The Unusual Conversation

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"Mr Samrat please come!!" Sai said

Samrat felt like entering in a danger zone , the name plate on the door looked like a  skull-and-crossbones symbol to him, the one  we normally see on the electric transformers.

"So you have been working as a Defence secretary since 3 years right?" She politely asked

He nodded in affirmation

" you always wanted to do this?" She queried

"I initially wanted to join army but somehow landed  here" He replied

"You do look like an army personnel" She said, smiling

"Where were you before coming here?" she asked

"I was in Australia" He said, still looking down

"Well, I don't like to beat around the bush So I will come straight to the point"

"Ma'am I m sorry we were just having fun"  He thought of saying it before she give him his suspension letter.

"Relax Mr Samrat, I know you think of me as  some ruthless ruler, But believe me, I didn't call you here to shoot you" She mocked

He shockingly looked at her while wondering how she knows all this. . .

"I hate it when someone bows his head down out of fear, you might not like me saying this but in the meeting room you bowed down to me in fear? Right? Mr. Samrat, An Indian's head should be bowed only in respect and not out of fear of anyone"  She said

He was actually preparing himself to hear "Mr Samrat you are suspended" but this was something he could have never thought of! For the first time in life he was feeling short of words

"You might be thinking I m making a big issue for such a trivial incident, But Mr Samrat these small things create a great impact" She smiled

He shook her head in denial

"See I m quite young and inexperience as compare to you!! You may not like me to give any advice to you! But in future, you will encounter people much scarier than me, then how are you going to deal with them? You hold position of defence secretary, representing your country here, don't let that army spirit die in you" She completed
Though she normally spoke in her usual tone but Samrat felt like there is certain calmness and  strange incantation in her voice which can awaken even the dying souls.

" You are unreal" He mumbled

"What?" she asked

"Well, You don't like my way of saying 'Mr Samrat' ? Do I look scary to you?" She asked with politeness

"No ma'am there is nothing like that" He excused

"or do I remind you of any of you strict school teacher?" She chuckled, for the first time she looked some one as normal as anyone in the office to him, she is no longer fierce to him

"Tell me what should I call you then?Ab I can't change my face but I can that!" She said

"Anything is fine ma'am" He whole heartedly smiled

"You can be frank I don't bite!! believe me" She laughed which made him to laugh his heart out

"No ma'am, please continue calling me Mr Samrat! no one can say it they way you do"  He replied

"okay! then I won't be wasting your time now"

"Ma'am, I don't have any better word to say other than Thank you" He humbly said

"I hope you are not bowing down out of fear now?" she giggled

"Absolutely not!!" He smiled, while exiting he was full of respect and admiration.
He felt some kind of change in him, It was quite unbelievable for him to digest the fact that someone can actually change your way of looking at things with just few words. . .


Thanks for Reading 😊

This is just requested short update!! I wasn't going to write this in detail though. . . I initially thought of revealing this in a line or two !!
I hope this met with your expectations to some extent at least!!

Do share your views on this one. . .🙏🙏

Next- Levels of annoyance

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