Chapter 6

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**They all get to the arcade by riding on their bikes**


The boys: WOOHOO!

El: sounds good.

Max: sounds amazingly boring.

Lucas: Quit being such a buzzkill, girls. Let's have fun!

**Max rolls her eyes meanwhile El just shrugs. They all go into the arcade and start playing**

**El and Max are playing Pacman. Lucas is playing Dr. Mario. Dustin is playing Super Mario Bros. Mike and Lucas are playing Donkey Kong.**

El: I'm bored.

Max: same..

Lucas: do y'all know what fun is?

Max: yes, and it certainly isn't this.

Lucas: like weirdos.

**Max's and El's jaws drop** the girls: wow. just wow.

Lucas: what? it's true

Mike: now that's just cold.

Will: on a silver platter too.

Dustin: for real.

**They boys start laughing**

Max: I'm just going to take El with me to watch a movie at my house, bye guys! **they both leave before they have a chance to say goodbye**

Mike: I-

Will: exactly...

Dustin: well ok.

Lucas: yep..

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