Chapter 7

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Namsoon hesitated by the door of his classroom. He knew Heungsoo was already inside. He saw him arrive earlier. Namsoon had been hiding on the rooftop watching the students who entered the school gates. He needed a moment before he could see Heungsoo again. Make that several moments.

Pretend nothing happened.

Pretend nothing happened.

Pretend nothing happened.

"Hey, Namsoon," a soft and polite voice greeted him from behind.

Namsoon smiled when Minki passed him. Minki smiled back and if he was wondering why Namsoon was hovering by the doorway, he didn't voice it. Namsoon followed Minki inside.

Time to face the music.

Namsoon headed for his seat and smiled at Heungsoo, who glanced in his direction. Heungsoo smiled back. Thank god. Namsoon was really afraid things would get weird between them. He was afraid Heungsoo would be disgusted by him. What are you talking about? It was HIS idea! Namsoon ignored the voice inside his head.

"Have you eaten?" Heungsoo asked him as he settled in his seat.

Namsoon thought about lying but his stomach made sure he didn't it.

"Yah! How many times have I told you to eat before coming to class?" Heungsoo scolded him.

I couldn't eat. I feel like my stomach is twisted into knots because I don't know exactly how to behave around you. The last time we saw each other you had your tongue down my throat and I was ready to jump your bones. But you were just carried away by the dare I issued because you certainly are not gay and you don't like me that way.

Namsoon opened his backpack and took out a piece of bread. He made a show of opening the plastic wrapper and taking a huge bite. "Happy?" the word was hardly understandable when it was competing with the food Namsoon was chewing. But Namsoon's smug face told Heungsoo enough.

"Hey, did you hear about Kim Hyun Joong?" Namsoon asked. He prepared this story. In fact, he has a list of safe conversation topics in his head to be used in cases where silence might fall between him and Heungsoo.

"What's up with that bastard?"

"I hear his parents shipped him off to the Philippines to study English. But it was really because he just got expelled and no other school wants to accept him as a student," Namsoon related.

"That sucks, man," Heungsoo empathized. He couldn't say more because the teacher arrived.

Namsoon quickly put the half-eaten bread back in his bag. The nervousness he felt inside slowly deflated like a balloon. He congratulated himself for a job well done.

But Namsoon wasn't entirely successful. Lunch was one whole hour and he was running out of conversation gambits. He has never been so afraid of silence before. He was so busy thinking that he didn't realize Heungsoo had stopped talking. His dazed brain refocused and his vision cleared to see Heungsoo looking at him curiously. His panic must have shown in his face because Heungsoo's expression suddenly changed, turning serious.

"Look, Namsoon-ah...." Heungsoo started.

Shit! He's going to say sorry and tell me he just got carried away by the kiss and that it really didn't mean anything and they should just forget about it because he's not gay and he doesn't feel that way about me. Namsoon felt breathless even though he never uttered the words that came tumbling out of his mind.

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