Chapter 1

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'A two-bedroom apartment with enough room for a family. Even bachelors can enjoy this space. It's simply to die for.'

Jungkook could see nothing wrong with the apartment, could sense nothing wrong. The apartment was in tip-top shape – the walls weren't damaged from what the boy could see, no dead bodies in sight, no weird smells, a guy standing in front of him... guy?

"Who the hell are you?" The guy asks, looking at Jungkook weirdly, his eyes wide and emotionless. Jungkook stares at the guy, sensing the energy coming from the man. It's not the same amount of energy he feels from a human – it's less than it should be – so that means the guy can only be... a ghost?

"I should be asking you that!" Jungkook finally retorts, looking over the brunet-haired ghost. The ghost frowns and a wave of cold air rushes over Jungkook as the door slams shut behind him. Why hadn't he closed it before?

"I'm Jung Hoseok and this is my place." The ghost defends, glaring at Jungkook. Jungkook rolls his eyes.

"You know you're dead, right?"

Hoseok's eyes widen and he looks down at himself before looking back up at Jungkook.

"So, what I'm a ghost?"

"Well your ghostness, the landlord wants money so he rented this place to me for my special abilities... So, I guess we're roommates now." Jungkook states, walking past the ghost.

"Your special abilities? Are you an exorcist or something?" Hoseok asks, following behind the live human.

"I wish it was something as simple as that." Jungkook sighs, rubbing his wrist. It's started to burn for some reason. The boy walks all the way to the master bedroom with Hoseok trailing behind him. Of course, there's no bed inside yet but Jungkook will fix that as soon as Hoseok is out of range.

"Well if you're gonna live here, we need to set some rules." Hoseok huffs, crossing his arms.

"We can do that tomorrow. For now, I need a nap. Bye bye." Jungkook says with a wave of his hand, using his magic to send Hoseok flying out of the room and close the door as well. Jungkook places a seal on the door that'll keep the ghost out for a while – a week at least. This isn't the man's first time dealing with ghost and it certainly won't be his last.

"Just great. As soon as I move into a new place, it's haunted. I knew this was too good to be true when that sketchy landlord offered it to me." The young warlock mumbles, opening his time vault. His time vault is basically his magical mobile storage unit that he can open with a wave of his hand. It's something he figure out how to do as a kid when he didn't want to actually put up his toys or clothes.

He uses his magic to move his bed to the center of the spacious room. And then he climbs into the bed for a nap. His magic is draining, always has been and always will be. But before he completely falls asleep...

"Why is there a circle on my wrist?!"

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