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-Alone pt1-

Pronouns - They/Them

Realistic minecraft, in the manberg era

Also y/n is in the sbi family, she is older than tommy but younger than wilbur, but schlatt doesn't know that. And the sbi family doesn't know that y/n is with schlatt


~Y/n's POV~

I was hanging out with Shlatt, for probably the first time in about 2 weeks. I mean I understand why he doesn't hang out with me as much, he is a busy man. Running an entire nation, it's hard work. Yea it does get pretty lonely in bed when he is working all day and night. But finally we are here on the couch talking and laughing, it felt nice being with him, and i didnt want this moment to end.

"This is great, we haven't talked like this in forever, but i got to go. Quackity has probably been waiting for me for a while." He started to get up from the couch but I quickly grabbed him.

"Please don't go, or at least take me with you" I say softly as I look down at my feet.

"You know i would love that but i can't, you know this," Schlatt says as he grabs my chin and makes me look at him.

"I'm tired of being alone, I want to be with you. What's the point of being in this relationship if I barely get to see you, please just take me with you" My eyes start to water.

"Love dont cry, I'll take you with me alright," Shlatt says as he hugs me.

"You'll take me?" I ask as I start to rub my teary eyes.

"Yes i'll take you with me, but just don't embarrass me okay?" I quickly nod as I go and quickly put on my boots and grab my coat.

"You ready?" Shlatt says as he puts on his tie.

"Ready as i'll ever be" He grabs my hand and opens the door and we start walking towards manberg.

~no ones Pov~

-when you both arrive in manberg-


"This is my partner, y/n. I'm sorry I'm late. I was hanging out with them and I lost track of time" Schlatt says as everything goes silent, everyone around them just turned slowly and looked at schlatt.

"Did schlatt just apologise, schlatt are you already drunk?" Fundy asks as he slowly walks towards schlatt.

"I'm not drunk, I'm just being nice," Schlatt says as he starts to walk into the building with y/n behind him.

"You're only being nice to look good in front of your partner" Niki yells out.

"The hell did you just say to me?" Schlatt said, turning around slowly.

"You heard me Schlatt, you're only nice because you want to look good in front of your Partner" Niki says again emphasizing the word partner.

"You better watch your mouth or i swear ill-"

"you'll do what schlatt?" Y/n interrupts him.

"Nothing, nevermind" he says as he walks inside, y/n then quickly mouths 'i'm sorry' to niki.

"This is how you treat your people?" Y/n asks as they enter the room.

"No, just her," Schlatt says as he grabs a bottle of alcohol.

"What do you mean just her, why just her?" Y/n says as they snatch the bottle out of his hand.

"Because she's a woman, now give the bottle back." Schlatt says walking towards y/n.

"No, why are you drinking. Aren't you supposed to be working?" Y/n asks backing away from schlatt.

"Schlatt has not worked at all since he's been here, he just gets drunk and messes with people's lives" Niki says as she walks in.

"What the hell are you doing in here!" Schlatt says as he walks over to niki.

"I'm here to give you my taxes, since you raised them," Niki says as she throws everything on the floor and leaves.

"Schlatt?" y/n looks at him confused.

"You left me at home alone for weeks just to get drunk and be rude to everyone, I thought you were working to make this a better nation. I stayed at home thinking you were being an amazing person to people but to find out you just drink and do nothing. Schlatt I actually can't believe this, Wilbur would have never done this"

"DON'T, don't talk about Wilbur while you're with me, BECAUSE I'M BETTER THAN HIM!" Schlatt says as he slams his fist on the wall. Y/n flinches from the sudden loud sound and their eyes start to water.

"I'm leaving, I'm going back home, I'd rather be alone than be with you right now" Y/n says as they put the bottle on table and start to walk out. Schlatt then realised what he did and started apologizing profusely. Y/n just ignores him and walks out with a few tears running down their face.

"Oh god what have it done..."

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