Groom on Display

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Sai had taken a big decision probably the most difficult decision of her life. She will have to start every thing afresh. But before that she had to tell her Aaba about it. She decided to take leave and go back to India and discuss the same with her Aaba. Meanwhile she gathered all the related information.

Few months passed finally Sai got two months leave. Virat too was going with her for two weeks. In those two weeks he too had to accomplish two important task.  First telling his parents about Sai.

Sai's Aaba knew about them since the very first day. Sai never forced him to do so but once she asked him about it and when he denied there was a kind of disappointment in her eyes. It's already been 5 months.

After reaching home. He decided to tell his Aai first. He somehow gathered enough guts to initiate the risky conversation. After giving a lot of thought he came up with best possible way to do it.

He thought  of asking how they met and decided to get married to each other,

"Aai, tell me one thing. How did you meet Baba? How did you decide that you will marry him" He tried to add as much innocence as he can

Mothers are way more intelligent than we children think, They very well know what is going on in their oversmart children's minds. She had probably sensed what his extra loaded innocent tone meant.

Still, she narrated her story, and the moment she completed, his mother asked, "So how did yours started?"

He wondered if he should go and hide in the toilet but before that his brain screamed, ‘Come on! Open your mouth, you idiot’

And, fortunately, gathering all his shyness and courage, He narrated his story. He then showed her picture to her. He was expecting a lot of ifs and buts from her, nothing of that sort happened. In fact Samrat had asked me more questions to them!

His mother was happy because, finally, her son was thinking about marriage. His father too was happy after an hour. He was happy as they didn't have to search for suitable girls for him . He was relieved, though he tried to sound quite diplomatic. He asked couple of questions to him which he answered with confidence.

He felt lighter and happy finally he was able to share it with his parents.

Though his father said "Before taking any decision we want to meet the girl first, but it’s good that you are seriously thinking about your marriage"

"No problem Baba. I understand"  He  said.

He happily ran to balcony to share his biggest achievement to Sai and what did he get in response? A kiss on phone. But the hopelessly romantic Majnu Chavan was on cloud nine just by that.

Now comes the second difficult task visiting Sai's hometown.

A day later he left early morning for Gadchiroli. He took a deep breath and got down from his car and looked at the marble name plate beside the gate with Kamal Joshi and Dr. Sai Joshi beautifully carved on it.

Then he opened the black gate and walked in. There were many
plants, with flowers blossoming in them. An open veranda, with small garden on the side. He knocked on the door in front of him.

Somebody opened the door and he was excited to see who it was going to be. Her Maushi, quickly recognised him as she has already shown pictures to her. In a very simple and decent saree.

She smiled when she opened the door to welcome him in.
"Namaste" He folded his hands and bent down to touch her feet

"Khush raho"  she said patting his head.

SaiRat- Bound with Love (Office Romance)Where stories live. Discover now