Pure lie or Half Truth

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Like any other day Samrat was waiting for Virat with laddo in his hand. He noticed Sai coming out of his house

"Sai Ma'am?" He wondered

"Sai I told you to wait for me no?! We decided to go together" Virat hastily came out of the house

"What is going on?" He rubbed his eyes.

"You don't need to come I told you! I can manage on my own!!" Sai protested

"We  even had a discussion on this last night" Virat said implacably

"Last night?? Why are they talking like this?" Samrat tried to understand the thing, he decided to hide himself to know the matter.

"Fine let's go" Sai agreed

"I cant handle this alone" Samrat was not able to believe his eyes. He reached office quickly. After an hour he found Sai and Virat separately entering the Embassy.

"Something is really fishy" He wondered. He called Mohit to urgently gather up every one.

Everyone gathered on the terrace, Samrat recited the whole scene in detail to everyone.

"I can't believe Virat can hide this with me" He said with tears in his eyes

"Have some courage!!" Mr Omi consoled him

"How? I have always considered him as my brother" He sobbed

"But Sir It can be your misunderstanding ?" Mohit doubted

"He was even calling her Sai, and he texted me that he is having some work today he will be coming a bit late to the office" Samrat complained

"Sai Ma'am and Virat sir?! such an impossible combination" Sunny defended.

"Mostly such impossible makes the best possible one! My boy! "  Samrat said

"Ohk I think Samrat sir is right! A month before Sai Ma'am came here Virat Sir went to India for a week, may be for his marriage!"  Mr Omi suspected

"Yeah! and that day when she was lost, Virat sir was the only one who knew that she was admitted to the hospital" Another one said.

"And remember she agreed to all our demands when Virat sir talked to her" Everyone tried to connect the wires.

"But we can't reach at the conclusion, we have to be assure" Mohit said

"Yes Samrat Sir! You go to his house daily? how is it possible that you have never found her before?" Sunny asked

"I might haven't noticed today also! Virat texted me to reach directly to the office as he will be late because he had to go somewhere, I didn't checked the text and landed there and got to know about his ....." He sobbed

"I m upset he hid such a big thing from me" He continued

"Let's just ask him directly" Mohit suggested

"I don't think he will admit! We have to find it out on our own!" Samrat said

"How?" Everyone asked together

"I have a plan! From now on we will be keeping an eye on them. How they are talking, what they are talking, we have to note minute expressions too"  Samrat explained, everyone nodded in affirmation.

"If Anyone finds anything he will immediately report to others" He instructed

"Sir what should I name the group?"
Mohit quickly created a WhatsApp group.

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