olympians bust into the throne room, expecting a fight but they saw the body of Lace and the 5 demigods. Zeus then looked at Ethan and yelled "TRAITOR!i instantly lifted my sword to Zeus. "He's a hero in the end Lord Zeus, he attacked Kronos instead of me, saving Olympus. If you lay a finger on him I will raze your throne and those who stand with you." Percy spat. Zeus paled and we muttered something about stupid heroes. Poseidon beamed at me proudly and embraced me in a hug. I started sobbing in his shoulder, I don't know how much pain I was in but it was a lot. Zeus then grumbled "Brother, you too prideful to sit down?" Poseidon just patted my back and went to sit with the council. Soon we had to hear about the bravery of the gods, demigods and whatnot. Bianca soon came up to me and Ethan as I told him about protecting him if any camper came to hurt him or lay a finger on him. Bianca sat down next to me and I kissed her on the cheek. "Now for the award ceremony for the demigods who came and saved Olympus." Zeus sighed and I realized he is mourning the death of his daughter. Dionysus was the first to call, "Grover Underwood." Grover stifled nervously in the middle, "Since sadly a member of the Cloven Elders has passed, you shall take in his spot." Grover collapsed on the spot, "Bring him out of here, once he walked up he will be remembered as Grover Underwood, lord of the wild and a member of the Cloven elders." Dryads soon carried him away. "Annabeth Chase, my daughter." Athens said with pride in her voice. "We have come to the conclusion to where Olympus is at needs of a new architect, so you my daughter, would lead this architect of Olympus." Annabeth walked back over to Scott still shocked. "Reyna Avila Ramirez Arellano please step forward" Reyna took a step forward, "Despite you being a daughter of Bellona," everyone gasped and Athena glared at them, "it's not like all Roman gods faded." We nodded and she spoke again, "Since I seen you fight, you would be a great leader so for that, I will give you one of the commanders of Camp Half-Blood." Reyna looked flustered but thanked the gods and walked back over to Nico. "Nico and Bianca Di Angelo, my children." I squeezed Bianca's arm and gave her an encouraging nod. "I would like to make a wish instead of seeing a gift." The gods nodded and Nico continued, "I wish for you to release all peaceful titans duh as Calypso, Leto, and Rhea from their prisons." The gods stared at Nico for a second before Zeus grunted and snapped his fingers, instantly the 3 titans popped in. Calypso's eyes widened and Artemis and Apollo ran and hugged their mother. Nico then said, "I made a promise didn't I?" Calypso looked at Nico in shock before running over to him and hugging him. She took step backwards and said "Thank you." The 2 titans left the area except for Leto who is sitting in front of Artemis' and Apollo's thrones, beaming at her children. Zeus cleared his throat and Bianca said "I wish for a monument of every camper here during this war, whether alive or dead they deserve a shine for them in both Olympus and Camp Half-Blood." The gods nodded at this. Nico and Bianca soon went back to their seats and I kissed Bianca's forehead. Poseidon then said, pride obvious in his voice, "Scott Guidno and Perseus Jackson." I stood up and Scott stood up at the same time. We walked towards the middle of the throne room. "You Scott is now a Prince in heir after Triton if something is to say. You also would be the leader and commander of the Cyclops, and mermaids armies. You are now a general Atlantis.'' Today he looked flabbergasted by a misunderstanding . He then stuttered our "T-thank you Lord Poseidon." Poseidon just said, "Call me father." Scott smiled at this. "Perseus Jackson!" All talking we're now silence, "You shall receive one gift from the council, and if you agree you shall be made a god, undying and serve as Poseidon's Lieutenant for the rest of eternity."

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