Chapter 6

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You finally reached Tazuna's home in the Land Of Waves. The Land Of Waves was a beautiful place, but according to Tazuna, it reeked of corruption and people who prioritised money above everything. Mostly a don called Gatou and his gang. Kakashi had been injured severely, but Naki had healed him too, surprising everyone. The speed at which he healed people was really terrifying and unusual.

Tazuna's house was a normal place, with a backyard near the woods, and wooden floors and furniture. The roof was a pale blue colour, and the walls a creamy white. Kakashi took us to the backyard, while Hayato sat in the living room of the house, drinking hot chocolate while wearing a blanket, supposedly recovering from some major PTSD he'd somehow gained from the fight with Momo guy and ice kid.

"Well, all of you, you're going to have to learn how to use chakra to climb up trees. Well not Team One and Sakura, you can train however you want." Kakashi said. Huh. He should have just said Naruto and Sasuke instead of magnificently declaring 'all of you'. You turned towards your little sister. "Sakura, I'll train you." You declared. Sakura seemed kind of troubled. "I'm just a girl, nee san (elder sister). I don't know if I can do that kind of stuff." You patted her head. "Anyone can do anything, gender doesn't matter." She glowed up a bit and nodded.

"Can you do healing jutsu?"


"Good 'cause you're gonna need it." you smirked. Sakura smiled nervously. Naki and Indra chose to watch. You sat down on the ground,"First part of training, get past my defense and land a blow on me. I'll sit here, blindfolded to make it a bit easier." You pulled out a blindfold from your pocket and wrapped it over your eyes. Itachi had taught you to fight blindfolded as it made fighting against those who had the Sharingan easier, and you always kept it with you, just in case. Just like how you kept a bag of toffees and dry fruits with you. Just in case.

Sakura muttered,"Are you sure, nee san?" You smiled and nodded. You could hear Sakura walk towards you, not making a sound. She raised her hand to punch you, only to get her wrist slammed down to the ground.

"Again!" you ordered. Sakura winced in pain as she healed her bruise. "Yes, nee san!" she replied enthusiastically.


After about a few ten hours or so of training Sakura, you went back into the house to have dinner with everyone else. Naruto and Sasuke had been competing over who could climb the tree faster. Welcome to the world of monke. It seemed stupid to you since you'd learnt it from Ita when you were five, but well, normally kids didn't learn that early so you guessed it was you who was abnormal.

"This is my grandson Inari. Inari, these are nice ninjas who protected your grandpa." Tazuna brought forward a black haired kid with similar black eyes and a hat on his head, along with a kiddy costume. He glared at everyone present in the room.

"They're all going to die." he said quietly. His mother looked annoyed,"INARI!" she glared angrily at him. Indra gave a smile,"I know people here who will die, thats for sure." he looked at Hayato who was still in his PTSD state.

"Listen here! I'm a super hero who's gonna one day become an incredible ninja called the Hokage! I don't know who Gatou is but he's nothing against me!" Naruto yelled optimistically. Inari scoffed. "What are you, stupid? And I mean all of you! There's nothing like a hero! Just get out of here! You can't beat Gatou." You felt your blood boil. You weren't good with kids. Especially emo ones. No heroes?! Absolute bullcrap. Ita was a hero, the greatest one you'd ever seen. You glared at Inari but kept quiet.

"Why must children of this age be such weak creatures?" Naki sighed. Inari went right up to him. "What would you know?! When you've never seen Gatou?!" Inari yelled. Naki giggled a bit then kept his mouth shut. Well, everyone had seen worse stuff than some Gatou. Inari pointed at Indra,"You're acting cool but you're gonna die if you face Gatou!" he yelled. A huge mistake. Indra held his chopsticks towards him like a knife, looking ready to stab his throat. "Silence." he looked at Inari threateningly. The poor kid looked like he was gonna cry.

2 days later

"We have your house surrounded! Come out." Gatou's voice was suddenly heard outside the house. Team One came out with normal faces while the rest panicked. Hayato clung to Indra's back pathetically, only to be thrown off, and after getting the same reaction from you and Naki, hid behind Kakashi, who sighed. Gatou had about forty  men behind him, all mercenary ninja, ready to attack.

You turned your head towards the familiar pinkette who was your sister. "Saku, show me the results of your training. Go wild." you grinned. Sakura smiled confidently and nodded. Kakashi and Sasuke seemed concerned. Ha, Sasuke was a Sakura simp. Naruto yelled,"Sakura chan can't take on so many guys herself!" You patted Naruto's head while smirking,"Just watch, kid."

Sakura launched herseld towards her enemies, fist raised, while yelling, "Shannaro!!" She bumped her fist into her enemies, and the impact of it created a crater on the ground. You'd taught her how to output her strength, as well as continuously heal herself while fighting, and without using handsigns. Something similar to Tsunade Senju, just not the exact same. Her reactions and movement had gotten faster, and instesd of using brute strength, you'd instructed her to use battle strategies. You'd helped her improve her chakra control, and she'd learned faster than Gaara and the others, mostly because she was good at chakra control. The enemy ninjas screamed and Gatou's pig cries were heard as Sakura kicked his stomach to the ground, breaking his bones. Sasuke and Naruto gaped at her destruction levels.

"Sakura chan, amazing!" Naruto yelled happily.

"Hn, Sakura, you came so far." Sasuke declared. Oh, just tell her you simp her.

Inari looked at the ninjas and Gatou on the ground and tears rolled from his eyes. "It can't be-" he cried. Woah, was he actually a Gatou simp? Simping for the guy who killed his dad? Inari ran over to Sakura and hugged her. She looked surprised and patted his head. "Sakura onee-san, thank you!" Inari hugged her tighter. Sasuke's usually sour expression turned even more sour. Ah, how he wished Sakura to be his wife. It was written all over his emo duckbutt face.

"Saku, well done! Nee san's proud of you!" you declared fondly, wiping a fake tear from your eye. Sakura came over to you, "Mou, nee san!" she pouted. You hugged your cute little sister tightly and pecked her forehead lovingly, making her flush and become even more embarrassed. "Nee san!" she protested to your playful cuddling and you smiled at her.

"Well, since Gatou's dead, I mean defeated, we will return to Konoha now." Kakashi announced. All of you nodded. Tazuna and Inari bowed down to you, well, Inari bowed down to Sakura. Sakura supremacy huh.

"Thank you very much!" they yelled. Tazuna looked gratefully at Sakura. "I shall name it the Great Sakura Bridge." he declared. Sakura waved her hands in front of her face,"No no! Nee san was the one who made me what I am right now! You should name it the 'Bridge of Hope'! After all, nee san taught me that its the feelings of others that truly matter." Sakura flashed an angelic smile while repeating the words you'd taught her. Ah, how precious. Sasuke was still glaring at her with jealous looks like the simp that he was born to be. 

"Will you train me, Y/N?" Hayato asked pathetically. You glared at him.

"Nope, sensei."

And thus, another chapter ended in the life of Y/N. Leading to the next.

A/N: We became close to Sakura and made her a badass yee! Also when I was searching for what Inari said cuz poor memory, I happened upon the chapters ahead of where we see Inari, and scrolled back a great 8 chapters or so till we see him, and was so annoyed like "I JUST WANNA SEE THE FRICKIN EMO KID INARI". Anyways bye lmao. Hope y'all enjoyed.

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