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"Hey George."
"Hey guys," he smiles.
"Are you doing okay? Daniel told me what happened."
Her eyes go wide for a second as she looks at Luke.
"What did he tell you?"
"That you guys had a fight," he then remembers what Daniel told him "I don't know the details though."
Relief flows through her.
"Yeah, we're okay now. We talked it out and well," she points to Luke sitting in front of her.
"That's- that's nice."
They go quiet, not quite sure what to say. George internally debates doing what Daniel told him earlier.
"Do you want to say something Georgie?"
His heart flutters at the nickname.
"I- uhm Can we- can we," he scratches the back of his neck.
"Hey calm down," she gently stokes his arm.
That's not helping Summer
The motion only making him more nervous.
"Can we talk?" He gets out.
"Yeah sure," she stands up and shoots a worried look to Luke.
"You can come to my room afterwards, I have to talk to Daniel anyway."
"Goodluck with that," she smiles.
"See you later."

George waits for her to turn to him again, then starts walking. Summer follows him. They walk to his room in silence. He closes the door behind him.
"So what did you want to talk about?"
George sits down on the bed, silent, his leg bouncing up and down anxiously. Summer can tell he has no idea where to start. She sits down next to him and gently places her hand on his leg, making him stop bouncing his leg.
"Take your time," out of habit he places his hand on hers. Summer jumps ever so slightly, but keeps her hand there.
"I know you haven't been back for long yet, but ever since I saw you again I've been like a lovesick teenager all over again. And all of our memories has been flowing back. I thought I had moved on, but I clearly haven't. And I know you probably don't want to hear this, because you have André now, but I have to get this out. I've never stopped loving you, and to be honest I don't think I ever will. Every small thing reminds me of you, and I can never have you out of my thoughts. And if what Daniel and Alex have said are true, I have to know. I need to know if there's even the smallest chance for me." During his 'speech' his fingers had intertwined with hers and he's only been looking at it.
"You waited?"
"Of course I waited for you. You said that once you have everything sorted we can try again. I'm not giving up on you that easily," he gives her a small smile. "I just need to know if you still love me."

"George I'm with André now."
"That doesn't mean anything."
"You can be in a relationship with someone and still love someone else. Do you love him?"
"Why not?"
"George you can't just ask me that."
"No, but you know why, don't you? You know why you can't seem to love him even though you want to."
"Then tell me what it is."
"George," she lets go of his hand and rests her head in her hands. "Fuck," she whispers.
He rubs her back gently, like he always did to calm her down.
"George I loved you. Until not long ago. And even if still did, it would be wrong of me."
"Why is it so wrong?!"
"Because George I'm in a relationship!" She stands up and starts pacing.
"Why did you get into a relationship if you still loved someone else?!"
"Because I needed someone George!"
"But you could've had me!"

"No, George! I needed someone who didn't make me think about my brother. Someone who didn't have such a special relationship with him. And that's exactly who you are! And don't even get me started on those cars!" She pauses to wipe her face to stop her crying
"What are you trying to say?"
"It doesn't matter," she brushes it off.
"Would you please just tell me, if you still love me?"
"I'm sorry George, I don't," Summer feels part of her crack, lying to him like that.

George tries his best to hide how much that hurts to hear.
"Then I won't bring it up again," he fails however, and his entire face falls.
"I think I should go," she says softly.
"That's probably for the best," he gives her a sad smile.
Summer gets up and leaves the room, not waiting for him to come with her.

He doesn't follow her; George just sits on his bed, a sad expression on his face.

Summer doesn't love him anymore.
The light in his life, his sun, has left and will never return.

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