Chapter 3

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"Why... now? What the hell?" Jungkook mutters, staring at the empty circle on his wrist.

Hoseok huffs exasperatedly and Jungkook flicks his gaze up to glare at him.

"Could you put that aside for the moment and try to figure out what this means?!" The ghost asks and Jungkook just rolls his eyes.

"We're soulmates and... the reason they're appearing now is because you're a fucking ghost. If you were alive, your wavelength would've reached me naturally but... you're a fucking ghost! What's your backstory any fucking ways?!" Jungkook snaps, glaring at the brunet.

Hoseok huffs as he sits down on Jungkook's bed. His transparent body glides through Jungkook a little, making the warlock shudder.

"I was born in Gwangju in 1975 and I moved to this very apartment when I was twenty..." Hoseok trails off but Jungkook doesn't hesitate to ask what comes to his mind first.

"You were born in 1975... and I was born in 1997. How did you die?" The warlock inquires, raising an eyebrow. Hoseok starts shifting around and Jungkook has a feeling he won't like his answer.



"Cause I hadn't met you yet and... everybody was doing it.>."

"You're a fucking idiot!" Jungkook exclaims, raking a hand through his hair.

"I know that now." Hoseok retorts, throwing his hands up in the air. Jungkook rolls his eyes and sighs.

"I'm not entirely mad, though." Jungkook says after a moment of silence.


"You'd've been an old ass fart by the time I met you... But still I was born markless because you're a dumbass."


"Now, Hoseok..."


"Can you leave now? I am still sleepy." Jungkook huffs, lying back on his bed. Hoseok wordlessly huffs before jumping up from the bed and storming out, making the door slam behind him.

"What's his deal?"

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