Chapter 5

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Jungkook couldn't believe what he was seeing... or feeling more like. Hoseok just grabbed him when a second ago he passed right through the young warlock. Jungkook just couldn't believe the sudden change of ability.

"Jungkook! Snap out of it! I want to shake you but I can't." Hoseok exclaims in the brunet's face, making Jungkook glare at him.

"Why did you feel the need to be so close?" The warlock questions, raising an eyebrow. Hoseok merely shrugs in response and Jungkook rolls his eyes.

"Since it seems that you can grab things when you feel pressured, we should work on you grabbing things unpressured," Jungkook mutters before opening his time vault and pulling out various objects – books, various blades of various sizes, various plant species, and more.

"This is what we're going to do all day." Jungkook proclaims before picking up a book and holding it out to Hoseok. Hoseok looks at him questioningly before glancing down at the book and then back up at him.

"I think you're overestimating my ability to grab things. My sense of urgency is what helped me out before. There's nothing urgent about this situation."

"That's the point of doing it now, dummy. I'm trying to help you figure out how to grab things without there being an absolute need for it... Take the book." Jungkook states, rolling his eyes. Hoseok huffs before making a grab at the book only for his hands to go right through it.

"Focus. Focus solely on taking the book from my hands and the book itself. Don't worry about where you are or what you are. Just focus on the now and only the now." Jungkook instructs, trying his best to help the ghost.

Hoseok solemnly nods and does his best to do as Jungkook said, his eyes only on the book in Jungkook's hands. He reaches out slowly and makes another attempt at grabbing the book, his hands on either side of it, before slowly lifting it out of Jungkook's hands. With a small smile, Hoseok turns and throws the book onto Jungkook's bed.

"That's a good start. Got it on your second try and even threw it on the bed. That's good progress, Hoseok." Jungkook praises the ghost, smiling at the ghost. Next, Jungkook picks up a dagger and holds it out handle-first towards Hoseok.

Using the same amount of focus as before, Hoseok grabs the dagger and looks over it.

"Great. Now throw that at me."

"Jungkook, this a knife."

"No, that's a dagger."

"A blade is a blade."

"Now that that's out the way. Throw it at me."

"Fine. But when you lose an eye, don't complain."

"You won't hit me," Jungkook says as he presses his back to his bedroom door.

"And how do you know that?" Hoseok questions as he slowly turns the dagger around so that he's holding it by the blade.

"I just know you won't," Jungkook states, smiling at the apparition. He's confident that even if Hoseok does come close to any part of his body, he'll be able to direct the blade elsewhere.

Hoseok steps back a little before throwing the dagger as hard as he can, not really aiming for anything. The dagger lands in the door mere inches away from Jungkook's left cheek, to Hoseok's astonishment.

"Holy fuck! I did it." Hoseok cheers and Jungkook smiles at the other man.

"I told you you could do it and you doubted yourself," Jungkook states, crossing his arms over his chest.

In his moment of excitement, Hoseok leaps forwards and hugs Jungkook... successfully.

"You're just full of surprises today, aren't you?"

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