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Pranpiya's POV

Days had passed, I am learning how to live here and adapt their cultures. I can also speaks a little bit of their langauge.

My wound and stitches definitely heal now. And Ms. Kim said that I am ready for combat again. But I still have to gain strength to get back. That's why here I am doing some running errands everyday to help me equip again.

Speaking of Ms. Kim, we became close these days. Like I literally considered her as my friend. She's been nothing but nice to me. " Seems like you're in deep thoughts Sergeant?" Suddenly a familiar voice speaks. Of course, I know this voice. It's hers. "Hey Doctor Kim. Why do you always appear when I am in my deep procrastination moment." I joked. "Oh, should I stop bothering you then?" she smiled.

"Not at all, I don't mind you bothering me." she move closer to me and I noticed that she's holding something. "Is that a basket? " I furrowed my eyebrow and the confusion is visible to my face I guess. "Ohhh yes! this is a basket Sergeant Manoban. Did you forget the plants that we water everyday? We will harvest it and and pick some flowers also." she excitedly said to me which made me smile. This girl is so impossible. "Cute." I said almost in whisper. Praying to God that she didn't hear me. "SOOOO YOU THINK I'M CUTE HUH?" she wiggles hear eye brows and show her iconic gummy smile.

" W-HHAT? Nooo. I didn't said that." I denied. Jeez, I'm sweating. "Okay, what ever floats  your boat. I'm just gonna pretend that I didn't heard that." she said and pull my left hand and now we're running toward the little garden that we build. I saw half of the people watching us because Dr. Kim keep on pulling me in. "Dr. Kim, Calm down." I said while laughing she's really a kid sometimes.

"We need to get hurry! I have work to do Sergeant. " She said. Oh yeah, I almost forgot that she have her duty. "Okay-okay at least stop pulling me while running." I complained. "Err, you're so slow." she said. " Excuse me, I will not be in the combat if I am slow." I replied while pretending to be hurt by her comments. She just laughs.

At last, after 15 mins of running we reached our little garden. "It's so beautiful." she said with the admiration in her eyes. I look to her and I realized something about this woman that is standing next to me. She's so precious the way her eyes twinkle in the simple things and how happy she is when she accomplish something that she work hard for. "Yes, it's beautiful." You're beautiful. I said while looking at her. I am not even paying attention to the things that she's looking. I am paying attention to her smile. Her beauty inside makes her glow even more. Oh Manoban you've got it bad. 

After the flower picking and plants picking we go back to the head quarters. I am carrying the basket that she held earlier while following her as we walks. "Today is really a beautiful day." She said she suddenly slowed her walk so we can walk together. "Yes, the weather is so nice. It's sunny but not that hot." I said. "Yes, so sad. That I have a duty to fulfill this afternoon. I kind of wanted to hang out and do a little talk with you. I like talking to you, you know that right?" she said while glancing at me.

"Yes of course. I like your company too." I response. And I look at her and smiled. So she will know that I am telling the truth. Well this is strange to me but, with her I felt like my life is less mess up. After the circumstances that I've been. When she same she made me smiled and forgot my burden for a little while. 

"Well duty first." she laughed. "Yes Doctor Kim.  So uhmm, wait, do you need some extra hands to your work? I can help you if you want to." I offered. "You do realized that I have assistant nurse right?" she said while looking at me like I've said the most ridiculous words. "Well Dr. Kim I can be a great help you know. I can talk to the Soldiers and entertain them." I  speaks confidently as if I can actually do that. But I will try my best. Truth is I just want to spend my day with her. But I am not gonna say that to her. "Okay I'll let you." I just nodded and flash a toothy grinned.

After the rotations that we made we are now heading to her office. When I said that I can be a great help this doesn't include the heavy carts and the oxygen tank that she told me to carry earlier. I am exhausted. Remind me again not to offer to help her. I won't do that. I am walking behind her just following her. This is what I always do. I don't know but I guess this is mu habit let a woman walk first. She stop walking and look at me. "You seem quiet." She told me. "No I am just walking silently" I said. "Thank you for today. You really helped us a lot." She smiled. "No  problem Dr. Kim." I smiled. "You can help us everyday if you want to." No way. "Ahh, About that Dr. Kim. I will report tomorrow to the Combat. hehe so I don't think so  I can help you with that." I won't carry any oxygen tank anymore. 

She look at me and laugh so loud, I swear she's weird sometimes. "Why are you laughing?" I asked her. "It's because you're funny. The reason why you won't come again it is because of the things that you did earlier right?" She teased. I just rolled my eyes and I am about to walk out. I am really embarrassed right now. She's making fun of me! Aish. "Heeyy hahaha!" She holds my hand to stop me from walking. "Don't be mad. I was just teasing you." She's trying to suppressed her laugh and I glared at her. "Okay I'll stop." She's trying not to laugh. "Sorry about that. We  just needed a lift earlier and it happened that the boys weren't there. Promise I won't let you carry those things  again. " She caress my hand to tell me that she was sincere. I suddenly froze by her actions but I tried my best not to show the effects she has on me. Calm down heart. "I am free tomorrow." She suddenly speaks. "Huh?" I asked. "Let's go out. I will tour you. There are still safe places here to go out too you know." before I say something she cut me off  and kissed my cheek. "Goodbye Sergeant ! Have a lovely night. See you tomorrow!" She rushed in to their Car.

what was that?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2021 ⏰

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