Chapter 11

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"So... what are you wearing?" Namsoon asked in his best phone sex voice. He could hear Heungsoo exploding in guffaws at the other end of the line and he smiled.

"You did not just say that," Heungsoo chuckled into his ear.

"Are you naked?" Namsoon continued with his teasing.

"Are you?" Heungsoo lowered his voice, teasing him back. It sounded really sexy igniting a fire in Namsoon's gut causing him to groan because neither of them could really do anything about it.

Namsoon wished he wasn't joking but Heungsoo was on his lunch break and he was on the bus headed for Seoul.

"Soon," Namsoon promised. "Hey, the bus is finally leaving the station. I hope to get there before 7 p.m."

"I wish you accepted my offer for that KTX ticket, you'd arrive here much faster."

Namsoon sighed. "I know. But I don't want you to waste your money," he mumbled.

"Okay, then I'm going to be waiting for you at the station here, alright?" Heungsoo didn't sound like he was asking permission.

"Okay," Namsoon said even though he wanted to say no, he didn't want Heungsoo to be cold waiting for him.

"I just can't wait to see. I miss you so bad."

Namsoon closed his eyes at the misery and pleading he heard in Heungsoo's voice. His throat constricted as he tried to hold in the tears that suddenly threatened to spill from his eyes. "Yeah... I really miss you too. See you soon, 'kay?"

"I'll be waiting."

But halfway to Seoul, the bus popped not one but two flat tires. There was only one spare tire on board. The trip ended up delayed for two hours. The battery on Namsoon's phone died but fortunately, he was able to text Heungsoo about the unfortunate development. However, it didn't stop him from worrying about Heungsoo. If he was warm enough... if he was bored... if he already ate...

By the time the bus rolled in at Seoul station, Namsoon was so sleepy and so fucking hungry he felt like he could eat two bowls of ramen in a heartbeat. He was still debating which one he should do first when he caught sight of Heungsoo walking towards and then those things didn't matter anymore.

Namsoon's eyes ate up in the delicious hunk approaching him. Heungsoo was all bundled up like him -- thick coat, ear muffs, a scarf around his neck, gloves and boots. But the layers of clothes could not hide Heungsoo's muscular frame and striking features. Namsoon felt his mouth going dry because... damn! He wanted to climb Heungsoo like a tree.

The other passengers were long gone, disappearing in a hurry probably an attempt to compensate the delay. A queue of outgoing travellers had formed at the far end of the station. From where Namsoon stood, it was almost deserted.

Heungsoo stopped a couple of feet away from him and wordlessly took the backpack he slung over one shoulder. Namsoon's protest died in his throat when Heungsoo gave him a hard look. Actually, Namsoon wanted to sag in relief that Heungsoo took his heavy bag because his shoulders were aching. But he was too used to taking all the burden that it was still a little bit awkward for him to lean on Heungsoo. And Heungsoo probably realized that judging by the challenge in his expression.

"Thanks," Namsoon ended up saying.

"You okay?"

"Yeah. Sorry I wasn't able to text you the arrival time. My phone died. Have you been waiting long?" Please don't say two hours. Please don't say two hours, Namsoon silently chanted.

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