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"Summer," he smiles.
"Hey," she awkwardly says, she was not expecting to see him now.
George wraps his arms around her, and hugs her tightly. He so missed having her in his arms.
Summer smiles, she didn't realise she missed his hugs so much. She has tears starting to form in her eyes.


She didn't think she would get this emotional seeing him again. She quickly blinks, trying to get rid of the tears.
"I missed you," he says so soft she can barely hear him. "So much."
"I missed you too," she replies whispering too.
"How are you?"
"I'm doing really good," she smiles and reluctantly lets go of him.
"That's good," he smiles.
"And you?"
"I'm good."
"Hey I'm here too," Alex says, feeling he gave them enough time.
"Alex!" She smiles and hugs him.
"It's so good to see you!"
"Oh I missed you."
"Look at you!" He smiles holding onto her shoulders. "You look good, happy."
"I am happy," she smiles.
"Does Luke know you're here?"
"Oh not yet, only you three know."
"I can't believe you went to him first, no offense Esteban," Alex says.
"None taken."
"Well he helped us plan the trip, and I coincidentally saw him first."
"Yeah okay 'coincidentally'," he makes finger quotes.
"It was!"
"And would you have come to us first if you didn't?"
"No? I was planning on going to my brother first Alex."
"Oh right sorry. But after them us right?"
"Alex I didn't plan out in which order I would go to everyone," she laughs.
"Well you're here and that's a great thing," he smiles.
"We were starting to think we'd never see you again," George says.
"I wouldn't be able to stay away from you guys for forever," she smiles.
"Your brother will be happy you're here," George says.
"I hope everyone will be happy I'm here," she jokes.
"Of course they will, but Luke more. He's always saying how much he misses you when we chat."
Summer smiles.
"I miss him too."
"These are new," Alex says, pointing to her glasses.
"They are yeah," she groans "I hate it."
"How long have you been blind?"
"A couple months now."
"They suit you," he smiles.
"Thanks," she smiles back.
Summer's phone rings.
"Are you coming back soon? I'm awake now," André speaks.
"Actually I was just on my way back."
"What's holding you then?"
"Just catching up with some people. We've been invited to dinner with Esteban, are you keen?"
"No I'm André."
Summer laughs. George's heart sinks when he connects the dots that she's talking to her boyfriend. He was trying really hard to just ignore that she's moved on, but now he won't be able to. His whole mood shifts from happy to sad just like that.
"Do you want to go?"
"Yeah sounds nice."
"Meet us in the lobby?"
"Sounds good I just have to get dressed first."
"Okay see you now, I love you."
"I know," she says softly and ends the call.
It hurts her everytime he says that. She hates the fact that she can't give her whole heart to him. She desperately wants to love him, but she simply can't. Not when such a big part of her heart belongs to the man standing in front if her.
"Hey, are you okay?" George asks concerned by the look on her face.
"I'm fine," she says and takes a deep breath.
"I know when you lie Summer."
"Really, I'm fine don't worry about it."
"You guys are welcome to join too," Esteban says.
"Why not?" Alex says.

I can think of perfectly good reason why not Alex. We're going to have to have dinner with him now. This whole new guy she loves.

"Why not?" George repeats.
"You heard what I said then, lobby," she smiles.
"Yes ma'am," Alex says.
George walks a bit further behind them. He doesn't really know how he's feeling. Summer turns around when she notices George isn't walking next to them. Her face softens at the look on his face. She stops walking for a second and then starts walking again when he's next to her, George doesn't even notice.
"I thought you'd be happier to see me," she nudges him, trying to cheer him up.
"What do you mean? Of course I'm happy to see you," he gives her an almost weak smile.
"Well you don't exactly look it. What's going on?"
"It's nothing, I'm just not in the best mood."
"Are you sure? I didn't say anything wrong did I?"
"You didn't say anything no. Look I don't really want to talk about."
"If that's what you want I'll drop it. I just want to know you're alright. Is there something I can do?"
"A hug would be nice, that's always cheered me up," he gives her a small smile.
Summer stops walking and holds her arms open for him. He wraps his arms around her, hugging her tightly. He presses his face onto her shoulder as he just holds her. Summer softly runs his back. George takes a deep breath and then lets go again.
He finds it strange, normally hugging her would make him feel better instantly. It would feel comforting. Not this time though, no he almost feels worse. She's not his girl to hug, she has someone else.
"I'm sorry, I don't think I can do dinner right now."
"It's fine I understand. Get some rest," she gives him a smile.
"I'll see you around okay?"
"Yes of course."
"Enjoy your dinner," he gives her a small smile.
"Thank you George."
He turns around again, and walks away. That was far from how he imagined it would go if he were to see her again.

"Where's George?" Alex says when she catches up with them.
"He's not feeling great, so he went to his room."
"I hope he's okay."
"Yeah, I don't really know what's wrong."
"I'll go check on him later."
"Has he been off the whole day?"
"No, he's actually been in a really good mood," Alex frowns, he has an idea what's bothering George.
"I really hope I didn't do something wrong."
"Don't worry about it to much," Alex smiles and throws an arm over her shoulder.
"He always makes me worried when he's like this."
"He's probably just a bit shaken up, you know how long it's been."
"I know."
"So let's forget about him for now. I'm excited to meet this new guy," he smiles.
"I'm glad you are."
"Does he watch?"
"He's a really big fan actually," she smiles.
"Oh? Any favourites?" Esteban joins in on the conversation again.
"Actually his favourite is Daniel."
"Oh, but that's only because Daniel is your cousin," Alex says.
"No actually he told me Dan is his favourite long before I told him we're related."
"How convenient."
"It's nice to have someone supporting the same driver."
"Oh so you don't cheer us on aswell?"
"Of course I do, but Daniel is obviously a priority," she laughs.
"Fair enough."
"I have to admit though, it seems like he's really starting to like you."
"He has great taste I see," Alex smiles.
"Well he loves me so obviously," Summer jokes.
"He's told you he loves you?"
"And have you said it back?"
"No, I wish I can."
"Why can't you?"
"Because I don't love him Alex, I can't just lie to him like that."
"I understand."
"Oh here he comes," Alex removes his arm around her shoulder.
André first gives Summer a kiss on the cheek. He then holds his hand out to Alex.
"It's so nice to meet you Alex, I'm a big fan," he has a big smile on his face, but Summer can tell he's nervous.
"Nice to meet you too, André was it?" Alex smiles.
"Yes," he also shakes Esteban's hand. "Nice to meet you in person."
"You too."
They go to the hotel restaurant.
"How was your flight guys?" Alex asks.
"Long," they say together, Summer laughs.
"You guys must be tired then," Esteban says.
"Well I've been sleeping since we got here," André chuckles.
"Must be nice," Alex jokes.
"It was media day today wasn't it?"
"It was."
"At least you can get in the car tomorrow," she smiles.

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