Chapter 4 - First Day, Worst Day

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I laid on my back fully unclothed as Chris kissed me all over my neck, his breath giving me eerie chills. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't move at all. It was like my body was paralyzed. I tried to scream but nothing came out. Chris looked me into my eyes with a sinister smile on his face before flipping me over. I was tossed on my stomach still trying to move with everything in me, but I had no control over my body. "Goodnight..." Chris whispered in my ear.

Ugggggh! I woke up covered in sweat, my pillow was drenched. This is the third night in a row that I've had these nightmares. I was relieved it was just a dream but depressed because I still can't get over what happened that night. It's fucking me up I can't keep living with this secret, it's killing me already.

What a perfect way to start off my first day of school right? I hopped out of bed realizing I overslept, only by a few minutes tho. My mood changed when I thought of Roc and him asking me to help him find his way around school. I was more than happy to do it, whatever chance I got to be close to him. I still can't believe I caught him checking me out the other day.

Once I got dressed, I grabbed my keys and backpack and headed out the door. When I walked out I saw Roc on his porch smoking a black n mild waiting for me. I walked over to his fine ass.

"Eww you smoke those things?" I said turning my head in disgust. "Don't judge me man, a nigga be stressed." Roc said out the side of his mouth as he blew smoke in the air. "I guess.. are you ready? Where ya books?" I asked looking at Roc with only a lighter and black in his hand. "I got a pen in my back pocket and's the first day of school I'm sure somebody got paper I can borrow." "What the hell! Just come on." "Oh, we walking?" "Yeah, how else we getting there? It's only like 5 blocks up the street." "Ight, let's go playa."

Me and Roc headed up the street side by side. He literally had me laughing the whole walk to school. He's a goofball and so funny. Roc seriously brightens my day and he doesn't even know it. Just seeing his face makes me forget about all the bad shit that's been going on lately. Where are all these strong feelings coming from so fast?

Anyway, we make it up to the block where our school is and everybody's outside getting off their bus and reacquainting with each other. I notice my two old friends Ray and Jacob posted up on the fence staring our way. I tried to pay them no mind but I could tell they were talking about me. As we walked by Ray, under his breath, said "look at this faggot ass nigga." That shit had me so mad inside. I was gonna just ignore his stupid ass and keep on walking but Roc stopped.

"Aye watch who you callin a faggot fuck nigga! U'on want these problems this early in the school year." Roc bossed up to both of them. Ray sucked his teeth and they turned their heads, we kept on walking. Wow, he really stood up for me.

"Thanks Roc, I appreciate that fr." I said shyly. "Nah we cool, I got yo back bruh. I'm not gon let anybody fuck wit you." He smiled. "He didn't lie tho." I said in shame with my head down. "Huh?" "I'm gay bro, just thought you should kno if we gonna keep being friends." "Ok and?" "Those two were my peoples until I came out now you see how it is." Me referring to Jacob and Ray. "Man that only mean they wasn't ya friends to begin wit! Don't worry nigga you got me now."

SKFKSKSKAAK (keyboard smash is my feelings right now)

"Besfraaaaaaaaaan!" Just then I heard a familiar voice from the other side of the street. "Oh lord here come my crazy ass best friend Zonnique." "Daaamn that's yo best friend?" Roc said taking a step back admiring her obvious beauty. She walked over from car with shades on and handbag by her side and I jumped into her arms.

"Zo! I missed yo ass so much! Why am I just now seeing you?" I exclaimed embracing her hug. "Ugh Princey you know I just got back the other. My dad stayed for a few, him and my mom got into it, it was crazy! But yasss a bitch is back! I missed you too and we have sooooo much to catch up on."

Obviously we couldn't talk about everything right then and there because Roc was standing, from what it looked like mesmerized by Zonnique. Oh hell naw...

"So who is this Prince? You not gonna introduce me to ya new friend?" Zonnique said sliding her Ray Ban shades down glancing at Roc. He licked his lips. "Oh I can introduce myself. I'm Roc and you must be Zonnique." He said extending his hand out to her. "Mmm yes I must be. Nice to meet you Roc." She met her hand with his being her usual flirty self.

I stood there slighty irritated, just slightly. As soon as Zonnique came this nigga just acted like I didn't exist! I know my bitch is bad but damn he suppose to be mine.

"Ok, schedule check!" I interrupted their gaze. "Schedule check?" Roc asked. "Oh, every year me and Princey compare our schedules to see what classes we got together." Zonnique explained as she dug through her purse looking for hers. "Yeah, gimme yours we can do you too." I said to Roc.

"Look! We all have English together for first period." I pointed out. "Ayye it's lit!" Roc jigged. "Oh god please don't be one of those niggas who say 'it's lit' all the damn time." Zonnique rolled her eyes. Roc sucked his teeth at her comment.

Us three then made our way into the school building. I showed Roc to his homeroom, before going to mines. After the morning announcements the bell rang and we all met up in our first period class.

The English teacher last year, Mr. Herbert, got into an actually fist fight with one of the students. Needless to say, he got fired, and the class eagerly awaited to see who the new teacher would be. Scattered conversations filled the unattended room, including me and Zonnique's in the back corner.

"Man I hope the new teacher ain't nothing like Mr. Herbert. I'm glad Trevor beat his ass!" I said with my head on the desk doodling in the first page of my notebook. "I heard the new teacher fine af and he young." "Zonnique, where and when did you hear that?" "Just a few minutes ago in my homeroom. My girl Bahja was in there, you know she work in the school office and got all the good gossip." "Well whoever he is can't be worse than Mr. Herbert."

I wasn't really worried about the new teacher anymore. I was more focused on Roc, who was sitting right in front of me. Even the back of his head was sexy. Damn, I got it bad. I still didn't get a chance to fill Zonnique in on everything as far as me basically being in love with Roc, so it was kind of weird all three of us being together.

The classroom suddenly got quiet. I was still stuck in between drawing randomness and staring at the back of Roc's fade. Without me noticing, the new teacher had walked in and right away went for the chalk. Zonnique nudged me to get my attention.

"Bahja wasn't lying, he is cute! I think I got a new favorite teacher." She said adjusting her bra.

I lifted my head up as he finished writing and underlining his name "Mr. Brown" on the board. He turned around and cleared his throat as if he was about to speak, then his eyes went straight to me.

You can't be serious right now's Chris.

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