Breeze of June

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                             Vannesa's Pov

It's not even dusk, yet there is no visible light. I light up a few candles and sit beside the window. I smile as the  breeze of june touches my face.  Such a beautiful evening! I rest my head on my shoulder. I close my eyes as my mind escapes this world. I feel like I am in another world, away from the all the miseries.

Someone knocked on my door and brought me back to this monotonous world. I open the door and see a maid-servant standing there. "Yes?" She hands me a card. "This came for you, young miss. From the Castle of Viotto"

I take a glance at the letter and thank her. I close my door and open the envelope. Oh, it is an invitation.
It says, "From the Viottos".
An inviation for a masquerade ball at their castle next week. I assume Alexia will be there. Oh god, she was so pretty! I want to see her again.

[A week later]

I get ready for the masquerade ball.
A black gown. It is perfect for a masquerade ball. I take the mask from the table and hold it in front of my face. An elegant black mask with red feathers around the corners. I look at the mirror and grab a furry scarf. Alright, I should leave now. I go downstairs and get on the horse carriage.

After half an hour, I reach the Earl's castle. I see people in suits and gowns. Everyone in masks, looking strange, pretending to be someone else. I've never been to a masquerade ball before. It looks great. I enter the castle. A man shows me the way to the ball room. I walk to the ball room, passing by a crowd.
The ball room is magnificent. Baroque art everwhere. A magnificent chandelier. Marble flooring. Beautiful Sculptures. This room is perfect in one word.

Someone calls my name from the back. I turn around and see Oliver.
It's hard to recognise though because of the masks. "Hey, Oliver." I said smiling.

"Hey, Vannesa. You look beautiful"

"How do you know? I'm wearing a mask. Who knows what's behind the mask"

"Tr-ue" he stuttered.

"Sorry, I was just joking. Thank you.
You look handsome as well."

"Thank you" he said . He offers me his hand as he asks me to dance with him.

I nod and he takes my hand. He slowly grabs my waist. He looks very different. Maybe it's the mask. He feels like a different person than the first time we danced. He swirls me around to a tall gentleman. That gentleman takes my hand and grabs me by my waist. I put my other hand on his shoulder. He has a silk glittery mask on. Perfectly made. I can't see his face properly because of the mask but without a doubt, he has beautiful eyes. Blue as an ocean. I stare into his ocean blue eyes as he stares into mine. I can't take my eyes off his piercing blue eyes . I can't see anything else but his eyes. His eyes are so mesmerising that I could stare forever. I feel like I've known him for years, eventhough I don't even know his name. I get distracted as he passes me back to Oliver. I hesitate for a bit. He seemed interesting, I didn't even get to know his name. Oliver pulls me closer. I keep staring at the tall gentleman dancing with another woman . That woman is so much prettier than I am. I don't know why but, I feel a bit of jealous. I don't even know him, what is this feeling supposed to mean? I clear my thoughts and continue dancing with Oliver.

Oliver stops dancing and pulls away as someone calls him. "I will be right back. I'm so sorry." he said as he walked away. "It's okay" I said smiling. I look around the room. I've obviously lost that gentleman. I walk to the dessert island and take a glass of champagne. I take a sip softly. A thought suddenly crosses my mind. Where is Alexia? I haven't seen her once after arriving. I look around the room but she's not here. I can't recognise her either. Everyone's wearing masks. I look for her here and there. The ball room is quite big. I keep walking as my eyes search for Alexia. Suddenly I bump into an gentleman. I almost dropped my glass. I ruined the gentleman's shirt. I look up and apologise to him. "Please,allow me to help you clean it. It might leave a stain" I said as I took a handkerchief out of my purse and leaned towards him. "No! No! Miss, you don't have to" he said laughing.
I think I recognise that mask..

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