Chapter 22

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**Max calls the group chat. They all answer**

Max: Hey guys!

Dustin: ellooooooo **in a squeaky childish voice** 

Lucas: Hi, and why do you sound like a child, Dustin??

Dustin: I don't know.

Mike: Hey y'all. **drowsy voice**

El: just got up?

Mike: yea.

Lucas: makes sense.

Dustin: yep...

Mike: y'all ok?

El: mhm

**The boys and Max nod**

Mike: y'all are acting weird this morning..

Max: umm... I just called so I could ask if y'all wanted to go to the mall-

Dustin: heck yea

Lucas: sure.

El: bet.

Mike: uh ok..

**They all hang up. Max and El are the first to show up.**

Max: hi girlie, did you see the boys on the way in?

El: Hey. Um no I did not.

Max: they're late. **rolls eyes and pulls out her phone** It's 2:26 pm.

El: I mean, did we even schedule a time they had to be here?

Max: No, but we should've.

El: yea..

**Mike sneaks up behind them and jump-scares them**

Max: HOLY-

El: what the heck-

Mike: gotchuuuu **laughs**

Max: screw you.

El: exactly..

Mike: awe y'all love me.

El: dude- no.

**Lucas, Will, and Dustin all pull up to the curb**

Lucas: Hey guys

Dustin: What's up homiesss

Will: Hi y'all!

El: Ello boys.

Max: wow look who finally showed up.

Lucas: oh shut up, hold my hand, and let's all go inside.

Will: what are we going to do?

Mike: shopping again? **rolls eyes**

El: eh maybe.

Lucas: maybe???

Max: yep **smiles**

Will and Mike: great...

Dustin: eh who cares. As long as I get ice cream and an outfit of this, I'll be happy.

Lucas: understandable.

Mike: same Dustin...

El: can we just get on with this already? **laughs a bit**

Max: yes pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee **giggles**

Mike: fine...

Will: guess so.

Lucas: yep **grabs Max's hand**

Max: of course. 

Lucas: must hold it **smiles**

El: awe. **laughs**

Mike: lovebirds.

Dustin: just like Will and El.

Mike: why are you always trying to start something??

Will: for real- **holds El's hand anyways**

El: jeez.. **rolls eyes and pulls her hand away** Max come on. **grabs her hand, they both start running towards the stores**

Lucas: ugh.

Mike: can we just have a normal day for once, y'all?

Dustin: this is normal, idiot.

Will: yep...

( Hey guys! I'm sorry for leaving you all stranded waiting on a new chapter, but I'm back with some more ideas and inspiration. I was busy with real life stuff, and catching up with some friends. So.... yea! See y'all in the next chapter that's coming soon! :D )

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