Chapter 9

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**Everyone goes home except Mike, he goes with El to her cabin with Hopper.**

they start to do this and well..... (credits: vampire.diaries.fanklub, on youtube.)

El: fluff-

Hopper: Yea.. Mike, come outside with me.

**El stays behind, and the boys go outside to talk**

This is the talk they have (credits go to MovieTube, on youtube):

**The next day, Mike is unable to see El, due to the aftermath of their talk and Mike's job at Scoop's ahoy. Mike told the boys (Lucas and Dustin) about it that night.**

**At 10:46, El calls Mike, he doesn't answer. she sighs**

Hopper: everything alright, sweetie?

El: yep..

**El goes into her room, slams the door, falls onto her bed, and thinks. Meanwhile outside her room, Hopper starts to smirk.**

Hopper: "you don't mess around with Jim" **smirks**

**El calls the groupchat, everyone answers but Mike**

El: Hey guys!

Everyone: Hi!

El: what's up?

Lucas: just got done with homework.

Dustin: playing D&D with Will. He says hi btw 

Everyone: Hi Will!

Max: just woke up. What about you?

El: just got done calling Mike, he won't answer me.

Max: he's probably at work.

Lucas: true

El: yea..

Dustin: maybe.

Max: well that got you talking, boys. What do you know?

Dustin: nothin'

Lucas: nothing.

Max: uh huh sure, spit it out.

El: For real.

Lucas: it's nothingggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg

Max: if it was nothing, you wouldn't have spoken.

Lucas: so we aren't allowed to talk now?

Max: son of a gun.

El: wow.

Dustin: we win **smiles**

**the girls roll their eyes**

Max: well sorry El, but we gotta get to school.

El: it's ok, I understand.

Max: you sure?

El: mhm.

The boys: ok bye!

Max: wow. 

El: for real.

Max: anyways bye El!

El: bye!

Max: see you later! 

**they all hang up**

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