Chapter 9

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Immune to poison. Non human. Never able to die. The one who mastered medical ninjutsu. The lonely phoenix. The genjutsu user, first owner of the Ketsuryugan. The demon of the Hyuga Clan, the Sunkissed Lily Of The North, the king of the Iza and the founder of a well loved aristocracy, as well as the most glorious prince and king to have ever graced the land. Naki had all these titles from the two lives he'd lived and he knew he'd have even more. They were useless titles that meant nothing to him, but sometimes he liked to think of them.

It had been years since he'd last seen her. His Princess, his beloved Princess. He was fortunate enough to get to see her a second time. She remembered nothing, but she was still the same woman he'd vowed to serve for the rest of his endless lives, if she should ever reincarnate again. His best friend Indra had reincarnated again. Best friend. Naki smirked. He wouldn't ever reveal that to that bastard. Indra remembered even less, in fact he knew nothing at all. Princess was searching for him. It was as if he had no place with them at all. No one remembered him or knew of his predicament. Well, at least he got to see those two again.

The Chuunin exams had finished without incident, however Indra had foolishly confessed to the Princess and then denied he ever had. It was sooo funny. Naki had had to hold back his laughter. He'd never seen that guy being so utterly ridiculous and confused. He was so stupid and dense that it was funny. He planned to take over Konoha and then the entire world, which was a pretty huge and ridiculous dream. Princess would probably stop him if she knew.

"Naki-niisan? What are you doing?" the voice of his little brother came from behind. He glanced at Neji and smiled. "Nothing much, Neji kun! Come and sit with me!" he gestured at the spot beside him. Neji sat down with a smile. Naki went back to reminiscing. Maybe he should've not let them kill him. Well, he'd been old and ugly anyways, and he'd become bored to play the king. Letting his grandson kill him and then take over the throne only to destroy aristocracy had been a bad choice though. Well, Naki could just be reborn and restart so he hadn't thought much of it. His wife, Kari, had died giving birth to their second child after all. He had had no lingering attachments to that life.

Today will be another brilliant day with niisama! Neji's thoughts were so troublesome.

"Neji kun, you better go visit a shrine or something. There's something attached to your back." Naki pointed at the ghastly woman perched on Neji's back. Neji's face paled as he nodded. Naki extended his hand to the woman and pulled her off his little brother's back before Neji ran away to the shrine. Everyone knew Naki could see spirits but he couldn't let them know he could drive them away too, or he'd probably have to become an exorcist or something. Besides, the body had to be purified a little after it had been possessed or perched upon by a ghost.

"What were you doing, miss beautiful~?" Naki asked the spirit of the woman, who scowled, punched him, and ran away crying. Oops. Naki sighed and sat back down. He'd been searching for Ryosaki, but he hadn't found the rascal even after searching for a few months. The path to the underworld was closed off, and he couldn't get there either. Talk about luck.

"Yo." he heard a melodious voice, one he loved. "Princess!" he declared joyously and beamed at the h/c haired girl. She grinned and sat beside him. "I've uh, got something to say." she said.

My memories came baackk.

"Your memories came back." Naki echoed what he'd heard in her mind. Y/N smiled sheepishly. "Wow, I really forgot you could read minds." she giggled. Naki smiled at her, and brushed her h/c strands out of her face. She held his hand with both of hers, and looked at him with pitiful e/c eyes.

"Naki . . . I'm sorry." she apologized, voice breaking. Naki held her in his arms, and stroked her hair. "Its fine, Princess. Its my fate." he kissed her forehead, and embraced her even more tightly. She returned his embrace, head on his chest.

"Princess, what will you do now?" he asked her. She looked up at him and smirked. "Don't tell me you didn't see it in my thoughts already." she playfully pressed his nose with her finger lightly.

"The Underworld, huh? Do you think Usukuragari will let us in?" he asked. She nodded. Well, she had been a special case to Usukuragari after all. So much so that she'd let Indra and Y/N be reborn. For what she'd let them be reborn, could only be explained by her. It made sense.

"Shall we go then?" he asked. Y/N stood up and extended her hand.

"Lets go, Naki."


"Its been two weeks since she's been gone." Hiruzen declared. Indra slammed a fist on the table. Both of his teammates had left the village and been declared missing nins who had to be captured if seen. Y/N was gone. He turned his distressed face towards the glass window and let silent tears run down his face. He was getting emotional. Well, he did want to see her. He wanted her back. He wanted to run his hand through her h/c hair, tell her he did like her, and hold her close.

"Indra, we give you, Hayato Ushira and Team 7 a mission. Go and find her, no matter what it takes." Hiruzen declared. Indra wiped away tears and looked back at him, Team 7 and Hayato.


A/N: We have our memories but whats going on?! Find out next time onー

See you next chapter!

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