Ray of Light

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Oliver's Pov

"It's morning again". I stood up and looked myself in the bland old mirror, I had at the end of the hallway. "I don't remember the last time I had actually looked at myself, Today's the ball so I have to look my best!"

I started getting dressed in the afternoon. I put on a nice greyish dress suit and my casual dress shoes. I slicked my hair to the side and did the last few details before I left the house. The ball is said to be extravagant, I'm not very sure about it though...

We arrived at a huge mansion and was greeted by a man wearing a nice suit and a top hat. "Please step inside" he said while waving his hand towards the gates. We walked to a well designed room flooded with people! Nobles, i see..

I walked more and more into the ballroom as I passed by, the more familiar faces I saw. I know most of them because father had mentioned them once or twice before. But there was one person that caught my eyes. A girl in a beautiful gold and blue dress, and wonderful hair. I walked past her a few times not knowing if I should greet her. "Think Oliver, think!! Just go and greet her!" I tried very hard to greet her but as soon as I was about to, I was cut off by someone for a split second.

"Just wait patiently until the people are gone" I whispered to myself. I've always been am impatient child, if nothing happened the way I wanted it to hapoen, I would throw a tantrum. Person after person entering the ball room, it was getting quite packed! More and more familiar names and faces. Everyone was walking around, everyone in their best dress for that night.

I recognized way more people than I thought! I talk to a few of them all with the same conversation, "How is your father doing?" "Your Father didn't attend this ball?" The same questions over and over again.. Everyone loved my Father, he was a caring young man who had a name for himself all around.

The chance had come, the young girl was finally unbothered and I had the chance to go up to her. As I walked closer I fixed my hair and sleeves, I got close enough to say something but I doubt she'll hear,it's very noisy here. I walked a bit closer and greeted the young woman. "Good Evening,miss" I said. She looked back at me and said "Good evening to you too!" she replied. Wow. She is beautiful!

"I'm Oliver, and you are? I introduced myself.

"Vannesa,I'm Vannesa. Merchant Raymond's eldest daughter. " she said with a smile. "Wait.. Oliver?Oliver Viotto?"


"Earl Edward's Elder Son? It is a pleasure to meet you,sir. My father has told me a lot about you."

We chatted for a while, she had a very cheery personality and was like a ray of light. Someone had called her over to talk so we said waved each other and went separate ways. I was quite nervous but I got over it. I walked over to a table to grab a biscuit and talked to Alexia for a couple of minutes.
As I was eating a biscuit, I noticed Vannesa coming this way .. was she gonna talk more?..

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