Chapter 11

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One happy year later...

"Jungkookie, wake up..." Hoseok says as he shakes the boy's shoulder. The warlock had stayed up looking through impregnation spells, despite Hoseok's protests. And now the younger man is suffering the consequences.

"No..." Jungkook mutters, rolling over. Hoseok narrows his eyes at the sleeping boy before pulling out the list of spells he'd been saving.

ortum solis

luna ruinam

puer expergisci

abiit dormitabis

Jungkook immediately sits up and jumps out of bed and does a full lap around the room before stopping in front of his boyfriend.

"I hate you... Who taught you that spell?" Jungkook grumbles, pressing a kiss to the older man's cheek.

"Myself. That's what happens when you leave your books out after I've told you to put them up." Hoseok answers, pinching one of Jungkook's cheeks. The younger swats his hand away before getting ready for the day.

"Do you want breakfast?" Hoseok questions, watching Jungkook get dressed.

"No, thank you." Jungkook answers quickly, ruffling his hair before turning to look at his boyfriend. He gestures towards his hair and Hoseok gives him a thumbs up.

"Okay... See you tonight." Jungkook says before quickly uttering the spell and disappearing.

"I could have told him he's an entire hour early." Hoseok chuckles, shaking his head. That spell works a little too well.

Hoseok groans as he lies on the bed. He shifts around a little and finds that something's pressing into his back. He sits up and searches the bed, finding Jungkook's phone to be the culprit.

"Well, then." Hoseok laughs, feeling sorry for the younger boy, knowing that Jimin is not gonna let him come back for his phone.

"Oh, boy. He's gonna get bored real fast..." Hoseok says as he opens the phone. He decides to check out the contacts, knowing about Jungkook's multiple friends.

"Eh?" Hoseok stares at the contact name before clicking on it. He wonders... if this is really his mother's number...


"You did what?!" Jungkook exclaims, looking at his boyfriend with wide eyes.

Hoseok jumps up from the bed and starts pacing around. Jungkook stands up as well and Hoseok immediately stops. Jungkook starts pacing instead.

"I-I– Calm down! She didn't even answer."

"What were you even going to say?!" Jungkook yells and Hoseok puts his hands on his hips.

"That she should be ashamed of herself. Her and her husband." Hoseok responds just as loudly. Jungkook stops walking and looks Hoseok in the eye. He takes a deep breath...


"And that you found your soulmate after all and that you're happy and want nothing to do with them anymore. That they should never reach out to you for anything." Hoseok continues, turning red. Jungkook hugs the elder and drags him back to the bed.

"... Thanks for the effort, sunshine." Jungkook says quietly. Hoseok smiles at the younger man.

"Don't do that." Jungkook groans and Hoseok gives him a confused look.

"Do what?"

"Give me that seductive look."

"I just smiled at you!"

"And that's seductive enough... Jimin gave me advice on the pregnancy thing."

"Oh God, no!"

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