Chapter 2

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"Okay, everyone, your task is to take these two bells from me. Come at me with the intention to kill." Hayato said, only to notice the unusual looks on his students' faces. You sat down on the ground in front of him, while Indra smirked and Naki smiled, holding a knife while glittering dangerously.

"Umm, come at me . . ?" Hayato was launched a Lightning Blade at, and then came face to face with the Hyuga boy, who pummeled him on all his weak points. The Hyuga style was Gentle Fist, which wasn't very aggressive and focused more on hitting weak points, but Naki was aggressive and hit all the weak points. Anyone could easily smell the bloodlust that came from him.

"St-stop! Just take the bells!" Hayato gave two bells to Indra and Naki. He then looked at you. "Y/N, you'll be sent back to the academy if you don't do anything!" Hayato yelled at you. You sighed and stood up. Indra was smirking haughtily but you ignored him.

"If I beat you, I pass, right?" you asked. Hayato nodded. You applied chakra to your feet, about 50% of your total power, and a huge crater formed on the ground. Hayato gaped at the monstrous amount of strength you had. You flew at him, and before he could react, you landed a punch on him, which sent him flying, bones making snapping sounds.

"Hn. Not bad, useless." Indra remarked. You glared dangerously at him. "Say that again and you'll regret it, you jerk." you stepped towards him. He smirked as he turned on his Sharingan, ready for a fight. You were sooo gonna kill him.

"Now now, Princess, calm down. He isn't worth wasting your time on. Besides, that worthless teacher needs to be healed." Naki reminded. You sheepishly ran towards the injured and bleeding Hayato. You'd been so used to training with a Jinchuuriki that you'd forgotten people needed to be healed when they took on your punches. You healed him, but he'd taken a blow too hard. You'd made sure you punched him only lightly, but it had taken too much of an effect on him. He was only partially healed.

"You do this." Naki waved a hand with a green glow over Hayato, and he instantly healed up. You blinked at Naki in disbelief and saw Indra doing the same. Ugh. You hated to do the same actions as that guy. You hated everything to do with him.

"How-" Indra was cut off as Naki hummed loudly and ran away. Hayato looked up weakly, "Y-you pass!" You smiled at him as you helped him up with one hand. Indra just stood watching you creepily in silence.

"If you want to eat ramen or something together, you can come with me." you said nicely. You could try to get along with him. As much as your pride could allow you.

"No." he walked away after rejecting your efforts to be nice like the jerk he was. You knew then that you would never grow to like him. You hated him so much you wanted to rip that smug smirk off his face. Grrr.

"But if you want to eat dango together, come with me." he smirked. Wha- You didn't get him at all. But if he was trying to get along, you wouldn't reject him. You followed him, a bit red in the face for some reason, probably just flustered because of his attitude, you thought.

He led you to a shop that displayed the signboard, "Okazuchi Dango". He motioned you to wait outside, while he went inside, and returned with two bags of dango in his hand. You happily took one and handed him some money to pay for it.

"There's no need. They give me stuff for free since I saved their daughter a few weeks ago."

"Kay then."

"You're weird." he grinned. This was the first time you'd seen him grin, and it was totally unexpected. You giggled as you ate the dango. Suddenly, a hand caught your wrist firmly. Indra slapped the hand away before you could do so yourself, and pulled you away from the person who had grabbed you. It was Kizashi Haruno, your so called father, along with Mebuki Haruno, your so called mother. Along with them was a pink haired girl with green eyes, who was probably your younger sister, Sakura.

"Why're you back here?!" Mebuki yelled. You felt your eyes tear up a bit. You never cried when anyone yelled at you, but this was your mother. She'd loved you for five years. You'd been close to her. You bit your tongue as you glared coldly at them. Indra stepped in between, eyes turning a brilliant crimson as he glared at them. "May I ask how you're related to her?" he questioned, as he held one of your hands. You found his gesture odd, but remained quiet.

"We're her parents. She found herself a boyfriend, huh? Boy, do you know that she is mentally insane? She attacked multiple adults when she was young and she has memories od her past life. To make it short, she's mentally unstable." you bit your tongue harder as you heard those bitter words slip from your father's mouth. Yeah, you'd attacked adults. Who'd tried to rape you. But no one would listen to your side of the story. It'd ended with you in the asylum, getting tortured, while they got to roam free, with not a scratch on them. Indra smirked. "Don't worry, I know she's mentally unstable. But she's not as mentally unstable as you." you chuckled hearing that. Kizashi's hands balled into fists.

"Why don't you do us a favour and get lost, Y/N?" Sakura said harshly. Ouch. They'd brainwashed her into believing those lies too. You just chuckled, "You're not my real family so I don't know what you're talking about. Who're you again? Ah anyways, gotta go. See ya later, sh*theads!" Indra chuckled as well, and you continued eating your dango silently together as you walked away, leaving the shocked Haruno family behind.

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