Chapter 8

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The Last Olympian

Percy POV

I was walking on the beach, holding Bianca's hand while talking about the previous school year. We went to Goode High School. Me, Nico, Reyna, and Bianca were part of a small group. Which to be honest is actually like being in small groups. The moment I walked in the school, girls were drooling over me, stalking me which I found particularly weird. I laughed as she re-told the story of how I beat up the school bullies within seconds. We then walked to my favorite place on the beach and started to place a picnic down. We sat there, watching the sea. Bianca sighed "This is the last stretch Percy, soon we would have to defend Olympus." I nodded grimly, during this summer we plan on destroying Princess Andromeda, which carried a chunk of the Titan Army. Our next course of action would be defending Manhattan against the Titan Armies. I sighed "Yeah, the war is currently stressing me out." She just nodded and said "You've been training with your sword for 8 hours yesterday, no doubt the most skilled swordsman in the century." She said with pride in her voice. I nodded, since I got out of the Labyrinth I have been training non stop. Usually on Mondays I train with my bow, Tuesday I train with my powers, Wednesday I train with my spear, Thursday I train with my powers, Friday I train with my sword, and on Saturday and Sunday I settle down. Bianca and I have been training together ever since. "Bianca, I know you are worried, but soon the final battle will begin, then we can settle down and have a nice life together. You and I, Nico and Reyna." Bianca later put her head on my shoulder and stared into the water. Soon a stomp stomp stomp can be heard. "Hey Perce, are you ready for the mission?" Beckendorf came on top of Blackjack. Yo boss! Wake up, you need to do your mission soon! I then grumbled "You're only being this nice because you're getting donuts after this." The horse nodded eagerly. I turned back to Bianca. "Well, I got to go, bye." I kissed her forehead and stood up. I climbed onto Blackjack and looked back at Bianca. Who is chanting, no doubt asking us for good luck. Beckendorf was looking at a picture of him and Silena when they started dating. I put a hand on his shoulder, "Don't worry Beck, I would do anything in my power for you to survive." I said, he just nodded and we rode off in silence. After a few minutes we soon saw the Princess Andromeda in sight, a 5 story tall yacht, it has a huge pool in the back of it, a helipad which Beckendorf and I would meet and vapor travel out of there. I looked at the far back of the ship, the one closest to the engine room and pointed there, "Land there Blackjack then leave." Ok boss, don't turn into any flat spot on the ground! You are in debt. Blackjack then took off and I looked towards Beckendorf, "Let's go." I grabbed his shoulder and We vapor traveled into the engine room. I clicked my bracelet on my right arm and it turned into a 3 foot long Stygian Iron sword which I named 'Techno' and my left bracelet 3 foot Stygian Iron sword 'Maelstrom,' I then saw a 5 foot telkhine typing on his computer. I stepped closer and he stiffened then ran to the alarm button. I quickly stabbed him and he turned into a familiar pile of golden dust. Beckendorf nodded and said "Quick, strap this to the engine." He handed me Greek Fire, a green veil of destructive fire, that can burn through almost anything. He also handed me duct tape, yep, a monster killing machine needs duct tape. I started to strap in the Greek Fire until I heard footsteps, I turned towards Beckendorf "How king do we have." He said "10 minutes at least." I nodded to him but I figured we didn't have time. "I'll go distract them, good luck." He nodded and I sprinted out, pulling out Techno and slashing at a group of telkhines, destroying the first few but leaving the others so they can sound the alarm. I sprinted up the stairs and blocked a stab from a dracaena and stabbed her in the neck with Techno before pulling out Maelstrom and starting to attack the other dracaena. I soon sprinted away across the deck until I came face to face with the hydra. Great. I quickly dodged an acid spray and attacked it, subconsciously cutting off one of its 9 heads. My eyes widened when the cut off head turned into 2. Each of the ten heads glared at me murderously, my eyes widened and I barely had time to doge the acid spray. I turned around and barely dodged another. I quickly pulled out my bow and thought 'fire arrow' instantly an arrow surrounded by fire was in the bow lock. Also I should tell you how I got this, it was a gift from Bianca to which it does the same magic properties like my other weapons or Riptide, then once I spawn it in, I pull the bowstring back and think of any kind of arrow, whether it is steel, to silver, to Stygian iron, it basically turns into any kind of arrow you can think of that already exists. The hydra hissed and shot towards me but I let the arrow fly to its torso. The hydra instantly wretched back in pain as the whole body blew into fire. It hit the ground and rolled, and I stifled a laugh. I turned my back and ran out of there, leaving golden dust to where the hydra used to be. I ran up the new sets of stairs when a voice suddenly said "Stop." I instantly froze, the voice seemed vaguely familiar but it also had an Ancient Voice accent. I turned around to see Lace, in his normal outfit, which is what kids say, like a normal person enjoying the summer. His eyes were gold however instead of blue like Lace's. I then growled "Why are your eyes gold?" He then laughed, an evil laugh. "Lace is simply just hosting my form, once I'm done fully forming I would be able to leave Lace's body and control the world." I steadied my swords at him and snorted "I highly doubt that." He then scowled but before he could say anything I attacked. In a flurry of attacks I already started to push him back. Soon his scythe appeared and I froze at the sight of it. He then slashed downward but I sidestepped and thrust my sword forward which he blocked. He then started to attack me in a flurry of attacks, but I did it back just as fast. However I only have speed in this power, not power. His speed was slowly gaining, forcing me on the offense until he kicked Maelstrom out of my grip and I was forced on my Techno sword. Slowly monsters and half bloods surrounded me and watched the battle happen. Soon after a few minutes of sparring he managed to get a stab into my shoulder. I yelped in pain and I staggered back. I put Techno on my left hand and started to attack but he easily disarmed me. I stood there defenseless, pain slowly started to go throughout my body. He smiled "I thought better of you Jackson. Lace's anger helped me assume this new form." I scowled at him, only a few more minutes. "Sir! We found another half bloods heading to the engine room with a pack full of explosives!" My eyes widened, Beckendorf. Kronos' eyes narrowed "Bring him out." The half blood nodded and I reclaimed it was Ethan Nakamura, I spared him in the labyrinth and in response he joined the Titans. He clapped his hands and 2 giants brought it Beckendorf and he looked beaten up. Why was he head- oh, he tricked them! I smiled internally, a smart person. I felt Maelstrom spawn in my left hand again, alone with Techno. "How did you know he didn't set the explosives yet?" Kronos said. Ethan shifted from feet to feet, "um... he told us that he was heading here, he still had the explosives in his bag." Kronos raised an eyebrow "Did you even check the bag? Did you even send someone to even CHECK THE ENGINE ROOM?" Ethan then bonded to a giant who pulled his hands away from Beckendorf's arm and opened his bag. He grunted and tipped it over, a dozen cans of peaches fell out. Kronos glared at Ethan Who yelped and said "Go check the engine room!" The giant nodded and I looked back at Beckendorf, he looked at me more than his watch, the detonator. I shook my head and mouthed 'wait' another wave of pain went through his body again, just like Kronos said, a touch of his scythe can cause serious damage. I concentrated on the waves, soon thousands of gallons of water sprang forward tipping the entire ship tilted sideways. I threw my sword at Kronos which startled him and I jumped down from the balcony and onto the patio. I felt my ankle twist but I ran over to Beckendorf and stabbed the other giant holding Beckendorf's right hand and I tanned his arm and shadow traveled us as far as we can get, which is the Hermes cabin table. Beckendorf and I stumbled on top of the food they had and fell face flat on the floor. I nodded to Beckendorf who pressed the button and an explosion could be heard. BOOM. I got up and showed my hand to Beckendorf who took it and I turned to the campers. "Mission success, in 5 hours we are heading to Olympus to defend it from the Titan's armies. Good eating!" Silena was the first to get or of her shock and ran to hug Beckendorf. I walked over to the Poseidon table where I was met with Bianca, Nico, Reyna and Scott. "Hey guys I'm back!" I kissed Bianca's forehead and got up. Chiron said grimly "Percy, I think it's time for you to hear the prophecy, the entire prophecy." I nodded firmly and headed up to the attic. I walked past the shocked and nervous faces from the campers and headed into the attic. I looked at the prizes we have gotten from the multiple battles in history. I sighed and walked up to the Oracle. "It's time for me to hear the entire Great Prophecy. How do I save Olympus?" The Oracle shuddered green and opened its mouth.

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