Chapter 11

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Two years. That was the time that had passed since Indra had last seen (Y/N). They were still searching for her and Naki, for so much long that people literally thought of him as a permanent member of Team 7 and Hayato as permanent supervisor for Team 7. Well, not like he could do anything as complicated as supervision.

"Indra. Lets get a move on now!" Hayato tugged at his sleeve, to which Indra glared at him, Sharingan activated. Hayato gulped and withdrew his hand slowly as he smiled sheepishly. If he could, he'd like to abandon Hayato somewhere.

"That voice!" Sakura yelled as she glanced northwards. Indra closed his eyes and tried to hear it. And sure enough, there the voice was. Her voice.

"Finally found her. Quick, after the target!" Kakashi ran towards the direction where the voice was coming from. Target. That was quite the hateful word. He'd preferred it if Kakashi wouldn't have used that word for her. He followed Kakashi quietly, running as fast as he could.

(Y/N) POV:

"Princess, thats a pretty great song!" Naki sat down beside you with a stack of files in his lap. You patted his head as you took the files into your hands and went through them.

"That guy can be seen by humans, but there's no record of anyone who looks like what Usukuragari described to us. Could she have been lying or something? But that makes no sense." you bit your fingernail as you flipped through the papers.

"Shapeshifting- its easy for even humans, Princess. As I said before." Naki placed his head on your shoulder as he watched you flip through the documents.

"I know, I know." you sighed. "No choice but to investigate all of them personally again."

"Footsteps and an array of thoughts- Indra's here. What should we do?" Naki looked at you inquisitively. Your heart froze as you heard his name. You didn't want him to have to deal with this. You needed to move, quick.

"We're getting the hell out of here." you whispered as you quickly gathered up the papers in your hands. But you were too late. Or maybe that was because Naki had decided to tell you too late.

"(Y/N)." Indra's eyes glistened with tears of joy as he laid his eyes upon you. Naki moved aside to give him space as he hugged you.

You felt his warm breath tickle your neck as you slowly raised your hand to his head and, forgetting why you'd been avoiding him, let yourself melt in his familiar warmth. Your fingers caressed his dark brown hair as his tears dampened your shoulder. You heard a sigh of relief escape his lips as he raised his head to meet you. He leaned in towards you and out of the corner of your eye, you could see Naki covering his eyes.

Indra kissed you on the lips, in a needy and powerful manner, and you felt yourself melt into his passion. He let go only after the longest time, and you glanced up at him in shock.

"(Y/N). Never leave me. Ever again."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2022 ⏰

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