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Alex knocks on George's door.
"George you here?"
George opens the door, and then flops on the bed again.
"Hey are you alright? Summer said you're not feeling good," Alex sits down.
"I'm fine Alex."
"Is this about André?"
"Of course it's about him."
"George, it's been two years," Alex sighs.
"I know Alex, but that doesn't mean that I'll just stop loving her," Alex can hear the pain in voice.
"I know," Alex wraps his arms around him in a comforting hug.
"She hugged me, and for the first time ever it didn't make me feel better."
"George you have to accept this, I know it hurts, but you can."
"Is he a good guy at least?"
"He's a great guy actually, I can tell he loves her."
"And Summer?"
"What about her?"
"Do you think she loves him?"
"No, she told me she doesn't, not yet at least. I think that's why she seemed upset after she hanged up the phone."
"Why do you think that is?"
"I haven't seen her in two years George, I don't know where her head's at."
George stays silent.
"You're not going to ignore her the entire weekend are you?"
"Of course not, but I'll try to ignore him."
"They're probably going to be together all the time."
"I know, but I'll try anyway."
"I want to be there when she sees Luke and Daniel again," Alex smiles.
"So do I."


"Over there Summer," Esteban points to Luke and Daniel walking a couple of meters in front of them, they had just walked into the paddock. Summer smiles and then picks up her pace to catch up with them. Esteban and André stay behind though, giving them space.
"When last did you speak to your sister?" Summer hears when she catches up with them, she moves next to her brother.
"His sister has a name you know," she says with a smile.
Both of their heads turn. Luke instantly tackles her in a hug and they almost fall over. He hugs her like he's never before. Tears slowly fill her eyes, her face in his neck.
"Fucking hell I missed you so much kiddo," he sighs, but he has the biggest smile on his face.
"I missed you too," the tears start falling, but she smiles brightly.
"Don't cry, then I'm gonna cry."
"I don't give a fuck," she laughs.
He pulls away slightly.
"Look at you, all grown up," he smiles brightly at his sister.
"Shut up."
He ruffles her hair.
She pulls away and wraps her arms around Daniel.
"You could've told us you were coming!" He says swaying them from side to side.
"Well it wouldn't exactly be a surprise then!" She laughs.
"It's so good to see you!"

George smiles seeing Daniel hug Summer so tight. He can see the bright smile on her face. He loves seeing her happy. He walks closer to them. Then he notices she's crying, happy tears.

"I have really never been happier to see you," Daniel says.
She pulls away.
"Fuck I didn't even realize I missed you guys this much," she wipes the tears from her eyes.
"No tears for me then?" George jokes.
"Never," she winks, she very nearly did cry.
She turns and sees André and Esteban have finally caught up. He looks at her with excited eyes, it is after all Daniel Ricciardo standing in front of him.
"Right guys this is André," she smiles introducing him.
The smile on George's face drops slightly, but he tries to not show it.
"Daniel," he says and holds his hand out to shake.
"I know that, I'm a really really big fan," you can see the nervousness. "Honestly it's so nice to meet you."
"Ah a man with taste," Daniel smiles.
"Lukas," her brother says shaking his hand too.
Everyone around frowns slightly, excluding André and Luke.

Lukas? He hasn't introduced himself with that name in years.

"Nice to meet you," André smiles his best smile.
"Likewise," he smiles.
"George," he says holding his hand out, and anyone who knows him well could spot the bitterness in his smile.
"Yeah, George," he says softly.
George was the one person who might have made him convince her to not come.
"Nice to meet you," no one else would notice his change in tone, expect Summer.
Summer hates the awkwardness that has now fallen between everyone. With both George and André acting strange, and Luke what was up with that?
"Luke mom sent some stuff with us," she smiles.
"How are they doing?"
"Good, I think. Mom really didn't take it well, but she's getting better every day."
"What did she send?" He smiles.
She takes her bag off her back. She takes out a packet of biltong.
"I should have known," he smiles "Ah how long it's been."
"She also baked a milk tart, I just didn't bring that to the track," she smiles.
"She really does love me," he laughs.
"There's a packet for you too," she says to Daniel and takes one out for him.
"She loves me too," he jokes, "Thank you."
"And one for you too, to say thank you for your help," she hands one to Esteban.
"Thank you," he smiles.
"You get a packet, you get a packet, everyone gets a packet," André jokes earning a laugh from the others. He starts to relax a bit.
"Yeah, actually," she smiles then takes another out "She knows that you love it," she hands it to George, her hand probably lingering too long.
"She loves me too then," he smiles "Thank you, dar- Summer."
"There's one for Alex too," she laughs "When I see him of course."
"I heard my name," Alex says popping into the conversation.
"Hey buddy," she smiles, he wraps his arms around her.
"Morning everyone!"
"This is for you, from my mother," she hands him the packet.
"Oh thank you!" He smiles.
Daniel points to his watch.
"I'll chat with you guys later, okay?" She says to Alex and George.
"You better," Alex jokes.
She walks away with her family. Her brother wraps an arm over her shoulder.
"You know, I have never been so happy to see you," he smiles.
"I totally feel you," she smiles.
"The two of us are going to have a talk soon though," he points to André.
"Yes of course," he gulps.
"The three of us," Daniel adds.
"Don't go too hard on him guys."
"Why would we make an exception for him? We went hard on George, who we already knew," Luke asks.
"Fine, just tell me when it's happening so I can make my own plans."
"How about tonight?" Luke says turning to André.
"I can't really say no can I."
"Then it's settled."

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