Agreement to Smile for an Apology

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Sai had a sleepless night, 'Those red scar on his chest, the pain in his eyes is all because of her' This thought haunted her whole night.
And downstairs this man was also awake whole night because he was lost in the look of her eyes. Both of them wanted morning to come for different reasons; She wanted to apologise and he just wished to keep her in his sight.

"Virat I'm really sorry! Believe me It wasn't intentional," she said

"You have said this already!" he said by lifting dumbbells.

"but you haven't accepted the apology" she innocently replied

"Oh!!! so you want me to accept your apology" he said with a naughty smile

"hmm, I'm ready to bear any punishment for that!" she said with a guilt on her face

"Is it so?!" he thought of taking advantage of the situation

"Though It's still hurting (he lied) but it's okay I will forgive you" He suspiciously said

"Thank you Thank you so much" she smiled

"Aree wait I said 'I will' not 'I did' " He imitated a serious tone

"Then? when will you do it?" she cutely asked

"Hmm you will do anything? What should I make you do it then" he said with a naughty smile

"Let's start with basics! So I m going to take shower keep my coffee at the table, I will decide what I want you to do after that"

"Coffee???" she confusingly said

"yeah you can do that no?! and remember one spoon of sugar" he went inside with a devilish smile

"You just have to do a simple thing and I will forgive you"

"what????" she suspiciously looked at him

"hey! hey! hey! Don't over think! you just have to smile" he assured

"smile??" she asked, confusingly

"Just for 24 hours! whenever I'm in front of you, you will carry a smile on your face! that's it!" he confidently said

"What?!! what is this? Do you want to me look like clown?!" she irritedly said

"Don't worry you already look like one" he joked

"whenever I start thinking something good about him! this man comes up with his annoying plans" she murmured

"And one more thing you will not get angry at me" he showed his teeth

"Tell me one thing?! Did you really took birth just to irritate me?" she frustratingly asked

Well I was born before you so I don't think that would be my intention! But okay if you are requesting so much in next birth I will do that for sure!"he said with a lousy smile

"How can someone smile without any reason?" she argued

"You don't need a reason to smile everytime! Sometime you should just smile" he made smiley gesture

"and may be with this practice you might be able to find your reason to smile" He said

"I don't know about that but I'll definitely get a reason for High blood pressure" she groaned

"How much it's hurting" he deliberately said pointing at his burning scars.

"It's okay you can deny! let me just say 'it's okay' though it won't be from heart" he tried to act innocent

SaiRat- Bound with Love (Office Romance)Where stories live. Discover now