Chapter 3

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Oh Jung Ho skidded to a stop in front of a commercial building in Apgujeong. He ran all the way from the bus stop. He made it just in time for his part-time job as parking toll fee attendant. The building, which housed restaurants, shops and some bars, was garishly lit in bright neon colors. Men and women, mostly in theirs 20s-30s, went in and out of the building, sometimes laughing, sometimes arguing.

It was Jung Ho's third job in a span of one month and he's really hoping he could stick around longer this time. As a parking toll fee attendant, it didn't really require him to interact with people. He just hands them a ticket, he gets money and then he gives them a receipt. It was a four-hour gig that pays fairly well. So he was twice lucky. His previous jobs paid peanuts for work serving customers. Jung Ho couldn't count the times he had to bite back a retort. It felt like swallowing a spoonful of broken glass. But he wasn't always successful. His emotions got the better of him. Hence, he got fired twice for talking back to customers.

Jung Ho hurriedly put on his uniform (it's just a vest really) and replaced the sleepy-looking attendant at the booth. After the quick turnover, he settled in his seat and internalized his I'm-trying-to-pretend-I-give-a-shit-because-I-need-money demeanor. He cracked his face in an attempt to smile. Yeah, right! No, not today. It's not happening today. That shit is hard.

Ever since Ha Kyung broke the ice, more like smashed Namsoon's Hoover Dam of silence really, the two would often meet up. From a third party's point of view, it would look like two friends turning into lovers. If only people knew what they've really been up to.

Namsoon admits being drawn to Ha Kyung. He would seek her out to talk even though she really doesn't want to sometimes. Namsoon's favorite and only topic, of course, is Heungsoo. He doesn't squee over him though. Namsoon had finally admitted that he likes Heungsoo more than a friend but he didn't grow a vagina in the process.

Namsoon just felt like he's been under the water holding his breath for too long and talking with Ha Kyung was like coming up to the surface for air. Sometimes, Ha Kyung doesn't even listen to him but that's okay. Studying has always been a priority to Ha Kyung and Namsoon understood that. Namsoon just likes to breathe a little easier. To stop pretending for a few hours that he's just Heungsoo's best friend and that his heart doesn't beat faster whenever Heungsoo would come close. But even then he doesn't last for long.

It was supposed to be for his own sanity that he was hanging out with Ha Kyung but then guilt always crashes his party like an uninvited guest. Namsoon would feel like he was cheating on Heungsoo by spending time with Ha Kyung. Shit! He really needs to have his head checked.

At the same time, Ha Kyung also seemed to be in the same predicament as Namsoon because there are times when she forcibly brings him to tag along with her even when he's not in the mood.

According to Ha Kyung, EDUCATION IS THE KEY TO SUCCESS. God, it's like hanging out with Teacher Jung sometimes.

Namsoon doesn't even know if he wants to succeed. Thinking about the possibility of getting what he wants is really frightening because he feels he doesn't deserve it.

What Ha Kyung loved to do was drag Namsoon to meetings hosted by a local LGBT club. How Ha Kyung even knew about it, Namsoon didn't want to know. The meetings would usually run for two hours and it's held once a week at the law office of a LGBT member. Namsoon had been to two meetings under duress because Ha Kyung would threaten him that she'll tell Heungsoo if he doesn't come with her. Even though Namsoon knows she never would, he would still grumble while he gives in. The first meeting felt like he was sitting on pin cushions with the sharp ends of the needles facing outwards. The second one wasn't any better because... sharing personal stuff in front of a bunch of strangers is not his thing! He'd rather have his teeth pulled. Fortunately, it's all voluntary and nobody is forced to speak.

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