Chapter 25

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About a week later, after the mall was cleared of demogorgons, and debris, but was still not usable and basically abandoned. Their wounds are all gone and cured. They are all happy and successful. (It's March 22)

(They are at Mike's house, celebrating Will's birthday.)

Dustin: happy 15th birthday Will!

Max: happy birthday weirdo.

Will: thanks guys.

**El gives Will a kiss*

Will: well I know this will be a good birthday. **kisses her on the cheek**

El: hm. Maybe. **smiles**

**They eat cake, sit down, and open presents. He gets a newer version of D&D, an atari, a couple new books, and a t-shirt.**

Will: thanks guys!

El: you're welcome **smiles**

Mike: of course Will The Wise.

Dustin: no problem.

Lucas: mhm.

Max: after all you have been through, you deserve it. **smiles**

**They all get up from their seating, and give Will a big hug**

From then and on, there was no more run-ins with the demo-gorgons, mind-flayer, or demo-dogs. The children grew up and lived happy lives all through in the same house. They all had children, healthy marriages, a good house, and a family cat with the name Mews in memory of Dustin's cat. 

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