Chapter 10

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"Oh my God! I'm actually hugging you! I can feel you! Oh my God!"

Hoseok gushes, alternating between touching Jungkook and himself, "I can feel my own body. I'm so warm."

Jungkook laughs as he drags the other man onto the bed.

"But now you have to sleep, my little insomniac."

"Don't call me an insomniac. I was a ghost. I didn't need to sleep." Hoseok huffs as he lets himself be laid down.

"Alright, Castiel." Jungkook chuckles, wrapping an arm around Hoseok's waist. Hoseok wiggles around until he's facing Jungkook, and there's this adorably confused expression on his face.

"Who is that?"

"Oh my God, you're old."

"Don't make fun of me!"


Morning comes sooner than Jungkook would wish. Because morning brings work. And that means he has to leave Hoseok... or does it?

"Hoseok, wanna come to the magic shop with me?" The wizard whispers into the sleeping man's ear. Or, the light-sleeper, Jungkook should say, because Hoseok's eyes popped open before he finished asking.


"After you bathe though."

"I don't stink."

"You sweat for the first time in years. Go take a bath, shower, whatever."

"Fine!" Hoseok huffs before stomping off to the bathroom. Jungkook is still for a moment before deciding to join Hoseok in the shower.


"This is Hoseok? I see why you would go to such lengths. Have you talked to Yoongi yet?" Jimin asks as soon as the pair enter the shop. Jungkook has no clue how the shorter man finds out they're there, much less where how he manages to pop out of nowhere.

"I knew there was something I was forgetting," Jungkook mutters, scratching the back of his head.

"Do it now!" Jimin exclaims and Jungkook laughs.





Yoongi hyung


You want something

I know you do




You called me hyung


Okay so technically it's not what I want

It's what Jimin wants

And that would be a date




Oh come on hyung

I owe him and so do you map stealer



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