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Jennie Kim

Our situation in this war are getting worse. The number of wounded soldiers are increasing. "We must do our best to heal these soldiers!" I encourage the nursing in the quarters.

This is my daily routine in my almost a year duty as a doctor. I see another patient that is rushing to the E.R "Doctor Kim! Sergeant Manoban is in bad condition. She's shot from the back and shoulder." The medic said.

I followed them to the E.R to check her vitals, airways, exposure. The gunshot that she received is a serious matter. She's really weak and it'll take time for her to recover.

After the operation done. I successfully removed the 2 bullets on her body.I noticed also that she have a lot of bruises on her body. She need to regain her strength because she lost a lot of blood. And there's no sign that she'll wake up soon.

I roamed around the quarters to check the endured patients. As I said my daily routine. I'm glad that most of the soldiers are getting in recovery but at the same time it saddens me because we're losing soldiers too.

Before I get home I secretly drop by to Sergeant Manoban to check her up. I guess she'll be awake for tomorrow. I don't know why I'm worried about her. We're not even close. What are you doing Jennie?

"So how's your day in the quarters?" Jisoo Unnie asked.

"It's stressful, you know the girl in the battlefield? She's injured. From a gunshot by the way." I said.

"That's must've been scary."

"Yeah, I thought for a moment that she will not survive but thankfully the rescued brought her soon enough before she loss a lot of blood." I said.

"Tough woman." She just said and get back to her tons of files.

I asked the rescuer why she got injured because she's been In a warzone for almost a year and I never heard anything from her being injured. Then there's this woman in her early forties approached me that they are the reason why she got shot. She said that Sergeant Manoban rescued her son. I imagine how much pain she endured carrying that little child with a bullets in her body. She never think of her own safety. This woman is such a hero.

"Good Morning Doctor Kim." The nurse said I smiled in return. I am on the way now to the quarters. "So how's the Sergeant?" I asked my assistant.

"You mean the woman doctor?" She asked.  Who else?

"Yes." I asked not to be obvious.

"She's wake now. But we're having a hard time to communicate with her because she can't understand us." She simply said.

"What do you mean?"

"She's Thai Doctor. But she's speaking another language also if I'm not mistaken it's English." She said.

"Oh no problem, I know how to speak English. It'll be easy for me to communicate to her." I said. I should check her up.

As soon as I reach her room. I saw her looking helpless and just laying in her bed. If I'm not mistaken she's distracting herself from loneliness. When she saw me approaching her she just avoid my stare and look somewhere else.cute.

"Hello Sergeant Manoban. I am Doctor Kim. I'll be the one who will check you up daily." I bowed. She's keep on looking at me and it's making me uncomfortable. I look to my assistant and I whispered "You said she's speaking English?" I asked. But before my assistant said she speaks in a low voice.

"Uhm.. I-im ah.. sorry.. Doctor, it's j-uust.. I ah I am ha-ving ah.. ha-hard time to speak." She said. Oh stupid me, I should have known. She's not yet recover. Why her voice sounds like heaven? Stop it Jennie.

"No worry Sergeant, you don't have to speak. Just nod if I asked you a question." I said. And then she just smiled at me. Oh she's smiling? I don't know that. Heart be still .

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