Chapter 6

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Hoseok and Jungkook continued to work on honing the ghost's abilities. By the time Jungkook falls asleep and Hoseok does whatever he does at night, the ghost is able to lift things, give hugs, and make things float with ease. Still no kissing though. Which is why Jungkook is still intending to look for a spell to turn Hoseok human again.


"Jungkook, giving a soul back its body will come at a great cost... if your heart is not in the right place... The answer you seek... Is at the Magic Shop."


Jungkook wakes up with a funny feeling as he remembers the words of an unfamiliar voice. It's a voice he's never heard before and its cryptic message didn't help either.

"A great cost... the Magic Shop? Not a magic shop? What the hell does that mean? And who the hell told me that cryptic shit?" Jungkook mutters, looking around his room. Hoseok isn't here so the man opens his vault and pulls out his special phone. His special phone is basically the phone he uses to find things related to magic. He's in a group chat with a bunch of other people that have... special abilities as they liked to put it. Last time Jungkook checked there were at least fifteen other people in the group chat. One of them has to know so something about the Magic Shop.


[Magical Gathering]


Where's the Magic Shop?


Which magic shop kook

Do you know how many there are in the world


Look here dumbass

I'm broke you're broke

So I'm clearly talking about a place in South Korea!


You can conjure money remember


I refrain from illegal activity unlike you and a certain amount of people here


Try that one again Jungcock


Yeah try that one again Junglebook


Try that one again coconut



I get it

But seriously

Does anyone know about the Magic Shop

Not just any magic shop but THE Magic Shop


Oh that one

Yugyeom really is stupid




Kook, who told you about it


I don't know

It was spoken to me in a dream

Taekwoon hyung don't you have this uncontrollable fortune telling thing


Wasn't me

I've actually learned how to control it now and besides I didn't sleep last night

Stayed up nursing a certain maknae and hyung back to health


Call our names, yeah!?!?!?!?!


Have your lover's quarrel elsewhere


The Magic Shop is a place that moves around and is not a place that wants to be found by those with greedy hearts

It hides from everyone who seeks it, making it ten times harder to purposefully find it

I can give you a map to help locate it though

I know the guy that runs it

Elusive that fucker is but I know how to find him


Thank you Yoongi hyung


No problem kid

I'll pm you

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